I was TOTALLY interested in this like >1year ago when it wasn't available here... I wanted it SO BAD... now... I don't now, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the when are you fertile, when do you ovulate, when to BD concept. I'm pretty sure we've tried all variations of that over the last 2-3 years, so I'm not really sure what 20,000 daily temperatures could add at this point? I have 3 years of BBTs logged, a full fertility specialist work up, and nothing to show for it? I guess I was just 'underwhelmed' by the information on the website this time around. If you have unexplained infertility and regular cycles I just don't see it doing much. I guess I already did all the low-tech versions of the same thing. I wish I was more optimistic about it though... I'd like to be optimistic about SOMETHING these days.