wooahh we all must be so busy! I know I am. I'm getting more sleep now but I am averaging about 6 hours a night waking up in between
Not sure what my last update was, but Aria is still having feeding issues, we have her now on a formula we are hoping to get a script for because its currently costing us about $70 - $100 a week just for her formula.
The goats milk stopped working, she gets sick and vomits breastmilk, same with standard formula and she is very passive with her sucking and doesn't take in much so feeding her is like a constant battle to keep anything in.
We have been referred to a pediatrician and are just waiting for the appointment card to show so hopefully she can be seen soon and we can get this feeding thing sorted, its been 8 weeks of just continual vomit!
She is gaining weight though, in the last two weeks she has gained 300 grams, her brother gained 500. Since we started the latest formula she has been a lot better, drinks more and doesn't vomit as much so its possibly a milk protein allergy but we will see what the doc says.
We did her hearing test yesterday and she failed on one ear they got no responses whatsoever. They seem to think she probably has a hearing problem given the family history but they did say it could of been fluid in her ear so fingers crossed thats all it is! We go back for a retest in two weeks.
We are now seeing her first smiles, shes not really making much noises but am happy to see her finally so smiley!!
Max, well hes a happy baby who is doing very well growth wise, he weighs more than his sister now and is full of energy and started cooing and being more social

He has been having fussy periods at night recently where he just cries for an hour or so and nothing I do makes him stop! then he falls asleep and the rest of the night pretends like nothing happened! Everything else is on track with Max
How is everyone doing? exhausted? I know I am, I swore I would try and enjoy this newborn period, but tbh I just want it to hurry up......I want some freedom back. I am currently sitting here with one baby in the moby wrap with the other on my lap. Both fast asleep! Its the only way I get any sort of contact with the outside world haha
Who has left the house with both babies? I did earlier on a couple of times but can't now, I think I almost verge on panic attacks every time I have to leave and then I end up cancelling or rescheduling. Everything is now planned for OH's days off, the rest of the week I stay at home. Its easier that way, packing bags the car and then holding both with a toddler is just too much! I am waiting for a break in this crappy weather so I can start going for walks instead, just short ones at first.