I think it's worth a try. Mine has a high palate and struggling to suck anything (nipple, bottle, you name it), so we found the only ones that worked were the cherry ones (not the newer orthodontic ones, those are crap). It definitely helped and yes, the correlation between dummy use and reduced risk of cot death was a selling point too (it's something to do with strengthening muscles for breathing with all that extra sucking). Getting rid of it was no big deal. We only used it for settling a bit between feeds during the day the first few months and then nighttime. After the first few months, we used it only for nighttime (rarely even for daytime naps). She had it until she turned 2 and then we just explained she was a big girl and it was time for it to go. We had a few nights of unsettled sleep, and that was it. So much easier than months or even years of being unsettled, 2-3 nights of it was no big deal. No effect on her teeth at all, even using the non-orthodontic friendly ones. The dentist says her teeth couldn't look better. I think really the key is not to get into the habit of using it all the time, day and night. Save it for when you need it for sleep.