Does anyone have a nice mother in law?


Mummy to Travis
Oct 28, 2008
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Well, seeing as it was mothers day the other day, i thought id ask this random question! Ive seen loads of threads about evil mother in laws- and my god do some of them sound evil!!! But does anyone have a nice mother in law?

My mother in law is great at the moment- but i hear that these sort of relationships change when a baby arrives!? I was talkin to my mum the other day about babies and the little tips, tricks and opinions she has on how to do things- n i was so surprised by how much of it i agreed with! I think i actually will really appreciate her advice when the time comes for it (i turned out ok, so she must have done sumthin right!). However, my MIL has very different ideas on how to raise children- i think she's too soft, over protective n paranoid. E.g. She told her daughter off the other day for goin to put the bin out n leavin the girls inside on their own (she's a single mum- how else is the bin going to get emptied?? lol). I dont wanna imagine what she's gonna say when i tell her im not going to breast feed!! My mum didnt breast feed, n thats just one of the things that we both strongly agree about.

Hmmm this has turned into another MIL complaint post!! :rofl: I guess my point is, that i love her to pieces at the moment- she is lovely and kind etc etc, i couldnt ask for a better mother in law! n i just hope the relationship doesnt change too drastically once me n hubby have kids!
she can b ok! shes hurt me a few times in the past, like cummin in 2 my house and moving a stuff around drives me crazy!!!! and she says stuff about my weight (in a mad way am size 12) i fink shes size 20 sumfink so i dont no y she says it! she makes me feel like am not gud enuff 4 her son, shes soo mean 2 him 2 callin him stupid and sayin hes thick and a horrible person i dont c it i fink hes great hes younger brother is blue eyed boy tho! !!
she sumtimes tells me how much she didnt like me wen my oh started cin me! am like y???? y tell me that!!
shes very heavy headed!! and its her way or no way!! am soo scared shes gonna take over wen i have a baby but me and my oh have 2 b strong!!!
but they have done alot 4 us in the past and spose thats cuts out sum of the bad stuff!

my mums great shes my bestfriends and a mum shes there wen i need advise and a cuddle
(bit of a rant) :blush:well...
the MIL (to-be) threw a ultra violet pole light at me when i was with child :baby:at 12 weeks gestation! :hissy:
she has slit her wrists and written in her own blood on our bedroom door... "this is all your fault" (aimed at richard) :hissy:
she has backstabbed and moaned and even screamed in the middle of the street... (aimed at me on the night he proposed) "YOU B*TCH, HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY SON AWAY FROM MEEEE":hissy::cry:
imagine how horrible this made me feel?:cry: so much so that i ended it with richard and then we got back together 12 hours later and moved out together (wasn't pregnant at this stage):cry:
she has the excuse of having Agoraphobia :rofl:which is a condition where the sufferer becomes anxious in environments that are unfamiliar or where he or she perceives that they have little control. Triggers for this anxiety may include crowds, wide open spaces, or traveling (even short distances). This anxiety is often compounded by a fear of social embarrassment, as the agoraphobic fears the onset of a panic attack and appearing distraught in public.:rofl: yeah right i am the queen mother then!!!:rofl:
i find this unbelievable as i have never seen her even looking a tad worried in public, her doctor perscribes her vallum which makes her feel better but she takes too much because she is addicted to the stuff and then runs out by the end of the month and turns into the devils spawn.:dohh:
i cannot take TJ round her house because of her 60-80 A DAY smoking habit! and her out of control mutt!
she still smokes even though she has angina and a heart condition!!!:hissy:
as for my mother...
she has only recently told me she loves me and that she is proud of me! both these women are mental and don't deserve to be grandparents to our gorgeous girl.
let alone parents themselves.:hugs:
hope you guys have better parents and MIL's x x x x x
I have a wonderful mum-in-law, i couldn't wish for anyone better! It i had to ever choose another mum she would be who'd i'd pick! We go shopping together, the hairdressers every 6 weeks etc.. I have a great relationship with my mum also and we are like best friends. My mum and mum-in-law get on really well to.
I don't think that it's because she's a good mum-in-law but more i am a wonderful daughter-in-law!! Ha ha nothing like blowing your own trumpet!!!!!
My MIL was a wonderful person, she has been passed for 6 yrs now but I loved her to pieces. We hit it off right at the start, she treated me better then my own Mom has. I miss her terribly!
If this says anything about the type of woman she was:
When they read her will she had asked that I be listed as her daughter not DIL and that still makes me feel so loved and special. I was blessed some are not so lucky.
I think i am really lucky to have a wonderful MIL (to be)
I still would like to get to know her better as ithink because she doesnt have a daughter she takes her mum shopping alot and that, and i would like to be more involved and that.
I did worry at a point about her being protective over her son but she knows we love each other so much and are moving in together. Shes already bought us things!
Shes very kind and am really lucky we will be living right around the corner from her! i have already imagined me walking round to hers with my LO in buggy! hehe
My MIL is lovely :happydance: I'm so lucky
my ex mil is a lovely woman and my daughter adores her i'd trust her with my life i really really miss her:cry: i still go round for a cuppa when i drop my daughter off every couple of months and when i drove up to my mums to drop rosie off she bought Rhys a gift when he were a week old.

my mil now is absolutely horrid she has a vicous tongue and goes out of her way to patronise me, she picks rhys up without asking saying he wants his nanny not his mummy, she told me not to bf said its gross the thought of it made her feel sick. and the straw that broke the camels back in the first place was rhys was tongue tied at birth and couldnt feed properly and have the piece of skin under it snipped, it was dead quick and he hardly noticed, she marched in my room asked what kind of a peron would do that to her defenceless grandson, i was mortified and when everyone left visiting hours i sobbed uncontrollably for an hour telling rhys how sorry i was for letting them do it. although i know it was the best thing he wont lisp and instantly fed better. i literally hate her for tinting my 1st hours with my boy.

its the luck of the draw what you get lol
My mil is a nasty, selfish excuse for a mother and i wouldent care if i never spoke to her again. Every thing is every ones fault but hers. We had a great relationship untill the day i moved in with OH and then all of a sudden im the devil incarnate, im not good enough for him and i have stolen him. Im stuborn,manilpalitive(sp?), controling, everything has to be my way, im bitchy and OH knew all of this before he decided to move in with me :rofl: I cant wait to have children but am dredding actualy having a tie to her
having maddi never changed my relationship with my mil, we just don't 'click', to put it politely, i find her cold, and very selfish. sometimes i wonder how my lovely sweet james was ever produced by this women! she's horrid to him :hissy:
My MIL is lovely. She's a good mum to my husband but never interfers. She can't wait to be a Grandma. She lives just round the corner which will be great for free babysitting. :D
My MIL is awesome, I really couldn't ask for any more. We have a fantastic relationship and I can see no reason why that will change when we have a baby - the way I see it is her and my Mum have both done it before, I haven't, I will ask for their advice and opinions and then I will decide what I want to do with that information. Luckily for me neither of them are the pushy sort when it comes to things like that (MIL is already a nan so I know what she is like)

I love my MIL and FIL. I even call them Mom and Dad (no in law) and I'm their daughter. Sometimes, I think I get along better with new Mom and Dad better than I do with my original set.
My mother-in-law is lovely too :) after 7 years with my OH we are all just one big family. It's the constant nagging from both sets of parents for grand children that annoys us lol wish i could just say "ok ok we're working on it" but we want it to be a real big surprise :)

We were at a family meal couple weeks back when my mum started telling me about how the baby car seats were on offer in Halfords, hinting lol and MIL hints that she would always be available to baby sit and how nice it would be if we were to announce a pregnancy at her birthday party.
My MIL is great. She's kind and non-judgmental and never interferes. She had 5 sons and no daughters which is maybe why she's not very girly, if you know what I mean. She's not into hair or make-up or clothes or anything like that, but she doesn't seem to mind that I am. I hope she doesn't change when we have a baby.
I'm very fond of mine, although she has her moments hehe.
I like my MIL - I wish we lived quite a bit closer so that they could see their grandchild more. Unfortunately, it would put us closer to my mother - she's the problem IL.
My MIL-to be is awesome. She's totally nice. OH's whole family is amazing. They always invite me over for dinner and always invite me to family things like birthday, christmas, any celebration really. She even told OH she could have the engagement ring his dad gave her (their divorced now) and that when he's ready to get married he can give it to the girl if he'd like to. AWE!
Mother's Day here is in May.

My mother-in-law to be is absolutely wonderful! I really can't say enough good things about her. She's so sweet and kind and loving. I couldn't ask for better.

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