I live in the US but people claim the same types of things here. For example, a patient of ours (I work in a dr's office) somehow got the dr to give her a form for handicapped parking that said she was permanently disabled and couldn't walk more than 50 feet without stopping to rest. Seriously?? She manages to walk all the way to the building, through the building, up the elevator and all the way to our office, but she is permanently disabled? That really irritates me. She is in her 20's and is obese. I don't see the problem. I, by the way, am also overweight but I don't think I'm entitled to anything because of it!
Another thing I hate is that people can claim social security payments for bi-polar disorder. I'm bipolar, I work a full time job. I don't like my tax money going to that, when they should be taking their meds and at least trying to work!
Sorry, rant over...