Birth Plan For Home Birth
I would like to remain active and use whatever position I find comfortable. Please encourage me to stay off my back
I may wish to move throughout the house and to use the bath or shower from time to time
I would like to minimise internal examinations
I hope to manage using few or no drugs for pain relief, and would appreciate your encouragement to use other methods. For example, I might use movement, massage, relaxation, possible Gas and Air.
I do not wish to have an internal examination to confirm whether or not I am 'ready' to push. I shall only push when I physically cannot do otherwise! If there is any reason to suspect that I might have a premature pushing urge then I would like to discuss this on the day.
Please keep the room as quiet as possible during the second stage. I would like to minimise distractions at this time. If you need to discuss matters with the second midwife, please could you do so very quietly
I would like to give birth in an upright, kneeling, supported squatting or all-fours position to give the baby maximum space to descend through my pelvis. I do not want to be on my back or semi-reclining unless that position seems right for me on the day, having tried alternatives. If I am too tired to maintain an upright position then please encourage me to lie on my side instead of my back, to allow maximum mobility in my pelvis.
When my baby is born, please pass him or her straight to me
I would rather not be told how to push, or guided in the second stage, unless there is a particular reason to suppose that I need assistance, or unless I ask for assistance.
Please only administer an episiotomy if the baby needs to be born quickly. Please do not offer to do one to 'speed things up' for me, as I may be impatient then, but regret it later.
Please do not announce the baby's sex as I would like to find out for myself/I would like my partner to find out
I would like a physiological third stage with the cord clamped and cut when it stops pulsating. I wish no drugs to be used unless specifically indicated. It is important to me that you do not clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsating, unless you need to take emergency steps which preclude this. **Please do not pull on the cord or use fundal pressure unless there is a specific indication to do so, as I have read that this is contra-indicated in drug-free third stages**.
Please offer my husband the opportunity to cut the cord if possible
I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible after the birth
I would like to keep the baby unclothed and close to my skin immediately after birth, to maximise skin-to-skin contact
Please administer an injection of Vitamin K after the birth
just in case Hospital transfer
I am very keen to avoid a caesarean section if it is at all possible, as I do not want to enter future labours with a scarred uterus. I particularly would like to avoid a caesarean just for slow progress. If labour is simply taking a long time but my baby is not in immediate danger, please would you encourage me to keep going and perhaps to try changes of position or movements which might help. Please do not offer a caesarean unless my baby is in danger.
If a caesarean section becomes necessary, I would prefer to remain awake with epidural or spinal block anaesthesia. I would like my partner to stay with me at all times, and would like to breastfeed the baby as soon after birth as possible.
Please do not give my baby supplements of glucose water or formula milk without my permission. I would expressly like to avoid having any formula supplements unless it is unavoidable, and certainly not in the first two days in any event.
Under no circumstances is my baby to be bottle-fed as this could lead to nipple confusion and hinder breastfeeding. If supplements are necessary, please give them by spoon or other method, not by bottle.
I would like to go home as soon after the birth as I am able to move, unless I or the baby have health problems which require hospital treatment