dr who



a few of us where talking a bout it in a thread because someone had a really cool name,

bad wolf..:)

so we bringing the convo here..

ok so i love dr who, i grew up on the old ones and now in love with the new ones..

so who is ur fav doc and who is ur fav assitant and why?
Heya! I have watched a lot of the older ones, not all YET! lol And everyone of the new ones about three million times over! Im IN LOVE with this show! So much so that my husband dressed as David Tennant during our wedding and we both had doc who references in our vows! (Yea, my user name is pretty spot on lol)
My favorite is David Tennant, he is spunky, fun, smart, brass and quite a cutie :) He is on my celebrity 5 list hahahaha My favorite companion is Donna! I loved her, she was such a compliment to his character! She was funny and the one of his companions that didn't want to jump him lol I loved the Rose story line, but Martha was just WHINEY! (sorry for those who love Martha lol). I just loved how much she felt the situations she was in and yet kept The Doctor on his toes! What about you justhoping? *btw if I don't reply for a bit, I am off doing homework for Uni. Trying not to be a horrible procrastinator lol
Heya! I have watched a lot of the older ones, not all YET! lol And everyone of the new ones about three million times over! Im IN LOVE with this show! So much so that my husband dressed as David Tennant during our wedding and we both had doc who references in our vows! (Yea, my user name is pretty spot on lol)
My favorite is David Tennant, he is spunky, fun, smart, brass and quite a cutie :) He is on my celebrity 5 list hahahaha My favorite companion is Donna! I loved her, she was such a compliment to his character! She was funny and the one of his companions that didn't want to jump him lol I loved the Rose story line, but Martha was just WHINEY! (sorry for those who love Martha lol). I just loved how much she felt the situations she was in and yet kept The Doctor on his toes! What about you justhoping? *btw if I don't reply for a bit, I am off doing homework for Uni. Trying not to be a horrible procrastinator lol

that is ok....im just happy to have people to talk to about , about it..lol

I love David Tennant as well, next would be tom Baker....:) was just so quirky...lol and funny as well...I love him with
SArah jane and how she was so in love with him but he was so oblivious to it....it was so wonderful to watch it...lol sometimes you would think he got it but then , boom he is on another mission and the thought it gone...lol

I love rose with Davic, the love story was awesome> At first I hated it because if you watched DR who in the past, DR WHO DOESNT FALL IN LOVE...WHAT BS IS THIS...LOL
but the more i WATCHED them together the more I fell in love with the story and them....she was such a great match for him and really kept him on his toes...he was so not used to being in love and it really took him off guard and you can really see it at first..

it sucked that when he finally got to say I love you it was to late, :( but isnt it like that with all shows.....but it was awesome, I cried LOL...

Next I love donna too...i was so sad they had to wipe her mind...she was very much a human doctor....and then I love

the river, she is amazing and the fact that she can match him wit for wit scares him to death and tintilizes him as well...i love watching them and love when she pops up...:)..
I know!! River is the perfect match! At first I was so hesitant about a wife for the doctor but they nailed that story line! I first watched the new seasons so I didn't know much about the older shows. The rose story was so diffrrent from the old ones. That last episode with Donna when rose finally gets a version of the doc I bawled! That kiss was epic! I love Tom Baker from the old ones. I got hubby one of his ridiculously long scarfs lol he doesn't get to use it much since we live in the south! I also lived Jon pertwee he was the ass kicking doctor lol
i love john pertwee..
lol so hubby has a tom baker scarf...cool :)

the kiss between and doctor and rose was epic, I cried so hard when she got stuck on the other side of the universe after they decided to be together forever. Omg i felt that in my gutt....

and then donnas face on the library..tell me that wasnt freaky....

the last epi didnt he say he has a daughter...(not the one made from his dna...that he was a father and he had a daughter...

i wonder if they will play either daughter out....??
I started watching when the new ones came out and christopher eccleston was dr. I liked them ones alot and then watched a few when it was david tennant and now I juat dont watch at all :(
I haven't seen the old ones yet!
In fact... I've refused to finish Series 7 of the new ones until the new season comes out, because I have to watch them online and it takes longer for them to be uploaded! Plus I hate when things end!!

Favorite doctor is definitely Christopher Eccleston and then David Tennant. Favorite companions: Rose, and then Donna. I, too, hated Martha! My OH can't understand why I hate her so badly... but it is that she's such a whiny character! She tries so hard to get the Doctor to fall for her and he's not even healed from falling for Rose... I think I get a little defensive and just want to smack her, lol. I really loved Rose and the Doctor's relationship. It was beautiful and heartbreaking!
i really liked rose aka billie piper haha, the statue episode reallllly freaked me out though!
christopher was a brilliant Dr, was sad that he only did a few, he said he didnt want to end up being type cast...\
the new ones look like we getting an old dude....which feels weird cause he was already old and got younger....its just weird that there going to old again....

for those that have not watched the really old ones, oh what a treat and it really fills in wholes they leave in the new ones..helps you to understand him better and know why he does what he does.....

what do u all think, you think they will ever revisit the daughter or his daughter he seemed to mention in the next DR'?
What are your favorite "villains" or aliens? What are the scariest?

The scariest for me is The Silence and then the Weeping Angels. OMG I have nightmares lol.
definitly the silence, how freaky would that be if that really was....I mean you dont know they are there the minute you turn away...anddddd they really do look like aliens that we know except there all dressed up LOL

i also love the dialects as they been a enemy since I think there very first doctor..:)

fav scene, when the doctor asked the big eye thing to look up who he is and asked if he wanted to mess with him and asked if this planet was protected..
ohhhhhhhhhhh that was awesome to see lol
Oh I love Dr Who! It's one of those shows that always sits well, no matter what. It sometimes comes off as full of lunacy and absurdity, but that's precisely what adds to its charm.

I haven't seen any of the "old" Dr Who series, I'm afraid, but I'd very much love to start exploring them. What would say is the best Doctor, from before the revival? Usually the Fourth is the most well spoken of.

My favorite Doctor so far has been David Tennant, out of the ones I've seen, and my favorite companion was Rose. I also very much liked Donna, and I particularly appreciated how the interactions between her and the Doctor didn't have any of the "will they...?" romantic component that sometimes got in the way with other companions.

I can hardly wait for the 50th anniversary coming on, I'm so excited!
Oh I love Dr Who! It's one of those shows that always sits well, no matter what. It sometimes comes off as full of lunacy and absurdity, but that's precisely what adds to its charm.

I haven't seen any of the "old" Dr Who series, I'm afraid, but I'd very much love to start exploring them. What would say is the best Doctor, from before the revival? Usually the Fourth is the most well spoken of.

My favorite Doctor so far has been David Tennant, out of the ones I've seen, and my favorite companion was Rose. I also very much liked Donna, and I particularly appreciated how the interactions between her and the Doctor didn't have any of the "will they...?" romantic component that sometimes got in the way with other companions.

I can hardly wait for the 50th anniversary coming on, I'm so excited!

oh me too. that show will probably be awesome:)
My fave doctor is David Tennant, and I think I'll be a bit controversial and say fave assistant has to be Captain Jack!!! Donna was fantastic too I especially liked the Adipose episode where they end up lip reading each other across the office!!
My fave doctor is David Tennant, and I think I'll be a bit controversial and say fave assistant has to be Captain Jack!!! Donna was fantastic too I especially liked the Adipose episode where they end up lip reading each other across the office!!

captain jack was awesome, i so love torchwood...i also love that we have no idea where he is from and what he is..

i wish they actually would have stepped on that issue and found out before the series ended....
Hello Fellow Whovians! I am back!
You find out who Captain Jack is :) He is the face of Bo, made so by the heart of the Tardis that Rose got her hands on in Season 1 :) It was brought up in the season finale of 3 I believe with Martha and the Master!
My favorite villain is probably the Sontarans, they make me giggle! I love how they have a subdued one in the later seasons. They are just funny and so bold! The scariest ones to me are the weeping angels... I am nervous when I see angel statues hahaha
I actually like that they are going with Peter Capaldi for the new doctor. It is a nice throw back to the older shows. The doctor was never really "sexy" back then. I mean I will be sad, because they have picked some hunky men lol but it will be good to see what direction they go in!
I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO NOVEMBER 23RD!! I had posted it on facebook about the new show coming out, unfortunately nobody is as big of a doc who fan as I am on my friends list :( What I love is I have my daughter already well trained in the ways of the Doctor hahaha, she sees something with a tardis on it and she starts saying Doctor WHO!!! and sometimes plays with my hubbys sonic screwdriver.... oh man, we are sad lmao
Ok new question:
Martha, she was sooo whiney and hopeless. GRR, they are lucky they had David Tennant and the plot lines were fab. She drove me NUTS! I couldn't stand her hopeless love for the doctor, it was well put in the first episode that he was still getting over Rose and she just kept swooning. Im glad she ended up with Mickey in the end, they deserved their whiney selves hahaha
Oh justhoping! sorry I forgot to answer your question about his daughter... I don't think they will bring up his daughter in future episodes unless they bring it up in the 50th anniversary. He mentions at somepoint that his whole family is gone, and with the Time War being time locked I think it would be difficult to reprise that, however I am pretty sure the 50th anniversary special is about the Time War, so it may be possible yet :D *Fun factoid, did you know that the daughter that was made of his DNA was Peter Davidson (5th Doctors) daughter and that David Tennant married her. Also that Peter davidson was Davids favorite doctor in the old series lol
hi nerdymama and welcome..
I do remember that episode with the face of Boe, how they kind of snuck in that he was
captain jack, but its still lays as it might be him , it might not be him. Though it would be really neat if they hit on that again as well so we see how he got this way, where he is from, and how he ended up as Boe if he is actually him..

I also hated Martha, she was clingy and whiny and just annoying as heck...

besides rose and donna SARAH JANE, then in the past and now :)..to bad her show didnt take off to well. :(..

i would love for them to retouch with rose even if they dont get back together but to see them together and see how it would be. Especially since there going with an older doctor again this time..

another person I would love for them to bring back especially since he was such an intricate part of DR who and the DR' other main enemy (the master)...It was great to see him in a few shows but the master was always great to watch and would be nice to see that happen and there interactions again. \
Never say never in who land :)
also since they snuck in about the Dr daughter close to or in the last epi, dont remember totally Im thinking they will as well hit on that too this season :O) Or i really hope so. I really do hope they dont bring martha back not even with Unit...she is a pointless character !
I am (obviously) a 10 fan and Rose and Donna are my favorite companions. 11 is great and I actually got to talk to Matt Smith at a party at Comic Con in July - I loved him with Amy/Rory and, of course, River. Never really warmed to Clara.. Martha is my least favorite.

The RTD era is my favorite. Moffat writing is good, but he's always going for the long game and it gets too long-winded, in my opinion. Some of the best episode's are when Moffat wrote under RTD's reign (Empty Child/Doctor Dances, Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, Silence in the Library). I like Neil Gaiman for next show runner.

I have seen a lot of the old ones but NewWho is my bread and butter!
I am (obviously) a 10 fan and Rose and Donna are my favorite companions. 11 is great and I actually got to talk to Matt Smith at a party at Comic Con in July - I loved him with Amy/Rory and, of course, River. Never really warmed to Clara.. Martha is my least favorite.

The RTD era is my favorite. Moffat writing is good, but he's always going for the long game and it gets too long-winded, in my opinion. Some of the best episode's are when Moffat wrote under RTD's reign (Empty Child/Doctor Dances, Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, Silence in the Library). I like Neil Gaiman for next show runner.

I have seen a lot of the old ones but NewWho is my bread and butter!

OMG totally forgot to add AMY AND RORY, I so love them, he treats them like they are his kids..and I so love the raggity man LOL. To think there the parents to his wife is just amazing ho they do that in the whole...

I love who been watching it forever even have a book collection of the old books but alas I never know the name of the episodes due to a problems I have reading....I have a mind autism and somehow what I read and then write gets messed up sometimes, as well remembering movie and shows..(strange I know) but i wish i could remember the name of the shows LOL

Its so strange the amy cant have kids now, Anyone remember why she cant have kids now, did river coming into the world screw her up somehow? I so loved River but anyone else think it was strange that she seemed older then her parents??

Anyone see that they suggested River is now past on the last season as well?

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