due march 9th, looking for bump buddy, north wales

ohmygosh! that is fantastic news! do twins run in your family or is it a complete shock for you? the picture is absolutely gorgeous...what beautiful little beans you have there. ive heard that about twins is that they like to get to 36 weeks. i have a coworker from my last job that had twins and they induced her ar 36 weeks too. i wonder if you will be able to have them naturally or if twins mean having a c-section? i dont really know much about it.. its awesome that you get so many scans though! soo soooo exciting! i am so excited to hear about your progress with the little babies!! :D CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Thank you so much ! My OH's dad is a twin but i really didn't think I would have twins as it usually passes through the womans 's side , also you normally suffer with more sickness and are bigger earlier on - but i didn't really have any of those!
I can't wait to find out whether they are girls or boys - we have no preference!
I haven't even thought about the birth - im not sure what they'll do - just have to wait and see I guess!

At least we wont have to remodel the house now, just decorate the large room for them to share together! Its so exciting!!
thats so exciting! and they are sure that they are identical twins? im not sure how it works, but it seems like they know that for some reason? so theres no chance of it being a boy and a girl then? just a couple more months and youll find out what the little ones are and you can start getting all those adorable little matching outfits!! :D hehe. it sounds like it works out well for how your home is setup too. i am so excited for you and cant wait to see all your scans!!! :D
I'm feeling a bit better about it now - Saturday and Sunday was a little upsetting for me, just purely from the shock - i found myself having quite a few crying sessions but i feel better for it - it was just such a shock! I was just so sure about they're being one baby so to see two, I just wasn't prepared for it!

My mum is over the moon and has already been to look at double prams on my behalf! Oh and she's started buying nappies for us to start a supply! Everybody just can't believe it! According to research, there is a 1 in 80 chance of identical twins - i must be very lucky!!

They think they are identical as they are in the same sac, so have both come from one egg - its just bonkers how it works! Its more than likely boys or girls - I cant decide which id prefer, so im glad I don't have to choose!

I'll have my next scan in 3 weeks - at 16 weeks and then the 20 week scan will tell me what they are. I'll be having so many scans before they arrive - im so lucky!
Hope things are going well with you. :hugs:
i dont blame you! that is quite the shock, im sure! even though its an amazing thing, im sure its kind of hard to get your mind wrapped around it. :)

i dont know if they have the brand there, but ive done a BUNCH of research on double prams and the Baby Jogger City Select seems to be great. it gets great reviews and will grow with the kids. its a little pricey, but i think worth it. i will be getting it when #2 comes along. I have the bugaboo chameleon right now, and i hate to give it up, but I dont like the bugaboo double as its a side by side and not a tandem. the mima kobi looks awesome too, but you cant get it in the US and i cant seem to find a lot of information about it, like seat arrangement options and such. anyway, im rambling...like i said, double strollers have been on my mind a LOT lately. lol

thats awesome about the diapers! i cant imagine how many youll need, so its best to start stocking up early. have you considered cloth? i cant do them here because our water in our washer doesnt get to the recommended temp, but if you can do them i bet it would save you loads compared to the cost of diapers!

im so excited to find out if they are boys or girls! i am just so excited for you. this is going to be an amazing journey for you, i have no doubt!! :D
Been looking at prams online and can't wait to go and try some out - like the look of the baby jogger city mini double, as we want them to sit next to each other, rather then in tandem - I watched a lady pushing a tandem pram a few days ago and she crashed 4 times in a about 30 seconds - and it was a huge shop with lots of space between the rails! Very funny !
The only problem with the jogger double pram is that you can't fit car seats to it, but if we want one like that then it's going to cost £800+, and we just can't afford that :o(

We've had OH's dad over to visit this weekend and he has drove me bonkers - apparently we are planning ahead to much and we don't need to buy everything until they are born - I've told him he is proposterous and that he has no idea on how to raise children ! He has really wound me and OH up - he even said we don't need car seats !!!!
I felt like screaming and ripping his head off !!

I did have a think about the resusable nappies, but with two of them using and the rest of the washing of clothes, I'd spend my life at the washing machine !!

I've had my next scan date through - 22nd sept, I will be 16 and a half weeks - time is flying by !! Only 16 weeks tills christmas - eek !! Hopefully we might be able to see if they are boys or girls ! I can't wait to find out so we can buy things and get the nursery decorated ! Oh and narrow down names !! Have you got any names yet ? Any idea what your having ? I have no idea if they are boys or girls, I refer to them as 'the twins', although whenever I talk about the scan picture, I always say 'he'- but I always say they could be girls or boys - always girls first ! So who knows !!!

Hope all is well with your little family x

ooh...thats tough with the pram issue then. i would think that being able to fit the car seats in would be nice. though, you know, we didnt get the attachment for our bugaboo for the carseat. we just moved her from the carseat to the pram. but it may be a bit more of a hassle with twins doing it that way. youre braver than i with the side by side, already with my bugaboo i end up having some problems with aisles in stores being a bit tight, and crowded sidewalks as well. thats why im looking toward the tandem. mayb things here in hawaii are just more narrow or something! lol

i wouldnt listen to a word of what your oh's dad is saying! you are going to be so busy when the twins come that you really should try to have everything you need bought and setup before. thats not to say you have to get it this minute, spread it out over the next months, but i would have all the essentials before 36 weeks, for sure! the car seat thing is crazy, but i think it is generational...my parents didnt have car seats for us kids because they were required. but now its the law! not an option, its essential. i would just smile and nod when he gives you advice like that, and then turn around and buy what you need to buy! ;)

youre probably right about the cloth issue...that would sure be a lot of washing to do. among the million other things we have to do as mom's! lol

i am actually to have a scan 22 september as well! its not my scan through the doctor, but weve decided to have a private one. my parents will be here for audreys bday 19 september, and are staying the week. so we are going to surprise them and take them to the scan to see the baby. they werent out here during my last pregnancy and didnt really get to be a part of it, so i thought i would be cool to give them this as a gift. and since its 16 weeks, we will hopefully be able to find out the gender. it will be nice too, cause then we will get the 20 week scan from the doctor and be able to sort of confirm it. :) so very cool that we will be getting scans the same day :D

we havent even started on names. last time we had both a boy and girl name picked out at about 6 weeks, but then when we found out that it was a girl, DH totally changed his mind on our girl name. then we literally went through every name in the book and on every website. it was like we couldnt agree on anything, probably cause i was stuck on the original name i had sort of fallen in love with. finally we came to audrey, and im glad we did, but it was a rough couple of weeks of nonstop "discussing" [re: arguing] about names! lol. so we are just waiting to even bring up the subject until we know if its a boy or a girl. no use falling in love with a name if he might change his mind after the scan! lol. how about you guys? any ideas yet?

i really dont have any feelings with this pregnancy as to if its a boy or a girl. with audrey, i was certain from the beginning she was a girl. and in the beginning of this i thought girl too. but then my cousin said the other week that she thought i was having a boy. and now ive been having boy thoughts! and in all my dreams since i fell pregnant, we have twins! so i honestly have no clue. i really thought i would just know, like last time, but i dont have the same certainty. im so excited to find out though. and so excited for you to find out about your little ones too! :D

things are good overall here, except DH has been gone 10 days now and will be for another nearly 2 weeks. hes away on work, but it just leaves me and audrey. and i dont have any friends here anymore, all my friends were from uni and have since moved back to the mainland for better jobs since we graduated. so its been kind of lonely. dont get me wrong, i love hanging out with audrey all day, but some adult interaction and conversation would be nice! lol. only 13 more days...lol

i hope you are all doing well and feeling well! heres to counting down the next 17 days til our scans for the both of us! ;)
Im quite used to double rams, using them in work - we even have triple prams ! They are a nightmare to push and so heavy to push!! We live in the countryside and go for lots of walks, so we want a pram that will cope with the offroading! Went to see the pram I mentioned before and its fab! But its such a tough decision!
We had a very busy weekend - we bought a new car! Poor OH's car had to be traded in and neither of our cars are suitable! We both had three door clips that couldn't fit a double pram in, let alone two babies as well!! We now have a skoda octavia estate - its huge compared to what im used to driving so it will take some getting used to!

Had some more scan dates come through, both in october - my 20 week scan is going to last around an hour and a half! Im dreading needing a wee for so long!
That's lovely news about your scan date and what a fab surprise for your parents! They will be thrilled! Can't wait to compare scan pictures!
Have you anything planned for audrey's birthday? How very exciting!! And so nice for your parents to be there with you all!

Names is such a tough one! We have the boys names - Finley Russell and Benjamin Russell, the middle name Russell is after my dad, who died when I was younger.
Girls names are Jemima and Charlotte (Mimi and Lottie for short) or Cora and Pippa - haven't thought about middle names yet! Hopefully we wont change our minds but we shall see!

I have started to feel the moving in the past few days! Its really weird for me but it feels like tapping behind my tummy button! Its very exciting,! My OH can't wait to be able to feel them too! Have you started feeling your baby move yet?

I hope the past few days haven't been tough on you? I've never really been apart from OH in the past 8 and a half years - probably about 9 days in total! So to be apart from your OH must be hard for you - hope he's home soon! Do you have play groups or mother and toddler groups, where you live ?

Can't believe we are almost four months! The weeks are flying by!! X x
thats awesome that you have gotten a new, bigger car! we had to get a second car too, before i fell pregnant this time. we decided to get a van and now we are sure glad that we did! we need the third row now that we will have three kids! its really crazy how big our family is getting :) it really does take awhile to get used to...i had never driven anything so big before either. it took some time to get my confidence about me in it.

i was really worried about my ultrasound last time too, it was an hour and i thought the urge to go would be dreadful. but once our baby pops up on the screen, i assure you, you forget all about it! i am so excited about next week :D cant wait to see the baby! and your babies too!

we are just having a small party with audrey - the 4 of us and my parents. there will be cake and decorations and presents, but nothing too big. im sure it will be great. i think the highlight for audrey will be getting to eat cake for the first time! im sure she will be on a sugar high all day and we will regret it, but thats what birthdays are for right!? ;)

i love the name finley! it is so funny that that is one of your boy names! cause that was top of my list last pregnancy, and i still love it. i was trying to convince DH on that for a boy too! both of our kids have Ys in their names [dylan and audrey] and i would like to carry it through will all of our kids. its pretty easy with girl names, a lot of them have Ys, but not so much with boy names. but i love love love finley, but DH just isnt as convinced on it. I sure do love your names though. pippa is gorgeous and ive always loved the name charlotte. the boy combinations are great. you are well on your way with the names!! :D

i have felt movements 2 or 3 times, but only when im relly still and focusing on it. they are pretty tiny movements still. i bet the movements will be crazy when the twins are bigger! youll probably never get any rest will the little ones moving around in there!!

it has been a rough 3 weeks! its just going slow, but at least i have audrey with me! and now DH is due back on sunday. unfortunately there is to be a tropical storm hitting japan saturday night and i am really hoping that it doesnt delay his return. especially since audreys bday is monday! i dont want him to miss it... :-/ all of the mother/baby groups here are the sort you pay for and they are sooooo expensive, so i dont go to any. we just cant afford the extra cost. but i do know a couple ladies with kids on the air force base here and we see them at the park and such. its kind of a nice change, every once in awhile, to it being just the two of us.

we are so far along! its crazy how quickly it is going by! i feel like, if i blink, im going to open my eyes and have a new baby in my arms!
hello ! just wanted to wish you good luck for your scan tomorrow (in british time that is, not sure what the time difference is over there !) i really cant wait to see your scan picture, and i hope everything goes well !

have you had the birthday party yet ? i hope you all have/ had a fab day and i hope Audrey was spoilt rotten !! did your OH manage to get home in time ? fingers crossed that he did !

i had my 16 week midwife appointment today - it went really well, and i got to hear my babies heartbeats for the first time ! i couldnt believe how fast and strong they were ! i was so relieved, as i was a starting to worry, just in case ! im now really looking forward to the scan tomorrow - cant wait to compare pictures with you !!

the midwife told me i was doing really well and looked great -i dont feel like i look great - suffering with the worst spots ever - really gross, ive never really had spots until now, its like being 13 again !
she also said that my iron count was really high, considering im having twins - so i was quite pleased !!

hope you are all well, and enjoying your time with your parents !
speak soon x
hi there hun! i hope that your scan went perfectly! we were super busy all week with my parents here, but it was so much fun. the birthday party was great and audrey thought she was pretty cool opening all of her presents. i made her he own little smash cake and she wouldnt smash it! too prissy i gues...she didnt want to be dirty! it was so funny. but it was a great time. and we were very happy that daddy got to be here for it too. unfortuantely his mom had a back injury and he was only home 4 days before he had to go to michigan. he will be home on friday and hopefully will be able to stay here for awhile!!

the scan was amazing! i was 16+2 at the time, but the baby measured only 14+1...so i dont know if my dates are off or the baby is just small. it was difficult to determine gender because of that, but all indications point to another girl. we are going back on 6 october for a follow-up and a confirmation on the gender. i will attach photos here! how did yours go! i cant wait to see what your little twins look like! did you find out the genders?

i hope that everything is going well for you! i am going to my 17 week appointment tomorrow and i am going to ask about the baby measuring small. hopefully i get some answers about that. cant wait to hear how youve been! :D

Heya!! So glad to hear that you've had a fab week and that Audrey had a wonderful time! Im so glad that your OH made it home, even if it was short lived! Fingers crossed that your OH is home for awhile!

Congratulations on another beautiful girl! How wonderful for you all! The scan pictures are fab ! I hope everything is ok with your baby and that hopefully baby will go through a growth spurt soon. Its great that you have the midwife so soon, just to answer your questions - im keeping everything crossed that all is well.

Well my 16 week scan went really well, both are really healthy and are practically the same size - only 4mm between them! I was a little disappointed to have misbehaving babies that were not in the easiest positions to tell the gender. The sonographer did say she couldn't see anything dangling, but wouldn't stake her reputation on it! I was gutted - mainly because my favourite clothes shop was having a day sale and i wanted to buy the babies their first proper outfits (not babygrow's) - oh well!!!

Luckily, I have another scan on Monday, so im hoping that this time they will behave!
These are the latest photos - 16 weeks and 5 days


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it was great. and DH gets home tomorrow. he doesnt have to leave again until the end of october, and then only for about 7-8 days. luckily we will have some time together though!

thank you! i am excited to go in next thursday to get confirmation on the gender, but the tech was pretty sure that it is a girl. i asked at my appointment yesterday about the dating difference and she said that it could be that the baby is small, but usually a discrepency of 2 weeks or more [mine was 2+1] means that the dates are wrong. she said not to worry about it now and just to see at the 20 week ultrasound. if there is still a big difference, they will likely change my due date. so that is scheduled for 18 october...i cant wait, because id like to know when i can be expecting this little one to arrive!

thats great that the babies are similar in size, i would imagine that is healthier than having one much larger than the other. im really sorry that the babies werent behaving. i imagine its much harder to get a clear view with 2 of them in there! at our scan she was laying with her ankles crossed, being all modest, but the tech was able to just look from the other angle and see right where she needed to! ;) it seems as if you may be having baby girls as well though! i cant wait to hear what you find out on monday! hopefully those little ones are much more cooperative this time!

they are gorgeous by the way! they have the cutest little profiles - you can already tell! :D
Well I went for another scan and the gender result was ...... Boys !!!!
It was a bit of a shock but I'm thrilled ! It means I can still be the prettiest in the house, lol !! We have chosen their names - Ben and Finn, I'm really pleased as I can use my dads name as their middle names !
We can't wait to start decorating the nursery - we've decided on a robot theme as we've found these amazing wall stickers online, which we love !
I bought the boys first outfits after the scan - two matching sets of dungarees/ tshirts and the cutest little converse style soft shoes !!

I have another scan in just under two weeks, so I'm hoping to get some good photos of them - the latest are a bit rubbish !

So it sounds like your baby will be born in the middle of march now - I'm glad it could just the dates that are wrong, and that everything else is fine !:hugs:
Congratulations!! That is so exciting and I love the names you guys have chosen :) They are adorable. And it seems like you guys are completely on top of the planning...the nursery will be beautiful, I'm sure! :D And the outfits...how fun to get to buy little matching outfits! Ahhh...I am so excited for you!

We went for our confirmation scan today [it got moved up a day] and the last indication was correct...we are having another little girl. We are still super far away from deciding on a name though. It is kind of nice though as we have EVERYTHING for a girl and, since they will likely have to share a room, its just nice that it's two girls. She was kinda stubborn and facing down though, so the pictures were not good but I am okay with it since we have the 20 week scan on 18 October. So last time the baby was measuring 15 days behind the point where my LMP said I should be at, and today it was just 10 days behind. So I am just waiting until the next scan to see what happens...they might not change my EDD, but even if they don't I am fully expecting to go over this time. Audrey was 10 days late and it was hard because I wasn't expecting it, but this time I am going into it knowing its a possibility.

Congrats again, on your beautiful little men! So excited for you!! :D
Hello! How are things? Hope you are well and that things are progressing nicely!
Not sure if you've been for 20 week scan yet, hope it goes well! Fingers crossed that the dates add up!

I went to for our 20 week scan today - definetly boys! They are growing well and look really strong and healthy - i want them to be rugby players so im pleased! There is only a slight size difference between them, so all being well they should weigh around 5lbs/6lbs when they are born.
I've added the latest photos - I think they look like their daddy!
These are the 20 weeks scan photos


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they are gorgeous!! and its so great that they are so similar in size. ive always heard that there is usually a smaller twin and a larger one, but it seems like you wont have that sort of thing at all. they are well on their way to being strapping young boys! :D when do you get another scan? i think i have convinced DH to go in for another private scan at about 32-34 weeks or something. but, without going to a private one, this will be our last.

i have my scan tomorrow afternoon. i am really interested to hear what they have to say about the dates. though i have gained like 2.5 lbs in the past two weeks, so maybe she has had a growth spurt too! im not really worried about it if they do push my date back though. we are moving the end of january, and it takes up to a month to get your furniture shipped and then trucked from hawaii. so its cutting it close to give us enough time to get the house all set up and everything settled before the baby comes. so i wont turn down a little extra time. its funny because when it got close to my EDD with audrey i was sooooo impatient, and she ended up coming 10 days late by induction. likely, since this time i am okay with her being late, this little girl will come early! lol
hello hello hello !!
so sorry for my late reply, we've had a lack of internet for the past few weeks - which has been like a punishment !
how are you and your growing family ? i hope the scan went well and that your new baby girl is growing nicely ! how have you been feeling ?

we've had such a busy few weeks - we've cleared out the room that will be the boys room - its taken weeks, due to the amount of stuff we had in the wardrobes etc.
ive never really moved house so it was an eye opener as to how much stuff we actually had that i hadnt seen for years ! we've bought the cotbeds and mattresses, storage furniture and other bits and bobs for their room. we are planning on starting to decorate this weekend - very exciting !!!

things are going well with the boys, they have grown so much that i am now undeniably pregnant, but everyone still says its nice neat bump and that it doesn't look like im having twins !!! we shall see how long that lasts for !!!
we are doing good! its been busy with halloween and DHs birthday as well, but its been good. our scan was good, but they did end up moving our due date back 9 days though. so now i am due 15 march. we go in for another scan on 22 november to make sure she is growing right and to see if this due date is still right..they just want to make sure they see 5 weeks worth of growth.

i am still feeling really good...my tummy is distinctively heavier these days though! im glad that everything is good though...audrey and i are going on vacation to see my family this coming thursday, and will be traveling for about 10 days. it would not be fun at all doing it all by myself if i wasnt feeling well!

it sounds like you guys are well on your way to getting the nursery all set up! how exciting! i know that i was so excited about that for audrey too. this time, since we are moving right before the birth, i wont really get to nest or anything and we arent buying anything until we got to texas so that a] we dont have to move it and b] we can see how the rooms and spaces are set up at the new place. i am kinda missing doing all that fun planning and decorating stuff though.

so you are feeling pretty well too? when is your next scan? i bet you are really able to see details of the boys now! im glad that your bump is so neat...i wish i had the same, but it seems i am getting bigger all around my waist and not just out front. bleh! lol

chat with you soon! good luck with the decorating and i cant wait to see pictures of the room!! i bet it will be GORGEOUS!! :D

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