Hey CJSG1977
Really sorry to hear about your miscarriages, I dont blame you for self medicating how come your doc wouldnt prescribe progesterone supplements? Have you only started using it this month? Really wishing you loads of luck this month, have you had big pregnancy symptoms on the other occasions then? Does sound like we might have similar problems, can they do anything for your cystic ovaries?
Do you know what, the only check that I had before clomid was a blood test which said that I had slightly high testosterone levels which indicated PCOS. I have since been diagnosed by a FS as having PCOS as I have the hair growth, acne and annovulation. To be honest i didnt know anything about hypothyroidism and im not sure if my first blood test prior to clomid was testing for that?! Ive googled it and you are right low bbt is a indicator and my temps are significantly lower than the normal range...am thinking i really am out this month!
How were you diagnosed with it and how can you treat it (please say its not like PCOS where there isnt any 'cure'!) im always tired (dont sleep well) and have brittle hair. Im massively watch what i eat so that i dont gain weight I'm 5'7" and 9.5st and am in the lower BMI 'healthy' range so by controlling my weight strictly maybe i am masking a symptom?! Im seriously thinking that i need to see my FS again. Before my next cycle I might phone the receptionist and see if there is anyway I can make another appointment or at least speak to her, ive only got 3 months of clomid left
its scary, esp as i have absolutely no chance on my own as i dont ovulate! Im hoping the blood tests this month will show clear ovulation.
Have you ever been on clomid or are you ok ovulating on your own?
Hey is it your birthday on the 17th? that bfp will be the best present...fingers crossed for you!!!!