Does anyone else have a traditional dinner on boxing day?

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Mar 17, 2008
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whats yours ours is cold meat and chips (must be fried lol) salad and pickles!

i know its nothing much but it HAS to be done lol
We normally haft leftovers from xmas day, combined into a big buffet style dinner
We normally have leftovers too, although often on Boxing day my parents will invite over family friends, and then they normally cook a side of beef.
We normally haft leftovers from xmas day, combined into a big buffet style dinner

oo yummy i love buffets would have to have sausage rolls and porkpie on there too

(i'm not preg at the min) but can you eat porkpie when pregnant i assume the meat is cooked but not sure what that jelly stuff is allowed?

(the people ut of the UK are probably thinking porkpie? wtf :rofl:)
We go to my parents over xmas, where we have the the huge xmas roast, then on boxing day we have a homemade beef pie with all the trimmings too!

(I tend to need maternity clothes at xmas even when I'm not pregnant :rofl:)
(the people ut of the UK are probably thinking porkpie? wtf :rofl:)

Yup!! :rofl:

We usually do left overs aswell... plus some christmas baking.

lol its from (i think) the north of the UK, its a snack pork meat in a pastry case with gelatine inbetween the meat and the pastry. sounds disgusting but is the one thing which gets my mouth watering and far to unhealthy! lol
me and my mum and dad usually have turkey sandwiches lol

the boys have whatever they like :D
Boxing day to me is all about left overs and snacks :rofl: Best bit about x-mas is picking at all the yummy food :) XxX
Leftover turkey pickles and crusty bread !! Mmmmmmm

I enjoy it more than xmas dinner !!
Buffet style left overs and various meats and salards etc. Yummy
i always have cold meat and mash with pickles and gherkins! i dont know which i prefer, the xmas dinner or the boxing day dinner lol
Where has this pickle and gherkins theme come from?? I've never heard of that before!!
Where has this pickle and gherkins theme come from?? I've never heard of that before!!

i duno, my parents have ALWAYS done it, pickled onions, gherkins, piccalily, yummmmm lol goes well wth the cold meat and mash!
We have cold meat, chips and salad too.. yum!! Every year, without fail.
And then we have beef and turkey sandwiches for the next week :rofl:
No dinners here. We have cold turkey sandwiches. :)
We have the whole xmas dinner again, nothing different from the day before:happydance: except instead of trifle & cream for dessert we have either pavlova/ cream or apple pie & icecream & cream:happydance: then turkey sandwiches in the evening:cloud9:
Turkey salad and chips here!! And its all about turkey sandwiches!!!!
my parents always make turkey curry with homemade chips! *drools*
We do exactly the same as xmas day food wise
Fry up in the am
full xmas dinner about 5pm

and the same again on new year but with gammon and beef not turkey
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