Thats fantastic news feeble.

Will be lovely to get settled in before baby comes.
We've been trying to get moved too - Really not enough space in a 2 bed flat for 2 adults and 5 kids...

Currently 356th on the list.

We'll be able to buy before we get moved. Private renting a decent 3 bed house in the area we need to be for kids schools is currently £1400 a month. At least. Reeeeally not do-able for us.
that is crap!
Its a human rights issue to keep people in those conditions they really need to sort it out!!
have you spoken to a housing lawyer? they might be able to find a loophole where its illegal for you to stay there etc so you can move?
we only got housed because we became homeless... So excited though
just went and found out we move in March, which is fine, its a bit far away but they have to completely gut the house (i just went up there, its a state) so we are going to have a fully new kitted out house to live in!! Yay!
really pleased... i could do with moving sooner, but i would rather move into a newly done house than one that is 'passable'
Just spoke to a right PRICK at the housing office, gave him some grief though so i hope he has a terrible day