Due a C- section at 35w baby growing slow and measuring 5th percentile. Help!

Thanks for the tip on Micro Nappies- I may pick some up tomorrow. It is hard when you dont know the weight as we have 4-11lb ones already.
I will definitely ask about the private room as I dont think I would like to be recovering in a room with tons of babies and mummies through the night- not really recovering huh?
I recovered from my section quite well, I was up on my feet the next day. When I did sit down though I kept my feet raised to limited the swelling you can get, when I had my daughter I looked like I had hobbit feet!

Here's some photo's of Connor's journey.

Best thing is get a private room. I did the first night i was there. there was a bunch of other ladies sleeping and the snoring and noises.. no thanks and my husband wanted to stay with me but he wasn't allowed to sleep at the hospital unless i had a private room. The nurse tried to kick him out and i told her he had no where to go. it was like 2am my water had broke a few hours before we lived 2 hours away and a friend had drove him all that way so he had no way home that night. So i got a private room and it had a couch cot thing that he could sleep on.
As regards nappies, check the NICU's protocol - ours provided all nappies for us. Andrew started in even-smaller-than-micro nappies, he was in micro's by the time he was discharged.

I got a single room for recovery in the hospital, but then I was in a virtually brand new hospital. They said that they put me in there so that I wouldn't be depressed by the sight of other new mums with their babies, particularly as they got to stay for such a short time and then depart taking their babies home. The hospital was incredibly concerned for my own welfare the whole time I was there.
I recovered from my section quite well, I was up on my feet the next day. When I did sit down though I kept my feet raised to limited the swelling you can get, when I had my daughter I looked like I had hobbit feet!

Here's some photo's of Connor's journey.


oh what a cutie and my has he grown. Thank you for keeping my hopes up!

Alparen- I will look into it tomorrow. I love how you had to tell them DH had nowhere to go. Buggers!

MarleysGirl- I am in a hospital which seems to have taken more patients in the past two months as a couple of Maternity units nearby have closed. I am going to have to be really strict with things and hope due to lack of room and understaffing they are not going to give shoddy care.:dohh:

More monitoring tomorrow morning and then off to get last minute things :)

Thanks so much for coming on and sharing you stories ladies. I felt so scared today when I hadnt felt her move for about 60-90 minutes. I didnt realise I am so nervous all the time :cry:
Hello! Your little one will be FINE! *hugs* That's a very good weight around here *chuckles*

The infant's brain develops from week 24 to 28 or so - you've passed that period so that's good. And mother nature / God (whichever you prefer heh) designed our little wonders soooo well - when the blood flow decreases, their tiny bodies know to divert most of it to the brain, to keep it developping. The rest of the body can catch up once they're born. Amazing huh

My little guy had the same problem, he just basically stopped growing due to reduced blood flow. By 27 weeks he was still soooo small they couldn't even estimate his weight with high-tech ultrasounds - they said he was under the machine's minimum weight :nope: The doctors were pessimistic. He was estimated under the 3rd percentile, having the weight of a 23 weeker. So they gave us 25% survival odds - not very encouraging.

The doctors decided his odds were now best outside the womb so I had a c section. He weight 570g (1lb4oz). I'll spare you the nightmarish details of the next few months, but they were very hard. He had many complications and we nearly lost him a few times.

BUT! As you can see from the picture below our story has a happy ending. He's been home for a few months now and *crosses fingers* so far only have minor health issues.

You sound like a great mom! you already have done your research and know what to ask for :thumbup: Just wanted to reiterate, ask to visit the neonatal unit beforehand if possible, it does help. And insist on kangaroo! My little guy stayed in multiple hospitals and some were more inclined to do so than others. The better hospitals will enthusiastically encourage you to do so. The worse will act as if it's a huge chore :dohh: And breastfeeding would be good to help your little one's immune system, which starts developping around 35 weeks or so.

We'll be thinking of you during your c section! As you can see there are many great moms here that can help and encourage you along the way
Keep up posted :thumbup:

Here's my son now, at 8 months ( 5 corrected)

Vermeil- thanks :hugs: Just a quick one to say you have a heartbreaker on your hands! LOL
Thanks so much for your lovely words and story- I am off to get more monitoring so I am keeping this short but thanks for the neonatal tips and Kangeroo care. I will push for it!
Be back this afternoon as we are hoping to get some last minute shopping in after the CTG checks!

hey ill join in with the reassurances too lol
cam was born at 38weeks and they thought he would be lucky if he was 5lbs. he came out a whopping 6lbs8 lol i had a crash section so was knocked out for it but wen i woke they had hooked me upto morphine. i had a lil button i pressed if i was sore. i repeatedly pressed it as i was scared of what the pain would feel like lol i was completely out my nut lol but i honestly didnt feel a thing. i was running down the stairs just hours after having hm ( mw were NOT happy i wasnt in a wheelchair, ooops lol) im sure your lo will be fine and i wish u all the luck and happiness in the world :)

Hi Mini,so sorry you are in this situation.

Whilst Ollie wasnt premature or in danger he did spend 6 days in NICU due to poor feeding and he was quite poorly at one stage.

I also had a section and they will keep you minimum 3 days till you can open bowels and move around.

I also waslucky they let me stay an extra few days due to the ward being quiet so I got to feed Ollie in NICU and also spend more time with him without the stress of having to travel in/out.

Your recovery is just as important so just rest as much as you can whilst you recover, you will be sore but within 24 hours of the op should be able to walk to the loo etc and within 48 hours should be up and down.

Goodluck hun xx
Sorry to have been so slow on updating! Baby Gami-Asani decided to come on Sunday morning via C. Section! She is a wee thing coming in at 3lb 8oz so she is being kept at SCBU until she has put some weight on. I had reduced movement on the Friday night and FAU decided to keep me in for monitoring. I was then told they would bring my C Section early and it would be Sunday morning. All went well, she came out screaming and is breathing on her own! ATM- feeding is through a tube but I am expressing and she is tolerating all the good stuff! I also got to hold her for the first time yesterday! Papa has been given the important task of changing nappies and she has been keeping him busy!
Just got discharged myself from the hospital this evening so I shall keep this short. She is expected to stay in SCBU for a few more weeks. Please send her lots of fattening up vibes.
She sounds like she is doing really well, so pleased she came out screaming! Sending all the fattening up vibes I can xxx

Sounds like she is doing brilliant :happydance:

Sending lots of vibes for a speedy weight gain and being home soon


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