Different Doctor for future pregnancy?


mom of 2
Jun 1, 2011
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Hello ladies,

I lost my twins at 22 weeks. The pregnancy had no complications at all, other than 1 twin 1 week behind but was growing steadily despite that and my tummy was very big for 22 weeks but I was carry twins so normal I guess??. I saw my Dr. lets say the Thursday and by the Saturday I went into premature labour and one twin came out in the toilet at home.:cry: and then I delivered the other twin at the hospital. The thing is when I went to my appt. on thursday I complained about how I was feeling uneasy and slight off and on cramping in my back but she thought nothing of it. I will not blame her for what happen to me at all but I have to wonder if more precautions were taken if the outcome would be different? I know that there is medication to hold off premature labour as it is so common with twins.

Anyhow my question is for any of you ladies that have experienced the loss of baby would you use the same DR. for future pregnancies? I know for me it boils down to what I want but I would like to know what you ladies think?
I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:

I guess most of us will always have 'what if's' that we live with forever. Have you spoken to your doctor about your concerns?

My story is different and my doctors were wonderful and I would trust them 100% in future pregnancies. They were kind, caring and compassionate they looked after us all so well so I would have no question of using them again but I can understand why you would be so hesitant. I guess you are right, only you will know if you can trust that doctor again :hugs:

Take care of yourself.
I have already said that I will not be letting certain members of the medical team anywhere near me or my baby in a future pregnancy, in fact, we're currently in the middle of having an independant review done on my entire antenatal care with a view to taking legal action for medical negligence. I think it depends on your personal feelings. I don't blame the midwife or doctors for the loss of my son, it *probably* would have happened anyway, but I sure do blame them for the way it happened.
I can't blame anyone involved in my care. I had so much going on it's not suprising that certain signs were missed. I fully intend to go back to the same care providers (the midwives) when getting pregnant again. As I said, it wasn't their fault and there was nothing they could do anyways. I was diagnosed with a bladder infection a few days before the miscarriage and so everyone, including myself, thought that was the reason for my contractions. So no, I have no plans to change doctor (or midwife in my case) for a future pregnancy.
I don't blame anyone involved in my care either and they were supposed to be the top doctors in New York, BUT the thing for me is there was NO compassion :cry::cry::cry: they see it every day it is like normal for them and that hurt me, they did say they were sorry, but after being a patient for 5 years not even a phone call after or anything, that hurt me. I did not go back and not one person called me to ask why I was not coming in for a follow up appointment. I just thought the lack of compassion which was a big part of me choosing them in the first place as my doctors somehow went out the window, so NO I will not be going back to my previous doctors. I will find another doctor which will have to be a high risk one since I will be 41 when I conceive hopefully :thumbup: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
This is a tough question. I would definitely not go back to the doctor that I was assigned to. Was it his fault? No. It probably wouldn't have changed the outcome. But the lack of empathy shown when concerns began arising was frustrating. Other doctors that I had at the same clinic when everything went really wrong were better.

So, I would consider going back to the same OB clinic (esp. as they know all my history) but I would never consider going back to the same doctor there. Ever.

Good luck making your decision:)
Yes - I had to change consultants with my Rainbow baby as my original consultant had retired. I thought my original consultant was fab (he was the then top man) I too can't fault my care with my PPROM pregnancy - the pprom came out the blue with no warning. I asked for my new consultant - he did my ovarian cyst removal 6 months after I lost my son (and a full hysterectomy was on the cards, I feel its only due to his skill that I was able to avoid that and therefore have my rainbow baby).

My new consultant had obviously read my notes very well, we talked about things at my first appointment, it was actually good because I asked him based on my notes did he think I could have avoided pprom or could it be prevented this time? He could answer honestly as he was able as he was not involved in my care, there was no personal pride there. It did help that the new consultant is a doctor I had amazing faith in - alot of my care in my rainbow pregnancy was based on a 'wait and see' basis but i trusted him enough to go with it. I was very lucky as I did have my rainbow baby in february.

I think it did help me separate the pregnancies and it didn't feel like history repeating itself BUT i do feel in some cases it may be advantageousto have the same consultant/doc who knows your medical history inside out. I think in your heart you will know what is the best thing for you x
I was under midwife care, with a midwife I chose myself and really liked. She was amazing throughout the PPROM episode and really compassionate, she came to see me yesterday and said that she would be there for me anytime I need to talk. Unfortunately the OB's here are a team at the University hospital and you just get who you get. My MW has told me that if we get the follow up- appt. up here instead of down there (the main hospital is 4 Hrs away) we will get a certain doctor, and it's the only one who provided me with evidence that they were basing their care on, in the form of a big peer review of reasearch, and the only one who seemed to have any compassion at all, so that's good.

I don't know what would happen in any future pregnancies though (if we ever go down that road), as my midwife is mainly experienced in natural birth, with homebirth being her specialty, and obviously that's out the window from here on in for me.

The other team of midwives here are much more medically based, which is why I left them and swapped to my current MW, as they were treating me as high risk due to previous CS - oops! I didn't know I was carrying twins either and would not have attempted a home VBAC with twins 4 hrs from hospital, my faith was not THAT strong, now I have no faith left in my body at all.

My problem is due to my rurality (not sure that's even a word?) I don't have too many choices available, I would stick to my MW if she could do much more frequent visits for me and arrange a lot more testing, but I'd feel bad doing that as she lives an hour away and specialises in the natural stuff, IYKWIM?

Anyway, that turned into a bit of a ramble, sorry - in short, I hated most of the OB's I dealt with and would be happy to never see them again, many of the registrars need a boot up the backside for the way I was treated and I never want to see that hospital again, BUT if we choose to try again, I'm going to have no choice but to deal with them. I'm especially loathe to use them again as they were the ones who gave me an unneccasary C/Section in the first place, and there is a chance that the damage they did to my cervix at that time may have been the cause of this terrible loss, but I doubt I could ever get them to admit to that, they will be too afraid of us sueing, so instead they will probably tell me I can't have IC and just let me go ahead and risk losing another one, at which point they'd then investigate it. I'm not bitter, eh?

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