Don't sit there waiting for him you need to be the one to call the shots here hun, If he says he is coming on 1 day then you need to say what time? & don't take " don't know " for an answer or he'll walk over you & do this quite a lot take it from someone who knows. If he can't specify a time or time between x & y then tell him its tough, Don't sit around waiting for him all day hun it'll annoy the tits off you & it means he's controlling you indirectly.
Also if like today he says he's coming & you dont hear anything i would just do your own thing, i wouldn't bother texting him or ringing as if he was really bothered he would of been in touch sooner making sure you would be in. I'm not being harsh just saying from experience hun .
My oldest is 4 & i split with his dad before i found out i was preg, it didnt work out during preg & when josh was born his " sperm donor " constantly made arrangements to visit him or pick him up, 98% of the arrangements were no shows or cancellations at last minute, he never wanted to be tied down to an arrangement in case something better came up, he'd never cancel ahead of time & i did the same at 1st , i would be ringing/texting to confirm arrangements or make sure hes coming or ask where the fuck he was ... most of the time he just ignored me or gave me a shit ass excuse... wasnt to bad when josh was a baby he didnt understand but i started to get fed up & stressed, i would make arrangements with him to visit , stay in all day & miss out on other things for him not to turn up. People eventually stopped inviting me out or to theirs, I stopped contact with people as they got fed up of me bailing on them due to his dad, I found i was the one pestering joshs dad to see him, when clearly he couldn't be arsed. I was stressed out all the time, & it was giving me migraiines.
When josh was over 2 he started asking for his dad more, & he fully understood when daddy was meant to be coming & then a no show he would cry for him at the window, ok part of it was my fault id have him ready to go , coat on & bags ready etc for me then to say " im sorry baby, daddies held up , or poorly " making excuses i felt guilty. I kept stopping contact only to give in again wks later & i was part of that problem, until feb 2009 & i finally said no more, id seen josh cry once to much & i stopped contact once & for all.
Now hun im not saying thats the way yours will go but just explaining what can happen & it does so very easily, its heartbreaking & does stress you out .
This time round with jax his dad hasn't even been in touch since i was 29wks preg & ive already told his mum if he dont wanna know fine but if he does he fucks up just once & he's blown it, im not going through it & watching another son hurt. As it is he dont wanna know at all.
Really hun , you tell him whats what, then you can sort your own plans & he fits in around you. If he's even 5 minutes late & hasnt been in touch id go out or pretend to be out, that way in future if he really is bothered he will do his utmost to get in touch in future & he'll know he cant walk over you.
I feel so strong about parents who mess about with their children coz ive seen it thats all xxxx