eczema **with pic**


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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i have had eczema for 22 years it comes and goes but for the past few months its been terrible :(

i feel so restricted having to wear long sleeved tops constantly to hide it!!

ive been to the docs countless times in the past few monts trying every treatment but none are working, what can i do its really getting me down!
We are using Evening Primrose Oil with Simon's eczema and the results have been very positive. His face has totally cleared up and he has only a few very faint spots left on his elbows. If you haven't tried that yet, maybe it's worth considering? I hope you find some relief soon - eczema is really miserable!
:hugs: i know how you feel - i have it too, a bit worse than in your pic

I know what you mean about long sleeves - i NEVER wear a dress or skirt in this country, only on holiday as my legs are all scabby and horrible.

I hate hot days, cos my arms flare up like mad!

I use Synalar (perscription) which i find much better than hydrocortisone (sp) etc.

I try to bath, not shower, as i find showering irritates my skin, and i use Aveeno (made by Johnson & Johnson, it has natural wheat or something like that!) - you can get bath oil, bath wash and moisturising cream.

It does get you down, but loads of pple tell me they dont really notice it!

Can you ask the doctor to refer you to a dermatologist? - it may well be something simple in your diet that you could cut out?

Maybe go to see a herbalist - somewhere like Holland & Barret - my mum swears by the lotions and potions in there!

Hope you find something:hugs:
been to a dermatologist an had my allergy test done, i was allergic to cobalt( a metal found in money lol)

my arms are covered in patches atm my oh says you cant notice it, but i just feel disgusting with it :( esp working in fashion, its hard cos it really limits what i can wear!

wish i had a magic wand i cud zap it away with!
It is also stress related, not trying to pry! - but maybe you could do with a pampering day. i dont mean having a facial etc that uses all sorts of products you prob cant use! - but more a day for yourself - to just relax:hugs:
Oh no :( Not you too! Mine's like that, but I itch it in my sleep and it gets all scabby, I had it as a child, then it cleared up a bit throughout my teenage years, and came back twice as bad during pregnancy and has remained ever since!

I can't use nice creams, bubble bath, most washing detergents and fabric softeners, can't wear certain types of materials... alsorts of crap that I'd never imagine would bother me, infact I can't put my arms in the bath because it's absolute agony :(

I used doublebase for a while, and it really helped, but then it stopped working... I'm always having to change what I use because eventually everything irritates my skin :(

Unfortunately it's a trial and error thing, and what works for one person won't always work for you!

I really feel for you, I hate my scabby arms :hugs:
Aquaeous cream works for my son, but i bet that was one of the first things your doctor prescribed you.
I hope it gets better soon xx
When mine was like that id put baby oil on it. And i havent had it for years now xx
sox thats exactly liek mine!

anna yeah ive had a pretty tough time of it atm but im off work for a week so hopefully that will help :)
I've had problems with eczema too, the worst was on my hands-they cracked and bled badly so i ended up bandaging them up and looked a right state!!

It cleared up during pregnancy, then flared up badly shortly after the birth. I was given a cream off my gp, which has been working really well and everythings calmed down for the time being.

I get it on my legs after shaving, so if i can go without shaving i will (luckily hubby isnt put off by stubbly legs lol).

Oh suncream is proving a nightmare too, i flare up a bit after using that too.


ps-i had patch tests done and found out i am allergic to lanolin, and natural and synthetic rubber (ie latex etc).
my son has it mildly compared to others he was prescribed aquaeous (sp?) cream, & balneum oil , Its a milky coloured liquid to pour into the bath.

Johsons baby bath in the blue bottle sets him off but some other things do its just as & when i use it i then realise :(

He has it on his elbows & cheeks :(
ive had it since being little!

ave the docotrs gave you light thearpy its just like using a sunbed for a few minutes really heals it up

olive oil is great to also watch what washing powder you use surecare is one recomended by doctors for skin condtions!

try to keep it cool not having really hot baths x
Have you tried Dead sea salts? They worked wonders for a little girl I used t look after I know that my own gets better when I goin the sea. Ive tried them too and thought they were great .

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