due around the 15th dec 2011

Hi! I'm due 13th December and staying team yellow as this is my first. I'm a single mum to be but really looking forward to being a mum. I've felt the baby move since 16 weeks :) it's lovely, I wish I could feel it move more!!

or very good i am know 19 weeks and still not felt the baby move yet and i am really hoping it starts moving soon lol
hi im due dec 15th also is a boy
i also have one child she is 22months she will be 2 in september
everything is still sort of fresh with everything would love to chat

hi i am also due on the 15th dec i am havin my scan on weds i can not wait to find out the sex of the baby and also to be able to see my baby again i think the scans are great lol
the last scan the baby was jumping all over i was really amazed lol
Dont fret too much about not feeling the baby move. I really wasn't sure if I was feeling the baby move either bc I'm not feeling kicks and stuff. I just get a feeling like nausea or butterflies. Apparently that's him moving. Actually, 1 day I didn't feel sick at all and got really worried. Called the hospital and everything. Trying to explain why I was worried was hilarious. The doctor says "so let me get this right, your concerned because you feel good, your not sick, no cramping, or anything else". And I was like "uh, ya" LOL. But everything was fine.

Hope you don't mind me joining in? Im due on the 8th December with my first. We have stayed team yellow! :)

I couldn't go team yellow for my first baby. On the next one I will but I really wanted to know on this one.
I broke at my scan today and found out .... It's a girl!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!
Hi everyone! I am due 23rd December with #1 and I can't wait. We have our anomoly scan on 11th Aug and I think we are going to find out which team - too excited not to!
I have felt lots of flutters and "odd" feelings which I can only put dopwn to Beanie moving around. Have had quite a bit of mild pain high up under diaphragm since yesterday but got an appt tmrw so will get it checked....
Fairy Claire - congrats!!! Not suprised you broke!
Have fun finding out :) honestly it's so exciting anyway I don't regret it!! It's also made other people around me more excited too as it seems more real to them. So no regrets!!! Let's have updates for everyones scans!!!
Hi all! I'm due either the 15th or 17th December (I seem to have 2 dates at the moment). Its nice to see all these posts :) This is our first baby. I'm just starting to feel the bubbly feelings. We have our next scan on 11th August and I cant wait to see if its a boy or girl. :-D
Mrs. B, I have had exactly the same tummy thing. I got a lot of fluttering feelings at first and then what kinda felt like small pains in my upper or lower diaphram, but they never lasted longer than a minute. The baby likes to sit breach right now, which is normal for now. I think the feelings are the baby stretching up and then maybe pushing his legs out. That's all I can think of for those 2 pains. Sometimes my tummy feels upset too, I think he gets the hiccups a lot. He had em during my whole hour long scan too. If you read a few posts back, you'll see my story about the day I didn't feel sick and that was like 2 weeks ago, it was funny and kinda scary. Hope your appt went well.
Hello! B and bump, my scan is on 11 th too. Can't wait! Good luck to us lol.

Jessie hope. Hello! Well I am glad I am not alone however when I
Mentioned it to the mw yesterday she told me that's more likely to be
Wind!!!! Too high up for baby. Felt a bit silly and a bit sad that
It's not Beanie I can feel. She said from next week I should feel something..... Fingers crossed ....
Hey B. I'm glad you found out what it probably is, I hope you get to feel baby move around soon. Because this is my first, I don't know what it's suppose to feel like. I definitely don't feel those kicks and pushing against the wall of my tummy. I'm anxious to feel that though. A lot of my friends said baby movement feels like gas. I wish I could get an ultrasound when my tummy feels certain ways, so I know.
hi everyone well i have had my 20 weeks scan andeveythink went good but have to go back in trhree weeks as he has his head to far bown and they need to measure his head .
and yes we found out we are having a lovely baby boy we are naming him connor
I still can not fell him kick yet but i can fell waving in my tummy and have been told thats him movin but i really hope he starts kicking soon
yay congrats Julie! Great news and lovely name. And you get to see him again soon too!! (always finding the positives!!!I haven't felt kicks yet either but had flutters and think (hope) that's Beanie moving! Have you got an alternative name in case? Some of my friends had chosed but then didn't think the baby looked like the name!!
yay congrats Julie! Great news and lovely name. And you get to see him again soon too!! (always finding the positives!!!I haven't felt kicks yet either but had flutters and think (hope) that's Beanie moving! Have you got an alternative name in case? Some of my friends had chosed but then didn't think the baby looked like the name!!

hi thanks and yes it just means we will get to see him soon
no we dont have any other names picked incase so just hope he looks like a connor when he is born lol
yes it sounds like it is the baby movin i get flutters as well and have been told thats him movin
So, the last couple of days, I've had some pain on my tummy. Feels like it's on the wall, not deep inside, except for some cramping but it wasn't extreme. I hate the weird feelings, always makes me worried. We may be going out on the boat tomorrow, which means I won't feel him move around at all. He's really quiet when I go on the boat.
I did think of 1 name so far: Jack Kenneth Hope. I agree with your friends B, I want multiple names in case he doesn't look like the one we pick. So I gotta think up some more.
How are you all doing?
Jessie sorry to hear about the pains - I have had some too and it is worrying. I have been assured by mw and also friends that it is everything stretching inside and to be expected but if you are really worries, go and get a check up?
Babymagic, I still haven't had any kicks but do feel movement like butterflies - actually want the kicks for re-assurance sometimes!
At least you know he will sleep when you take him boating! I love the rocking too! and the name is lovely! What else is a possibility?

I had my 21 week scan yesterday - Beanie was being very uncooperative and lying face down. No matter how much prodding, pushing, walking around etc, wouldn't move!! They measured head, spine, legs, brain etc and said all perfectly normal but couldn't get to the heart (although could see it beating!). Then when I asked the sex.... she said "it's a girl-ish"!!!!!! I said does that mean you just can't see a willie and she laughed and said basically yes! She said not to buy anything pink yet but she thinks it's a girl - Of course would love either flavour but am delighted we're (possibly) team pink!
Hope you are all good!
Tanya x
So, I finally went to the doctor about the little pains. She said that beanie sounds fine and she thinks the pains are baby moving around. I need to pay attention to the pains and figure out which pains are baby moving vs. sitting in a bad position or something. I also am looking forward to the kicks for reassurance. She said that it'll probably start pretty soon but to not forget that kicks won't be so easy to get when I get to 36 weeks, bc there won't be much room. I can't believe I'm at 25 weeks already!!
My neighbor is a nurse, this has become a great relief on when I'm feeling worried.
Sorry to hear about your scan not going as well as you'd like. Did they schedule another one to check babies sex again?
As far as names go: my husband is still trying to sell me on William Robert Hope. The only reason I'm weary on this is because the common nickname is Billy Bob and I'm not a fan of the nickname. I don't know what to do. He turns down any other name ideas. I'm afraid if I give in with the promise of him not using Billy Bob, that he will still do it. What do you guys think?
Hi Jessie - I am glad to hear that all is well. Must be a relief. I have had some unsual pains this week too and also waiting for the kicks! Can defo feel movement although still seems quite high up in stomach....
I am going back in 2 weeks as they need to re-do the heart scan and hopefully will get the sex confrmed too.
Re the name - I too would be worried re the nickname tbh and even if hubbie doesn't use it who's to say friends / family etc wont..... It's not awful but v different to the traditional original names you have. Sorry not much help but I would try and keep coming up with others!! I believe both parents have to be happy with the choice so try and find something that pleases you both. I have all that to come.....! Where are you based? The nicknames are v American so just wondered....
Hey im Lucy and due 18th december with my first baby, we found out at the scan we are having a little boy and calling him Joseph :) xx

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