due march 9th, looking for bump buddy, north wales


Mummy to twin boyos !!
Aug 5, 2011
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Hey girls!
Looking for a bump buddy to chat to and share stories - oh and to assure me that i'm not slowly going a bit mad! :haha:

I'm almost 26 and this is mine and OH's first baby.
Would love to hear from any girls due around the same time - march 9th 2012 :happydance:
hi there! i am 26 as well and DH is 25. i am due 6 march with my second, DHs third. would love to be bump buddies, if youre interested! :)
Hello ! Would love to be bump buddies !
So how are you ? What symptoms have you been having ? are you finding it easier with it being your second time around ?

Sally x
i am doing well! i actually havent had many symptoms besides being a little more tired than normal and feeling super bloated. i already have a bump at 10 weeks! but i hear that is normal with #2 since the muscles have already stretched once, they are more willing to do so again. i actually had a fairly easy 1st pregnancy too...no morning sickness or anything, so i am counting myself as one of the lucky ones and thanking my lucky stars. i was nervous i would get my share and more of it as make-up this second go around! lol. i also find that the wait between appointments and such is more bearable this time, just because i am so busy with audrey [she is crawling very well and walking better and better each day, so shes always on the move] that it sort of keeps my mind off of the seemingly interminable wait! lol.

how are you? do you have any big symptoms?

happy to have someone to share this whole pregnancy rollercoaster with! :)
Hello id love to be bump buddies too! im due between 1st-5th of march :)

heya !
i feel fine thank you, no bump as yet - can still fit in all my clothes still which makes me feel a bit of a fraud to be honest but i do feel a bit different in my clothes - kinda like they don't belong to me anymore !
symptoms so far ? occasional morning sickness at 5 am - thank goodness its only every couple of days ! im constantly hungry and all i want to eat are fishfinger butties and fizzy sweets - not at the same time though !
the tiredness isnt too bad - even though i spend my days working in a busy toddler room in a day nursery - i think my OH is suffering from the tiredness more than me !!

i have my first midwife appointment on the 17th august and my scan date has unoffically come through as the 26th august - feels ages away but im just trying to enjoy every day as it comes !

your daughter is beautiful ! i imagine she is keeping your very busy these days - cant take your eyes of her for a second, i'll bet !!!
hi DizziSkittle ! would love to be your bump buddy too !

how are you feeling ? any symptoms ? i hope your more patient than i am when it comes to waiting for the appointments !
maybe youll be one of those that can fit in their clothes until pretty far along! i wish i was the same...but i still had some baby weight from the pregnancy with audrey to lose when i got this BFP so i was doomed from the beginning! i know what you mean though about the clothes, i felt the same way when i got my first BFP...like i needed a bump and maternity clothes right then. lol. first pregnancy i couldnt wait for my bump and this time i am thinking "whoa! slow down bump! this could get out of control!" hehe

sounds like you arent getting too many bad symptoms though, so thats nice. hopefully it will be a pretty smooth nine months for you. its so funny you mention that your OH is suffering more...thats how DH was last time! he was tired, he had a touchy tummy, he pretty much had all the symptoms i should have had. :)

your appointment and scan will come soon enough! that will be here in no time! :) i know what you mean though...i was counting the hours to the next appointment last time. i dont get a scan until 20 weeks, so i am just trying to stay patient cause it wont be until the middle of october. but, like you said, i stay pretty busy with audrey...i literally can't turn my back for a second!

hi DizziSkittle! and welcome! hope you are doing well with the pregnancy so far! :)
hello! im starting to show and can only fit in my leggins now!
ive had a sicky feeling from the start and its so annoying because i feel hungry but dont fancy anything because i feel too bad to eat!
and im also very tired at the min!

also this isnt a symptom i dont think but its only happened since ive been pregnant, i cant sleep through a whole night i wake up between 3 and 5 AM for no reason and some nights i cant get back to sleep because i feel too sick :( x

hope everyones sleeping better than i am!

i would love to be able to fit in all my clothes for a bit longer, but i kinda want to go out and buy new stuff too ! i want to buy a pair of denim dungarees to wear - when else can you get away with wearing them apart from when your pregnant !!

i think its great that both out OH's are suffering pregnancy symptoms - its only fair !!

i think the next two weeks will go quite quickly for me - these past six weeks seem to have flown by - thank goodness !! i've got a few nice things planned to keep me busy so that should help too ! i'm looking forward to meeting my midwife next week - then i think it will feel a bit more real !!

October sounds a really long way away - have you had an early scan too ?
what are you hoping for - boy or girl this time ?
oh im sorry you seem to be feeling poorly and i hope you feel better soon !

im quite tired too but i havent really slept well for the past two years, so waking up during the night is a regular thing for me - i blame my twin cats !!
your sleep problems might be due to being pregnant - i seem to wake at 5am most mornings !

luckily we will be pregnant over the winter, so leggings, jumpers and ugg boots are perfect outfit choices !!
hello! im starting to show and can only fit in my leggins now!
ive had a sicky feeling from the start and its so annoying because i feel hungry but dont fancy anything because i feel too bad to eat!
and im also very tired at the min!

also this isnt a symptom i dont think but its only happened since ive been pregnant, i cant sleep through a whole night i wake up between 3 and 5 AM for no reason and some nights i cant get back to sleep because i feel too sick :( x

hope everyones sleeping better than i am!

my best friend was the same with the food...she wanted to eat all the time and she craved all sorts of foods, but the only thing she could stomach until about halfway through second tri was toast and jam. she swears now that she will never eat it again. lol.

with my first pregnancy i woke up in the middle of the night all the time. at first it was for no reason, but then it was because of the inability to go more than an hour without a visit to the restroom! lol. now this time i feel like i never want to get out of bed, but audrey still wakes up a couple times in the night and its like torture pulling myself out of bed. last night she actually slept through from 1030-9, but the crazy vivid pregnancy dreams had me up half the night. they are my least favorite thing about being pregnant, i think. i always have weird dreams, and they seem so real! last night i dreamt that DH was leaving me for some girl that he wanted to get engaged too. if you knew my DH youd know how ridiculous this is, but it was like real life to me. i kept waking myself up, but as soon as id fall asleep again the same dream would start again! argh! i hope that your sleeping gets better though! you need to get all the rest you can cause it gets harder to sleep the bigger you get! lol

i would love to be able to fit in all my clothes for a bit longer, but i kinda want to go out and buy new stuff too ! i want to buy a pair of denim dungarees to wear - when else can you get away with wearing them apart from when your pregnant !!

i think its great that both out OH's are suffering pregnancy symptoms - its only fair !!

i think the next two weeks will go quite quickly for me - these past six weeks seem to have flown by - thank goodness !! i've got a few nice things planned to keep me busy so that should help too ! i'm looking forward to meeting my midwife next week - then i think it will feel a bit more real !!

October sounds a really long way away - have you had an early scan too ?
what are you hoping for - boy or girl this time ?
the new clothes shopping is always fun, so i cant really blame you for it! i was so excited last time. but boy did i spend a ton of money! i never realized how much you really need. this time i am hoping that my old stuff lasts me through. except we are moving to texas in january, and it will be pretty chilly there. so i will have to buy some jeans and sweaters for the last few weeks, i am sure. here in hawaii all i have are shorts and tank tops. lol!

its good that you have some nice things planned to keep your mind off of the wait. hopefully it will fly by for you. i know what you mean, the first appointment is like "whoa! this is like, really real!" lol. i had my registration appointment a couple weeks ago, and even though i didnt see a doctor i was just sat there thinking "wow...i cant beleive i am here again and in about 9 months im going to be a mother of 2!!" it was kind of surreal. i really hope the appointment goes well. its such an exciting one :)

i actually go to a military hospital here and they only give one scan [the 20 week one] unless there is something abnormal - like you measure big, or small, or have strange symptoms or bleeding. if you have issues, they will give you one to make sure everything is okay. last time i had a textboook pregnancy and only got the one at 20 weeks. i dont really hope for abnormalities or anything...this time, though, i think i will try to convince DH to go pay on our own for a private scan maybe sometime around 30 weeks or so. only seeing the little bean once in 40 weeks...its such a long, hard wait!

i will be happy for a boy or a girl. i have both [i have a 4.5 yo stepson] so its not like im missing out on one or the other. but i kind of hope that its a girl. i would really like for them to be close friends and such. i always wanted that growing up, but i only had a brother that is 9.5years older than me. but DH is hoping for a boy. his son, he has his mom's last name even though she promised up until the actually signing of the birth certificate to give him DH's last name. DH and his brother are the last of his family name, and DH's brother is far far away from having any kids, and so i really think he hopes for a boy to carry on the name.
I know what you mean about cats! i have 2 and somenights they come and meow down my ear or chase each other round the house which is really loud! and last night i made myself a cup of tea but fell asleep before i could drink it and at about 3 my cats were fighting over it!

i cant wait for winter! hopefully the sickness will have gone by then and just the thought of being able to wear uggs and leggings again makes me excited! hehe

You're moving in january? Wow you do like to keep yourself busy ! And I imagine moving to texas will be a bit of a shock to the system! Is your DH in the army?
I can't believe you only have one scan! I'd be desperate to have more scans! I think paying for an extra scan is a great idea - are they expensive over there?
You're DH's ex sounds a bit unfair to promise the surname and then to change her mind - its quite mean!
We have decided that our baby will have OH's surname as he is the only child left in the entire family to pass on their surname - OH is the only person in his family under the age of 60 , so this baby is the first new baby for quite a long time! OH would like a girl but im really not fussed - very glad I don't have to choose actually!
We are also waiting to see if its a baby or babies ! OH's father is a twin so there is a slight chance of us having twins - eek!!!

DizziSkittle - im glad its not just my cats that are pains in the bum at nighttime! But at least we'll be well practised at getting up in the night to settle the baby! Have your cats been behaving any differently since you became pregnant? My male cat Stan is a lot more of a mummies boy these days and Ollie the female cat likes to cuddle up by my tummy under the quilt when im in bed - I often wake during the night to find her there! But its only a recent thing!
I hope your sickness feels better soon - its meant to get better by 12 weeks so fingers crossed for you!

I have another pregnancy symptom that is driving me crazy - feeling a bit too much emotional these days and im so bloody sick of crying at every episode of ER!!! (We're watching all the old episodes while we have the time!)
Oh and have you had a look on the dorothy perkins website recently? They have their own range of maternity clothes at really good prices! Thinking of treating myself to a few things from there in te coming months!!
i am moving in january! as crazy as it is...ill be about 34-35 weeks along at the time. DH is in the air force and the move is not really our choice. we had applied to stay in hawaii until the end of 2012 and we were pretty assured it would go through, but were surprised by orders last week to texas in january. i am not looking forward to it. but luckily the military comes and packs your house up, ships it, and unloads it at the destination. so, as far as moves go, it could be much worse!

the scan situation is pretty junk, in my opinion. i dont know why they do it that way...probably to save money, or they just have too many women and not enough machines or who knows. i think that the cost of scans on the outside is about $150 or so, so not too bad. considering we dont pay a penny for anything related to the pregnancy, i think we can put down $150 for an extra scan! lol. at least thats how i see it! :)

yea the whole thing between DH and his ex was pretty bad there at the end of her pregnancy and the beginning of my stepsons life. they are actually on decent terms now though, and we all get along fairly well. its very nice that you guys are going to give the baby your OHs surname! its crazy that there havent been any babies in the family for so long! i bet everyone is just so excited for the little one to come. do they all know about the pregnancy or is it still just between you and OH?

twins would be exciting! DH also has twins on his side. i am adopted, so i dont know about my birth parents. but ive been having a bunch of dreams about twins lately. it would be exciting if it were twins, for sure. but with an 18month old on top of it, i think it would be amazingly exhausting! lol. with the way that my tummy is growing already though, it would be nice to have twins to blame it on!! hehe ;)

i hope the emotions level out for you soon. i cried so much in the last pregnancy...and even after. i actually teared up at a tv show. and i NEVER cried before i got pregnant. its crazy what these hormones do to us!

we dont have any cats, but my dogs are the same way with being overly cuddly when i am pregnant and wanting to cuddle the tummy. i read somewhere that pets are very accutely aware of pregnancy in their owners and can be overly protective and such. its so funny that you guys have your cats training you to wake up in the night! hopefully youll be more prepared for it that way than i was...i swear i was like a walking zombie the first month of audreys life! :-/
I guess your right with saying that the move could be much worse but they could have picked a better time for you! I have a few friends that are army wives and spend their time moving from the uk to germany - their husbands are back and forth from afganistan - I'd be so worried all the time!

From watching american tv shows I see that you have to have health insurance, so i'll bet having a baby over there is quite expensive? So having the military pay for it all must be one less thing on your mind!

Im glad to hear that things are much better between your family and the ex - does your stepson live near you? And what will happen when you move?

I would've preferred to give the baby a double barrelled surname but it would be a bit of a mouthful so we've decided against but I have two brothers so at least my surname will be passed on through them (hopefully!) They are both nowhere near settling down so my mum is thrilled at becoming a nanna!

OH and I have been together 8 and a half years,and have lived together for 7 and a half years, so this baby has been has been long awaited by my mum for a long time! I was on the birth control pill for 7 years and we decided to try for a baby at the beginning of the year - not so much trying for baby - more 'what will be, will be '. So it was quite a shock to fall pregnant so soon!!
We've told most of our families and they are very happy. Most of my family live quite close by, but all of OH's family live away, either in Spain or Scotland.
Do you still see your family? Or do you live far away due to moving with your family?

Being emotional isn't a new thing to me, thanks to my mum, I cry at pretty much anything - mum's worse though - she cries when people do well on live tv shows like 'dancing with the stars' ! Which can be pretty funny!

Im hoping what with the cats not letting me sleep properly for nearly two years and running a busy toddler room in a day nursery, I should be kinda ok with this baby - but the idea of having the baby in my house and it being mine and OH's complete responsibility is going to be a bit weird for me - im so used to giving the children back at 6 pm every night!!
luckily my husband works in a field where they dont deploy much. its kind of nice to not have to worry about it. in like 8 years hes not deployed once! i know its coming eventually, but some people are deployed every couple of years. i dont know if i could do that!

i heard somewhere that the average cost of having a baby here is 6-10 thousand dollars, when you include the prenatal appointments and such. so the military health care is amazing! we probably wouldnt have any kids right now if we actually had to pay the outside cost! the military salary isnt that great, but the full health care coverage helps make up for it, for sure!

my stepson and his mom do live here, and we are working out the arrangement for when we leave. she is military too and is on orders here for 1 year after we leave. we are hoping we can end up stationed together with her again, as its much easier to work the visitation that way. luckily though she wants to make sure he knows us and his siblings. typically dads get like half of christmas break, spring break, and half of summer. it amounts to about 6 weeks or so a year. she never got to see her dad much growing up as her mom kept them away from him, and she doesnt want that for my stepson. so we are trying to figure out a good situation that is closer to 50-50 for each family. i hope it works! :-/

my stepsons name is actually legally hyphenated. makes for a super long name- dylan alexander dickson-luciano - phew! but on all non-legal documents our portion of the surname gets left off. he even says his name is just dylan dickson. cant blame the kid, as its a mouthful! but it hurts Dh, i know.

how old are your brothers? maybe they are just not at the point of settling down and starting families yet? i would imagine that with two brothers, at least one will have a kids and pass the name on...at some point! lol. i bet your mom is so excited. i know my mom was excited when my brother had his first. my brother has had a bad past though with drugs and such...he is divorced from the mother of his son, and separated from the girlfriend who is the mother of his daughter. so my mom was so excited for my first baby, because those women sort of snatched the grandkids away to a certain degree and she knows that with my kids that will never happen. its a sad situation with my brothers kids really. but my parents have gone to court and actually gotten court ordered visitation with my nephew - the one day a month is nothing to the fact that they had him 5-6 days a week up until he was nearly 5 though. :-/

wow! you have been with your OH so long! i bet you guys are so excited! i was on BC for about 8 years as well when i went off to start NTNP for Audrey. it took us 5 cycles. it seemed like forever at the time, but now looking back i know we were lucky to have it happen so quickly. i see some women on this forum that have been trying for years and my heart really goes out to them. i know how hard it is to wait for something you want so bad.

family in spain huh? not a bad reason to have a spanish holiday every year! ;) as i remember from my few european backpacking trips, its pretty cheap to fly around europe isnt it? so hopefully you will be able to see his family some when the LO is growing up :) we dont see family too much. i get back to the states about once a year and we do this huge tour of about 4 different states to see all of my family. but luckily my parents are able to come out here a lot - about 4 times a year. so that makes it really nice. they were just here in june and will be coming out again for audreys bday september 19th. i will be glad to be back on the continent though, its just so expensive to get to or from hawaii. we will likely be able to make more trips and have more people come visit us in texas :) plus my mum is taking a job where she works 3 weeks in alaska and then has 3 weeks off to do whatever she pleases - go back to their home in vegas or just travel. so she will have more time to visit. my dad works 3 weeks in north dakota, and then has 1 week off. [the same job my mom is currently in, but about to leave] i know it will be hard on them to be separated more, but its nice that they get so much time off to come visit and such :)

haha! youre mom sounds like mine! my mom cries at all sorts of television shows! i never was very emotional unless i get very angry, when i usually cry. so the pregnancy hormones are so weird and different for me. this go round, though, i seem to be handling them a bit better. thankfully! :D

you should be totally prepared for a baby! thats awesome that you have so much experience with kids, im sure it makes you feel much more secure about what is coming! i had been around kids my whole life too, so i felt pretty assured about having a baby. but my poor friend had a baby and had never so much as babysat or held a baby before...it was hard for her because she just didnt feel confident and didnt know how to do certain things. it is weird, the transition, though. we have my stepson 1 night a week and the weekends, and to go from that to having audrey 24/7 was strange. it was like
"whoa! we are really never going to get a break, are we?!" lol. but we settled into easily and i love it. i actually have only left her overnight once, and that was at 8 months with my mother. ive become one of those "if i cant bring my baby, im really not that interested in doing it" sort of moms. its a huge change for me, because i was always the "partier" and independent one before having kids. its funny how they change things! lol
Hello! Well what a busy few days I've had! It was my birthday on Wednesday and also my first midwife appointment - I had my bloods taken and so much paperwork to be filled in! The midwife was lovely! I was very brave having my bloods taken - I hate needles but even my OH was impressed with how well behaved I was! If only having the baby was as easy!!
I treated myself to some new clothes and new work trousers as last week they were so tight they were leaving a button imprint!!! I also had my hair cut into a bob - had about 5 inches chopped off!!
I have my first scan on friday - im a little nervous but excited too! I can't believe im nearly twelve weeks on Saturday - time has flown by!

How have you been feeling ? My morning sickness and tiredness has gone so I feel almost like me again!

6-10 thousand dollars? Bloody hell !!!! Im suprised people have children at that cost! That truly is shocking! Im glad that things are going well with your family and its lovely to hear that you all try to make things work between you all!

My brothers are 29 and 23 and are no where near settling down!! The eldest is planning on moving to London to be near his girlfriend and my little brother likes messing around with his mates too much! Im sorry to hear about what's happened with your brothers family - your parents sound wonderful!

I know what you mean about reading other girls threads and how they've struggled to get pregnant and lost babies - its so sad! I try not to read too much negative things on here as they are so sad but I understand why they talk about it - it must be helpful to be able to share stories, how ever sad they are.

When you move to Texas in the new year, will you be abke to fly? Not sure what your flying rules are over there - we want to organize a visit to Spain for december but will have to work out when I can still fly. We are going away in january for my friends 30th birthday - but its only to sherwood forest in england ( about 3 hours drive away). We are spending a week in a log cabin in the middle of the woods and going to do lots of walking and swimming in the huge indoor pool - its a place called Centre Parks and you can do lots of activities there - I'll be spending my time swimming, relaxing and having some mum to be beauty treatments in the salon there - really looking forward to it! Its an extra christmas present to ourselfs and will be the last time away before the baby!

It sounds like you really enjoy family life which is fab! How do you think Audrey will find being a big sister?
We are very lucky that two of our best friend couples have both had children in the past 16 months so hopefully it wont be too hard for us to keep our social lives but instead of pubs and cinema, it'll be parks and feeding the ducks! Lol!!
oh wow! seems like you have had a busy week! im so glad that your appointment went well and that the needle issue wasnt too bad for you. i dont really have a problem with needles, i have several tattoos myself and am an avid blood donator, but they take so many bloods and things that it is sort of a lot. but so worth it :) very exciting about your scan! its so soon! cant wait to see the pictures of your little bun! :D

a whole new look for you with your new clothes and haircut. arent maternity pants just to die for? lol. i never wore anything with elastic before i got pregnant the first time, and i never knew how comfy it could be! lol.

i have been pretty well, but still pretty tired. it sounds like you are over the worst of it, with the MS and exhaustion. i wish i could just have a little more energy! luckily audrey has been letting us sleep in, so that is helping! :D

yea the cost of having a baby is outrageous! im so happy for the military health coverage when it comes to labour and such. so funny about your brothers...its no wonder that your mom is so looking forward to a grandbaby from you! seems like they are still very much in non-parenting mode. it comes for each us of us at different times i think.

i have looked into the flying rules and you can fly until you are 36 weeks. apparently you can fly after that if you have a note from your doctor too. but i will be 34-35 weeks, so i should just make the cutoff. i think you should be more than okay for your trip in december, and your trip in january will probably be such a welcome break from it all. it sounds marvellous-the spa and the swimming. its the perfect time in pregnancy to do it, because, at least for me, that when i was really starting to get pretty achey.

i think that audrey will be great at being a big sister. she truly loves other kids. the only thing i worry about is her being a bit too young to understand that she must be gentle and such. also, she is very much used to having all of my attentions, so i am sure it will be a transition. i think though, since she is so young still, she will adapt pretty quickly. :)

how nice that you have friends with children too! i have a couple, but none that live near me. it would be really nice to have someone to go to the park with, but audrey and i get along on our own during the days - going on walks, to the park, to the swimming pool. its amazing how quickly you forget about going out on the town and really dont even miss it!

so i have my 12 week appointment on wednesday. we will get to hear the heartbeat. we wont get a scan though, unless i am measuring big or small for the stage im at. it will be great, nonetheless, to hear the little heartbeat! :D
Well we went for our 12 week scan today and it turns out we are having identical twins!!!!!!
Just can't believe it!!! I was convinced it was just one baby in there!!
They've put me forward to 2nd march but they said I would be lucky to make it to 36 weeks!! Which means they will be feb babies !!
Its just so much information to take in!!! I'll be having so many scans - after 20 weeks I'll be having a scan every two weeks!!

Hope you are all well ! X


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