Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

esperanzamama - Congratulations!! Blood pressure aside it sounds likes everything went really well! I hope that your blood pressure rights itself soon.

I got my induction date yesterday, its happening on the 30th April which is 5 sleeps away for me eeeek! They tried to give me a stretch and sweep yesterday but couldn't cos my cervix was hiding behind his head so things may or may not start before Monday.

WOW so soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
I know! Its only 4 days left for me!! These are the longest 4 days of my life. I am just so sore! The bigger they get and the lower his head gets the more uncomfortable I am. I have been trooping through it the best I can for the last few weeks but today I just feel desperate.
Every step is sore, every time I get up just aches so badly. I accepted all the pains etc a while back and they seemed to have gotten better and I was focussing on when these babies were coming out but that I have my date it seems like I have nothing to think about now and the wait is just blah! All I have to focus on is how big and sore I am!

I just want the weekend to go fast, I am in no way looking forward to the labour cos I know it is going to hurt a buttload but I just want it over with, the suspense is killing me

I'm having one of those days today, in case you couldn't tell :p
Hang in there Zephyr. Only 2 days left now right?

Maybe you could pamper yourself, get other people to watch the kids? Take some time for you? So exciting.

I am at 13 days till my section.... I finally feel like it's getting closer.

Keep us updated on how it all goes when you have a chance.
Everyone is so close!!! I think that is a great idea to take some time just for you be4 they come!!

I am 20 days away from my c-section. Feels so far away. Let's see if these contractions stay away. I am 35 weeks today. Would love to get to 36 at least. The last 3 Sundays tho I have had to go to the hospital for contractions. I woke up today thinking it was Sunday and was so excited that I was not contracting. Then DH told me it's Sat!!! AHH. Well let us see maybe I won't wake up a 4th weekend in a row contracting on a Sunday!!
Thanks, the past 4 days have been the worst this whole pregnancy. Spent a lot of it crying and feeling like this is never going to end. My pain level increased alot over the last couple of days and I just ache everywhere.
My feet swelled massively night before last and since then I have had to stay off my feet otherwise they swell so big its scary.

I have to be at the hospital in less than 23 hours away now, one more sleep! But this morning I had my show so I don't know, maybe I wont make my induction??
With my 1st and 2nd I started contracting a few hour later so maybe? I'll see how the day goes, either way whether its today or tomorrow, theres really not long left.

Will post an update as soon as I am able to!
Congrats esperezmama!!! how exciting to have them here!! sorry to hear about your BP, too bad someone is not coming out to you to monitor it and you have to go, somewhere??? to get it measured :(

Addie - hold tight, 45 minutes until Sunday! hope you don't have to go to hospital tomorrow for contractions!

Zephyr! Good luck for tomorrow...I seem to be waiting for my 'show' too. Hope you get to have whatever birth you want. I know what you mean about being emotional!

SaraM- how did the induction go? any news?

I'm 36w, Midwives came out on Tuesday to do a home birth assessment and supposedly we are all good to go from next wednesday when I'm 36+6... Just need to get the pool now! Been in denial the whole time that I would ever make it to 37 weeks but it seems to be right around the corner now so I best get ready!! Sorry I've not checked in, I think If I miss clicking the link in the email updates I don't get the next one and then forget to check!! oops!! well off to bed! I seem to be becoming a night owl lately, going to bed at like 11pm, deffo need to stop doing that!!!
Zephyr you should be so proud you made it this far!! Infant wait to hear an update from you!!
That's awesome you get to have the homebirth you want!!

Didn't have contractions last night. Instead I had the worst symptoms from constipation. I had so much pain and pressure. I think out of everything I've experienced this pregnancy that was the worst!!

My birth story and some pics have not had time to update at all sorry :(
Thank you for sharing your story!!!! I'm so happy everyone is healthy and you are all home!!
Thanks :) Getting no sleep but aside from that everything is great. I can't wait till they settle down into a routine. I expected this to be really hard all throughout so now that the time is here its not as bad as what I thought! I am getting no sleep and no time to myself.....hell I dont even think I showered yesterday :/ just because of the breastfeeding and it seems like it is constant breastfeeding. I barely leave the couch only to pee and thats it but its all worth it :D I am enjoying it very much.
I'm sure you will have them on a schedule soon and you can get some sleep.
pregnancy role call... who's still with bump??? Who has baby news??

I am! and I'm huge!!
hi girls!! long time without reading updates for me.. i was going through withdrawls! things are going well for me, just have my hands full:) time for me to read back and catch up!
Haha Hands full alright!! How are you finding the lack of sleep etc? I managed to get a shower this evening and sit down at the computer while they are sleeping, feels like forever since I had some me time. I have been glued to the couch all day basically being a milk machine they have been feeding non stop today!
i also feel like a milk machine... woof.

I feel like the days are manageable for me, but I struggle during the nights.. i am just soooo super tired, and it obviously takes 2x as long to feed and change 2 babies... and all i want to do is go back to bed. then they fall asleep, and a pacifier will fall out of one mouth- and so that one cries... i put it back in. fall asleep. the other one starts crying because the stupid pacifier falls out of the other ones mouth. shove it baack in... repeat :) haha... i wish they would invent some self replacing mouth searching pacifier. i would pay thousands for it. sometimes i am so tired, I am trying to replace a pacifier and realize i am trying to shove it into the mouth of the sleeping one, ooops.

i feel like they hardly ever cry during the day- ever. but nights are a different beast. maybe they have days and nights mixed up, or maybe they can just sense my tiredness/crankyness.

i love them to bits though, they are super cute, snuggly, smell delightful, and i just love them so much... (I even still love them a little during the nights as well;) )
Yesterday afternoon Brielle and Alexis were born. Alexis is 6 lbs 13 oz and Brielle is 7 lbs!! I went to my regular doctors visit and was sent to the hostpial bc my blood pressure was very high. After a few hours my doctor came in and I knew he was going to send me home bc my PE didn't get worse so I broke down and told him it is 2 stressful for me to be in the hospital every other day on his request to make sure things aren't getting worse and he said he would deliver me that day. When he said that I thought I had time but nope they came in 30 min later and said in 30 min you will be in the OR and we can't wait for your husband but when he gets here we will show him where to go. Obviously I was nervous that DH was going to miss it but he made it just in time for our beautiful girls arrival. After the girls were born the doctors told us they scored a 9 and 10 for health and that only happens 2wice a year where they have such healthy twins!!! The girls are doing great and I can't stop looking at their beautiful little faces!!

Congrats Addie! so glad everything turned out fine :) Rest up heaps! you will need all your energy the coming weeks :D

Esperanzamama - LOL I do the same with the pacifiers and have tried to put it in the sleeping babies mouth and then wondered why it was still making noise.

I gave up last night, sheer exhaustion got the better of me, OH slept on the couch in the lounge, our mattress is on the floor of the lounge (cos thats where our heat pump is and its been cold at nights lately) and both babies bunked in bed with me. I didn't want to start co sleeping but it was the only way I actually had any form of decent sleep. Getting up every 10 minutes to a screaming baby during the night wears thin after a while.

Aria lost more than 10 percent of her birth weight and has not gained in the last week. Being weighed again on Tuesday but somethings not right with her sucking. Can't explain it but shes been sleepy since birth at feed times but screams all the other times. In hospital she wouldn't even wake to drink milk off a spoon! but because she was latching on and feeding regulary and I was told to just keep waking her if she falls asleep we thought everything would be okay but nope.
I'm expressing and giving her tops ups after she falls asleep during a feed and last night having her in the bed helped as she basically sucked away. Fingers crossed she has gained weight by tuesday. I will start formula if I have to but I really dont want to.
Max has gained 260 grams :D so hes doing just fine.
Congrats Addie, I was wondering how you were, glad the twins are here nice and safe and hope you are enjoying every minute together!!

am I the only one now still with bump??? Im at consultant tomorrow to see what they suggest, im absolutely huge now!

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