It has been 7 months since my unnecessary emcs, and it feels like it happened yesterday. Never has something affected me like this experience has. The mere mention of anything relating to pregnancy/birth repulses me and causes me great emotional distress. I am not ready to seek help as I struggle to talk without choking with tears. My DH is fed up with my constant lamenting and my mother just says that I should be lucky that I have a healthy thriving baby boy and more or less blames me for ending up in theatre. When, if at all do these feelings go away?
I have had 2 c-sections and am actually looking forward to my 3rd. Sadly, I can't say that I can relate to how you're feeling because I believe that when a woman conceives, carries and nourishes a growing baby for 9 months, REGARDLESS how the baby had to come out, she has given birth and fulfilled a purpose. I agree with all the others that believe that you should bask yourself in the joy of knowing that 1) you were able to produce and have a live birth child as there are so many women that are struggling or just simply can not do it and 2) that you have beautiful baby boy that is alive and well. How would you have felt if they didn't do the EMCS and then something happened to the baby or worse, the baby didn't make it? Could you even imagine a day without your baby boy? I'm sure you couldn't.
It angers that people have this perception that because you didn't give birth naturally, it makes you less of a woman. NOT AT ALL ! Birthing is defined as being: the emergence and separation of offspring from the body of the mother NOT when a woman pushes a baby out of her vagina.
I hope all works out well for you and eventually you can get past what it is that you're going thru,
Audrey !