Hi everyone! Quick back story: My husband and I finally received a positive hpt after ttc for 3 years! Had an ultrasound at my 15wk appt, everything looked great. 6 days before our gender ultrasound at 20 wks, I started spotting. My husband rushed me to ER. After they tried several different heartbeat monitors, a couple different ultrasound machines, they finally found a ultrasound machine that they could see clearly with. No movement, no heartbeat. After doing a measurement, we had found out I had actually lost my baby 4 weeks before, right after my last appt. I had a d&c everything went smoothly. I was actually very surprised how little amount of blood there was. Almost exactly four weeks after, I had my first period, very very bad. Luckily it only lasted four days. It ended exactly one week ago. Today I started having large amounts of bloody discharge. Before d&c I always knew when I was ovulating bc of the clear discharge. I don't know if I am just ovulating and still not cleaned out??? Just wondering if anyone else had experienced this?