Oh, hon. I could have written much of your post myself. After a prolonged, excruciating obstructed labour where I was out of my mind for a whole day, I had an emcs, and I just remember feeling devastated that I hadn't got the birh experience I'd wanted and that DD was so badly stuck she'd have never come out on her own and could have been seriously injured.
I remember them pulling her out and saying 'whoa, you've had a whopper!' and then someone swooped her past my field of vision but I don't remember seeing her face, just all her black hair. I remember lying there in a state of shock as they closed me up and DH told me we had a daughter. I remember 'holding' her all wrapped up on my chest for a bit but it wasn't the 'first cuddle' I'd imagined...all I felt was shock. I don't remember any of the details of her just-born face, of her tiny fingers, of her eyes, of any sounds she made.
I have no idea what happened after that. I know DH was sent to get changed, but I don't know where DD was at that point or when I was in recovery. I don't know if she was with me, or if DH was holding her, or if a midwife or doctor had her. It was the middle of the night, I still had pethidine in my system, and I'd gone from 9cm dilated and thinking I was going to push my baby out to having her surgically removed from me, within the space of an hour.
All that to say, I empathise with what you're feeling. My HV has told me to go to the doctor and has said if I don't have PND I'm not far off it. I feel a little better since having my birth afterthoughts appointment to go through my labour notes and try and piece it all together, but it doesn't stop me wishing things could have been different and more like I'd hoped they'd be.
I know you are a great mum, you are clearly besotted with Logan and he is doing so well. He's healthy and happy and you are doing a wonderful job of raising him. He is an absolute credit to you. I agree with what MindUtopia has said, though of course your PND will be amplifying what you're feeling. Is there anyone you can talk to about how you're feeling, whether professional or just a good friend/family member?