Lol feeble. We spend a fortune in Tesco so have got a ton of clubcard vouchers. Goldsmiths swap them at 3 times the value so have done that.....that's my birthday present sorted.
Not especially romantic but hey, we're too poor for 'special' too.
March Bean, what a lovely valentines day you have planned
basically with Liams wage, we get less for the three of us than me and the baby would get alone on the dole... Wonderful insititution the British benefits culture...
So living around 2k a year below the poverty line, with high gas and electricity charges due to being on a meter and it being the coldest month of the year... Equals NO money you know
We will make sure there is enough to eat for breakfast, lunch AND dinner on my birthday, not just for the baby but for all of us, which will be such a nice treat
thanks nicola, im looking forward to it I didnt know goldsmiths swapped clubcard vouchers, thats pretty good!!
feeble im sure you will enjoy your day anyway, sometimes the simplest things are the best and most special It is terrible how the benefits system works it really irks me too!!
March Bean - if you get clubcard vouchers you can swap them for some amazing things!! We had our summer holiday courtesy of Tesco last year!! Sometimes they do 4X the value! Tesco clubcard website tells you all the offers. Deffo worth shopping at Tesco if you can just for that!! We do spend a fortune in there with 4 growing, hungry children, a 6ft man and a pregnant woman!!
Feeble - we were in that kind of position when Elliot was born 4 years ago. It gets better. Nicks been promoted twice since then so doing good now, It is so unfair the government don't seem to want to help families actually trying to help themselves though! Those who want to sit on their buts taking all they can get is a different issue though...
Really frustrates me.
And also, meters are pants!! Don't know where the money goes!! Mine eats it.
Bubble bath and Food. mmmm. sounds lovely. 2 of my fave thngs at the moment.
So, who watched one born every minute and balled when the baby was stuck and blue??
Thanks Nicola x it's okay, it's just 6 more months until his wage goes up by quarter!
In three years time he will be on more money than we've ever had and that's only 20k! Pittance to some people but so much to us!
I am glad we have kids now, it would have been ideal to wait and me work to support us while Liam studies... But we are getting by and omg, a 'normal' wage is going to be ridiculous to us when we get it! Which I am really looking forward to
i hardly ever shop at tescos although do have a clubcard for the odd things. Our local is asda is much closer.
omg one born every minute was intense! I couldnt move until the baby was out. my god i bet that poor woman got some pretty bad damage from that.that was one hell of a traumatic birth!!!
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