So sorry mrsAmk
I can't even begin to imagine how hard this past year has been for you
I've just caught up on the thread.
I ended up in hospital on Saturday and admitted Saturday and Sunday due to a fall. Saturday morning I thought I'd hoover our 4x4, as I stepped backwards out the car I tripped over the Hoover straight into the floor.
I went into Birthing & Assessment just to be monitored and was having painful contractions. I got wheeled on my bed into another room and told they thought bubs was coming, they wouldn't stop her if she was due to the fall, they'd prepped NICU for us, they did swabs, bloods, an examination, a scan. I had about 5 hours of painful contractions before they gave me endo which made me so drowsy and sleep.
I'm still having irregular contractions, doctor said I have a super sensitive and reactive uterus. Walking, bending, anything sets them off.
Hubby took the past few days off but is back at work tomorrow.
I had my appointment yesterday, I saw the boss of obstetrics. I'm booked in for a c-section on the 14th may. If I go early on my own I can try natural with a standing birth. I'm really hoping I go natural.
Any tips ladies to increase my changes of going earlier? I may start RLT capsules or is the tea better? And EPO do you take orally or insert it?
The lady we saw yesterday has advised more babies as my condition is going to worsen with each pregnancy. But we'll see how we are in a few years
I've gained 9lbs to date.
My next appointment is the 15th April and we have a scan on the 17th to check on the polyhydramnois.
We've chose the name Poppy Emilia Morgan for our sweet bubba
our first daughter is Isla summer Morgan.
How are you ladies?