Does anyone have a Mothercare Trenton travel system?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
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I've got one of these free from Freecycle (probably a few years old) but there are no instructions with it. I can see that the car seat fits in snugly facing to the rear without being attached to the to buggy, but can it actually BE attached to the buggy, or does it just slot in?

Many thanks

Some times under the cover part of the push chair seat there is a couple of clips that pop out that the car seat slots on to, but not 100% if your exact model has these, just an idea :)
Hey I got one of these from Gumtree, again no instructions but I believe the car seat bit can only slot in to where you were explaining. Sorry that's not very helpful.. can you ask mothercare for some instructions ?

You can download the manual for it here.

It takes a while to load though
Its supposed to clip onto the tray and it also has a strap on each side that will attach it to the pram.
Yes I have one and there are 2 tags on the sides that pull out and slip into the carrier and it should click when slotted onto the buggy base :D
Yes I have one and there are 2 tags on the sides that pull out and slip into the carrier and it should click when slotted onto the buggy base :D

How have you found it to use?? I've read so many conflicting reviews on it but OH loved it so we got it lol
Hi not exactly the same question. But i have the trenton pram with the moses basket insert i got it second hand off facebook marketplace. However it never came with the car seat. Does anyone know the model number make of the carseat on its own, i would like to purchase a carseat that can be used with the pram safely. Thank you.

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