Doctors wont help :(


Mummy of 2
Mar 13, 2009
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I am 19 yrs old.
165cm tall
and 14.5stone

I am classed as obese. I am now a size 16.

I want to seriously loose weight but ive tried dieting and i cant do it without making myself seriously ill. I never feel full so eat all the time. I eat when im hungry, i eat when im not, i eat when i stressed, i eat when im sad, i eat when im happy.

I am getting myself a gym pass but i know i need to maintain a healthy diet for the gym to have any affect.

doctor wont help. just says go on a diet. My last doctor said the same.
I should be 9stone for my height.

I need to loose weight to TTC and personal appearance.
Anyone know what i should do?

It can be really hard trying to loose weight, im the same i eat all the time i hate feeling hungry!

I think when i get into the right frame of mind its just a matter of eating lots of the right kind of foods which is for me easyer said then done! iv always be a believer in not being to strict with it and just be a bit better the next day! also i think the first 2 weeks are the hardest!

You could always join a group so you dont feel alone! xx
Thing is im a fussy eater and not like anything healthy lol.
I guess ill just have to make my portions smaller. Ill have to do some groups at the gym for the extra work out.
Hi, my names louise and i'm 21 . my weight rocketed when i had my son and the doctor also wasnt much help other than exercise more , i alread:blush:16 i've dropped a fair bit of weight so far and its coming off slowly but staying off and i do feel more confident what i found that seemed to help was cutting out on things like dairy and bread ! instead of having two sandwiches just have one, if you eat lots of crisps just have one bag a day or non at all! Dont just read calorie intake look at the Fat content. You probably will be hungry for the first few days but thats bound to happen as your over eating atm trust me you will start to fill up easier, No more chips/pizza/desserts during the week and just have once on weekend as treat. Oooo another thing that has helped is not picking at my sons food :blush: sorry for long post lol hope i helped a little . xx good luck
I was obese too and i'm 19, I weighed almost 13 stone at 5"1 so I know how you feel. I also used to comfort eat and i've had eating issues in the past. I know its hard but once you get started it gets easier, especially when you see the pounds coming off. And I promise you, they WILL come off.

Use the idea of getting healthy to conceive as a motivator, not to mention being able to go clothes shopping and pick up a smaller size.

Write down a list of all the foods you could enjoy if you were healthy eating and make a point of picking up only healthy foods at Asda. You don't even have to cut out the snacks all together. Have a yogurt or weight watchers biscuits instead of a regular biscuit. Have quavers instead of normal crisps, its all about changing for healthier options, you don't have to cut things out completely or be totally strict. I still have the odd take away and meal out.

Keep a diary or an online journal and get into the habit of documenting your progress.

When I first started my journey, I honestly thought I would quit within a week or two and then I thought "you know what, if all these girls can do it then so can I, the only thing stopping me is me" and with that became determination and belief that I could do.

You can do this, sod the doctors help, you can do it on your own. I hope you find the strength to do this and good luck with your journey. If you have or questions or anything feel free to pm me :)

I just seen your post and saw that you said you don't like healthy food.........

Do you like lettuce or anything? Salad stuff? Maybe with some grilled chicken or tuna? (speaking of grilled, buy yourself a grill, this is one of the things that changed my life, I cook so much in the grill now, gets rid of the fat, I can even have bacon these days!)

How about scrambled eggs with baked beans?

Or baked potato with baked beans?

Do you like chicken and potatoes? Weight watchers chicken casserole?

These are just a few ideas, sorry I kind of got carried away :blush:
Hi love, a few things which can help aid weight loss i found were:

Drinking water, lots of it (if you don't like plain water you can buy flavoured water, its low calorie.
Completely cut out fizzy drinks, even diet ones if possible.
Walk absolutley everywhere (ok not absolutley but short distances, if you would usually drive/bus/taxi etc try and walk)
Stick to wholegrain pasta/bread etc, although the calorie/fat difference isn't usually much, wholegrain helps keep you fuller for longer, also its better for your blood sugar levels, as it avoids the big energy crash after..

I lost 20lbs doing slimming world x
I love it because like you I eat even when I'm not hungry & with this you can eat as much as you like & still lose weight x
I'm only 5ft1 & after having my son my weight went up to 11st which is big for my height, the lowest I should be weight wise is 7st 7lbs :shock: I will never be that weight but my aim is 9st as thats what I've always been x
Ive just come back from holiday & put 6lbs on so got to lose that again now & think slimming world will be the way x
I really hope you find something that works for you x
If your trying to concieve use that as a goal! seriously its all in the mind and will power! You know what you have to do so just do it. Hard as that sounds and i'm sure its not easy. I think if you have something great to work towards that great motivation!
What was it you were hoping your Doctor would do? There isnt much they can do for you apart from what was said Im afraid - diet and exercise. As you are TTCing prescribing Orlistat wouldnt be indicated. The only other thing is gastric band and your BMI isnt high enough to qualify for that. Your eating habits indicate you may have an emotional dependance on food, I say this because I recognise it from my own previous eating habits which were very hard to break. 'healthy' food can be very delicious if you learn how to cook it properly and that is where slimming clubs are very helpful indeed.

Its hard, I know. I too have battled with my weight my entire life and have tried numerous things...some healthy some not so healthy. Slimming clubs are a great help for weight loss and exercise will help you tone up and also help keep you positive with all the endorphins. Also it will really help with your TTCing. I got my BFP after losing 3 stones. Good luck :flower:
I was obese too and i'm 19, I weighed almost 13 stone at 5"1 so I know how you feel. I also used to comfort eat and i've had eating issues in the past. I know its hard but once you get started it gets easier, especially when you see the pounds coming off. And I promise you, they WILL come off.

Use the idea of getting healthy to conceive as a motivator, not to mention being able to go clothes shopping and pick up a smaller size.

Write down a list of all the foods you could enjoy if you were healthy eating and make a point of picking up only healthy foods at Asda. You don't even have to cut out the snacks all together. Have a yogurt or weight watchers biscuits instead of a regular biscuit. Have quavers instead of normal crisps, its all about changing for healthier options, you don't have to cut things out completely or be totally strict. I still have the odd take away and meal out.

Keep a diary or an online journal and get into the habit of documenting your progress.

When I first started my journey, I honestly thought I would quit within a week or two and then I thought "you know what, if all these girls can do it then so can I, the only thing stopping me is me" and with that became determination and belief that I could do.

You can do this, sod the doctors help, you can do it on your own. I hope you find the strength to do this and good luck with your journey. If you have or questions or anything feel free to pm me :)

I just seen your post and saw that you said you don't like healthy food.........

Do you like lettuce or anything? Salad stuff? Maybe with some grilled chicken or tuna? (speaking of grilled, buy yourself a grill, this is one of the things that changed my life, I cook so much in the grill now, gets rid of the fat, I can even have bacon these days!)

How about scrambled eggs with baked beans?

Or baked potato with baked beans?

Do you like chicken and potatoes? Weight watchers chicken casserole?

These are just a few ideas, sorry I kind of got carried away :blush:

I eat lettuce but nothing with it :/ and i only like it covered in salt :blush:
I eat chicken but i hate fish
I love scrambled egg but i wouldnt have it with bake beans and i also cover it in salt..
What am i on about i cover everything in salt.

I also dont eat casserole :/

I eat:
Chips, new potatoes, jacket potatoes(rarely nt big fan), wedges, pasta, rice
curry(tikka and korma), pizza, garlic bread, choco shreddies, bread(but im cutting this out my diet), bacon, sausages, chicken of all sorts but not on bone, roast lamb, burgers, cheese, bake beans and spagetti.

There are a few other things but meal wise im fussy about what foods can go with what.

I dont like pies, gravy, sauces other then ketchup, i only like lettuce, carrots and greenbeans, and fruit wise, apples, tinned peaches, orange. Thats it :/


This is going to be so hard :/
Hi love, a few things which can help aid weight loss i found were:

Drinking water, lots of it (if you don't like plain water you can buy flavoured water, its low calorie.
Completely cut out fizzy drinks, even diet ones if possible.
Walk absolutley everywhere (ok not absolutley but short distances, if you would usually drive/bus/taxi etc try and walk)
Stick to wholegrain pasta/bread etc, although the calorie/fat difference isn't usually much, wholegrain helps keep you fuller for longer, also its better for your blood sugar levels, as it avoids the big energy crash after..


I dont like wholegrain pasta, but we did have brown bread but im now cutting bread out of my diet. I dont drink fizzy drinks often. I drink alot of milk and orange squash.
I cant stand water as it makes me more thirsty, and flavoured water makes me sick :/ but im sure suger free orange squash should be fine right? x
I was obese too and i'm 19, I weighed almost 13 stone at 5"1 so I know how you feel. I also used to comfort eat and i've had eating issues in the past. I know its hard but once you get started it gets easier, especially when you see the pounds coming off. And I promise you, they WILL come off.

Use the idea of getting healthy to conceive as a motivator, not to mention being able to go clothes shopping and pick up a smaller size.

Write down a list of all the foods you could enjoy if you were healthy eating and make a point of picking up only healthy foods at Asda. You don't even have to cut out the snacks all together. Have a yogurt or weight watchers biscuits instead of a regular biscuit. Have quavers instead of normal crisps, its all about changing for healthier options, you don't have to cut things out completely or be totally strict. I still have the odd take away and meal out.

Keep a diary or an online journal and get into the habit of documenting your progress.

When I first started my journey, I honestly thought I would quit within a week or two and then I thought "you know what, if all these girls can do it then so can I, the only thing stopping me is me" and with that became determination and belief that I could do.

You can do this, sod the doctors help, you can do it on your own. I hope you find the strength to do this and good luck with your journey. If you have or questions or anything feel free to pm me :)

I just seen your post and saw that you said you don't like healthy food.........

Do you like lettuce or anything? Salad stuff? Maybe with some grilled chicken or tuna? (speaking of grilled, buy yourself a grill, this is one of the things that changed my life, I cook so much in the grill now, gets rid of the fat, I can even have bacon these days!)

How about scrambled eggs with baked beans?

Or baked potato with baked beans?

Do you like chicken and potatoes? Weight watchers chicken casserole?

These are just a few ideas, sorry I kind of got carried away :blush:

I eat lettuce but nothing with it :/ and i only like it covered in salt :blush:
I eat chicken but i hate fish
I love scrambled egg but i wouldnt have it with bake beans and i also cover it in salt..
What am i on about i cover everything in salt.

I also dont eat casserole :/

I eat:
Chips, new potatoes, jacket potatoes(rarely nt big fan), wedges, pasta, rice
curry(tikka and korma), pizza, garlic bread, choco shreddies, bread(but im cutting this out my diet), bacon, sausages, chicken of all sorts but not on bone, roast lamb, burgers, cheese, bake beans and spagetti.

There are a few other things but meal wise im fussy about what foods can go with what.

I dont like pies, gravy, sauces other then ketchup, i only like lettuce, carrots and greenbeans, and fruit wise, apples, tinned peaches, orange. Thats it :/


This is going to be so hard :/

I used to cover everything in salt too but I stopped. Now I don't even consider putting salt on after i've cooked, its just habit not to.

You say you like chicken and lettuce? Well could you not have some grilled chicken with lettuce but skip the salt? (I used to only eat lettuce with salt and now I don't at all)

Also bacon, you can still eat your bacon but grill it so it gets the fat out. You can even slip some bread in now and then for a bacon sandwich.

Could you not swap pizza for treat food? I know how hard this is, I used to eat it 2-3 times a week, now its about twice a month, its hard but so worth it in the end.

You say you don't eat casserole? But you mention that you enjoy potatoes and chicken - well thats what casserole is :) (with gravy)

Its all about making healthier choices and after you've got a plan in place, you can branch out a bit more.
What I've found in my weight loss attempts is to try to keep track of total calories. I try to plan my day's food in advance so that I can stay on target. (I typically try to work out my week in advance before going shopping on the weekend so I have everything on hand). I allow myself a few extras, and don't beat myself up about going over once in a while. I totally agree about the drink water thing. I stay on target much better the days I drink a lot of water. Also, I do better when I factor in a couple of indulgences a day, such as a can of Coke and a candy bar or something like that. Also, for me, eating smaller portions of food throughout the day instead of large meals seems to really help. That way I get the snacking taken care of, but I'm maintaining my overall calorie intake. It is hard, though. I have 8 pounds to lose from this baby, and then another 25 that I was trying to lose before I got pregnant with #2, so I feel your pain. Good luck!

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