Does bf ever become completely pain free?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Just curious really. DS2 is breast feeding really well which is a huge relief and I'm so happy about after the disappointment of not being successful with DS1.

He is only 6 days old and my initial latch was no good so I got pretty sore. Latch and position is sorted now since seeing Starr Buddies and the pain has reduced but it does still hurt enough to make me wince for a minute when he gets going. My nipples aren't completely healed yet so that could be why.

Today they hurting more again but he looks to be latched properly. Can I expect it to become pain free or will that initial couple of minutes always be the same? Once he gets going I'm aware of a slight niggly pain but mainly a pulling sensation which is fine and I'm easily distracted from it. My main worry is breast feeding in public if it remains the minute I'm not really going any where far as I'm still getting used to feeding and end up doing alot of wincing and ouching lol.
It doesn't hurt at all for me. I have had a clogged milk duct twice and that resulted in a sore nipple during feeding both times. Once it resolved and the clogged duct healed at the nipple (there was a break in the skin to clear the duct opening) feeding has been pain free again. I'm sure once your nipples heal it will be pain free if the latch is good. To heal mine I would express breast milk onto it and let it air dry. I would do this about three times after a feeding. Then I would apply a prescription nipple cream I got from my doctor. It was completely healed after 3-4 days. Feeding was also a big production initially having to have the right pillow, right chair, using two hands to hold everything in place. Now it is much easier and is basically hands free if I'm reclined. Lo self latches now, where at first latching was a huge production. It took me a few weeks to feel comfortable nursing in public. Now it's no problem.
I'd say it's been pain-free from 3 months on

Not saying that the whole first three months were painful, but after then all the different issues seemed to stop and it was a piece of cake!
It's completely pain free for me now too. My LO has a posterior tongue tie so it hurt for a while to begin with (like, maybe the first 8-9 weeks) but once his mouth grew a bit we were fine :)

I do still get a weird throbbing sensation in my nipple during let down, but it only lasts a few seconds and it's not exactly painful. In fact I quite like it because I know he's feeding and not just comfort sucking
Yes it should get pain free after the first few difficult weeks (which vary for each person) I haven't had pain since week two apart from one bout of mastitis.

I'm so happy that dd is bf as like you my first child couldn't do it.
Yep! We had tons of issues and I was in pain until about three months, but after that it was totally fine. I'd often forget that she was even feeding because it just didn't feel like anything.
Thanks all. It's reasurring to hear it gets less painful. I think there may still be some latching issues as on some occasions it's been really painful today but others I've only felt the pulling/dragging sensation. I just positioned lo slight lower and it hurt less.

For me it was only really painful in the first couple of weeks, and with the exception of the first few days that was only really for the first few seconds. For a while now it has been completely painless. Even if she latches wrong or pulls her head back with my nipple in her mouth (as she seems to like to do sometimes as she is very nosy!)
Oh gah it hurt so bad the first 3 weeks. I was surprised because I thought maybe the second time around it would be way less painful. I used a nipple shield with my first baby as she would not latch for anything. It didn't help with the pain though as she was a mini vacuum and sucked my skin out through the nipple shield holes which killed the skin. ouch and yuck! Yes it gets soo so much better.
I'd say it's been pain-free from 3 months on

Not saying that the whole first three months were painful, but after then all the different issues seemed to stop and it was a piece of cake!

I could have written this post myself! DD is 6 days old and I too had to see the star buddies due to sore Nipples but they said the latch is fine. Now my Nipples are healing but it's still slightly uncomfortable (it's like a tingling feeling) I was told there should be no pain at all so have been worried im doing something wrong xx
There's a slight improvement last night and today. Still makes me abit anxious when I know he's due a feed at the thought of it hurting but it's getting more bareable. It also hurts when he starts to comfort suck after a feed at night (feels like he's gumming my nipple) but he won't settle without it. Star buddy reccommended a dummy for after feeds when he needs to comfort suck but I think it might be too soon?
I have used a dummy occasionally but only when it's the middle of the night and I need to do a nappy change and don't want to wake dd1.
I have read some babies can take a dummy from newborn without any problems but it's upto you to do what you xx
Hardly any pain today and I've just managed to feed infront of some friends without them noticing 😊
Mine was only painful for the first couple of weeks. It's pain free now, but does get sore when he's wanting to feed constantly, which has only happened a couple of times since he was born.
My DD is 11 days old and it just became painful to feed st about the 5 day mark (about the time milk officially came in) but its only the first minute or so and gets better the longer she eats. I've noticed the more full my breasts are, the more pain I experience at first. I hope it goes away completely eventually but if not its tolerable.
Day 8 and it's certainly more manageable.

He's started to get really bad trapped wind and is fussing on the boob pulling off quite alot. He seemed to be in discomfort all night last night, wouldn't even settle in bed with me. Seems to have started when my milk came in. Anyone have an advice/tips please? Up until yesterday he only ever cried at nappy changes. Yesterday afternoon and last night he's was grunting, fidgeting and crying loads 😞 I haven't tried detinox or anything yet.

Ds1 still has a dairy intolerance and had silent reflux until 14 months old. He wouldn't breast feed so it was hell for the 1st year trying to get diagnosis and correct milk. That's one of the reasons I am determined to stick with breast feeding. But it does give me some paranoia about every little things ds2 does, id hate to go through all that again.
I normally feed for 10 minutes then take her off and sit her straight up so she burps then carry on feeding again xx
I normally feed for 10 minutes then take her off and sit her straight up so she burps then carry on feeding again xx

Thanks, I'll try that. He's been feeding for an hour. Usually 30 mins each side and I burp him after each boob. I'll increase burping to see it it helps.
I'm 4 weeks in and been pain free for at least a week now. The first few weeks were easier this time as I knew the pain wouldn't last forever! Hang in there! It does get a lot better!

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