Hi, I have just found out my (much younger) sister-in-law is pregnant. I feel sad and ashamed at myself for not being happy and being distant and cold with my DH as a result. When it is obvioulsy an exciting time for his family.
We have been ttc for 18 months and I am aware this isn't as long as many people and that feeling like this is quite common.
I am 40 and so far have had a normal scan showing about 16 antral follicles and an OK ovarian reserve test (AMH test of 14.7). I am also ovulating. DH has sperm antibodies although the FS said it probably wasn't significant.
Our FS, who is great, now wants to do a laparoscopy, so I'm waiting for a date. Then we go for IVF, if we are considered suited. I guess it's just going to be hard at Christmas when I so much wish it was us. My DH has been lovely and said it is hard for him too and we need to just feel positive and find a way of coping. It is just a bit of a shock. Thanks for listening. Greta. xx
We have been ttc for 18 months and I am aware this isn't as long as many people and that feeling like this is quite common.
I am 40 and so far have had a normal scan showing about 16 antral follicles and an OK ovarian reserve test (AMH test of 14.7). I am also ovulating. DH has sperm antibodies although the FS said it probably wasn't significant.
Our FS, who is great, now wants to do a laparoscopy, so I'm waiting for a date. Then we go for IVF, if we are considered suited. I guess it's just going to be hard at Christmas when I so much wish it was us. My DH has been lovely and said it is hard for him too and we need to just feel positive and find a way of coping. It is just a bit of a shock. Thanks for listening. Greta. xx