Mrs Miggins
Mummy of two!!!
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As I have met many good friends on this site, and regularly update my ttc journal as I am trying (and struggling) to produce #2, I wanted to add my story of the best time of my life so far... by pregnancy and birth story from 2009, when I had my beautiful daughter. I wrote little journals on Facebook, and so I have copied and pasted these into this journal for anybody who may be interested to read it! Looking back, and knowing what I know now, and wht I have gone through since, I find the innocence both cringey and heartwarming. I'm not editing it though, as I want to share my thoughts exactly as they were when I wrote them. This first entry was written on May 11th 2009 and is called "End of the first Trimester"
Today feels like a bit of a milestone, so I thought I'd write down my thoughts. Casting my mind back to the day I found out I was pregnant, Sunday 8th of March. I had had an inkling from the Friday evening, but wanted to wait a while before doing a test. I'd never been pregnant before, so why should this month be any different? On the Saturday, Mark, Joe and I had one of our legendary days out, Hartlepool Maritime experience on this particular day. Felt as sick as a parrot in the car on the way up to Hartlepool which is not like me, and had quite strong cramping pains, but didn't want to read too much into it. Slept like a log in the car on the way home as well, which is also not common. Kept thinking, 'it's just PMT, nothing out of the ordinary.'
I was at work on the Sunday, and by this time I was thinking there really might be something, I was never this late so I bought a test. Rushed home and took the test, and before I had even finished weeing on the stick (sorry) there it was, a little blue cross in a tiny window. Blimey. The only person there to tell was Daphne, and she just sat there blinking at me. I don't think she fully realised the enormity of what I was trying to tell her. I'm not sure I did, in all honesty. I was going to Marks that evening, so I rang him and asked if I could come a bit earlier. I also ignored his request to bring wine. The first wine free night of so, so many!!! That night was spent mainly trying to get my head around this new stage of my life. We went to bed quite early, and as Mark slept I saw midninght, one, two, three, and four am. Went home the next morning and made my doctors appointment. I was so excited!! The doc was pleased for me as he knew I was hoping to become pregnant so that was nice. He gave me a book to read, sent my referral letter to the midwife to get me in the system, and got me to do a test to confirm the pregnancy as I was officially only 4 weeks pregnant, so it was very, very early days. After the docs, I skipped to Boots to buy myself some Bio Oil (I know, how previous of me!!)
Then home to cook tea for my Mum and break the happy news to her. She was delighted, and stunned, and overwhelmed, and I imagine many many more things. I did have to apologise to her for my appalling timing as my due date is right in the middle of the Soul in the Sun holiday - oops!!! She also announced that she needed a drink!! I made her a Bloody Mary while I had a Virgin Mary. We had a nice chat about the future, slowly getting our heads round the idea that everything, everything is going to change, but how fantastic it is going to be. I think she has forgiven me about Soul in the Sun!!
The following day, time to go to my Dads for tea and break the news to him, Linda and my sisters. That didn't really go as planned, I was hoping to tell them after tea, but my refusal of a can of lager caused such enormous uproar, that some explanation was required. Victoria was particularly demanding. "But Clairey, WHY don't you want a beer? What on earth is wrong???" Ok, Dad, how do you feel about being a Grandad? Dad didn't think I was being serious at first. "Are you preggers???" Becca squealed. "yip". Dad still didn't believe me, I had to point out that I would not play any practical joke that involved depriving myself of a drink. Poor Dad had to leave the room for a while to get his head round the situation and his impending Grandfatherhood, while Becca and Vix asked such questions as "Can I just clarify, Mark is the father isn't he" (Becca of course) and "Are you going to breast feed? Do you want a boy or a girl? Are you going to have the baby at Hull Royal? Because if you go to Castle Hill and there are complications you might have to be air lifted to Hul Royal?" (the ever practical Vix) (by the way.... AIR LIFTED????) Dad came back, refilled his wine glass (do you see a pattern emerging here?) and started to look pleased!!!
So that was the close family informed, and time to tell a few friends, Louise who I knew would be delighted for me as we had been talking about nothing but our ovulation cylces and pregnancy for about the last 4 months. Honestly, between the two of us we could get a first class degree in obstetrics. Beth and Lynne also had to be told, and Phil. Really, I wanted to shout it from the top of Beverley Minster with a megaphone, but I know you have to keep your trap shut for the first 12 weeks. Nightmare.
The Bettys (or the girls at the salon) were the next to be told, as they needed to know as they worked with me all the time - and to be fair they would have guessed anyway. The Tesco staff also had to know for the same reason, and then that was it for sharing the news for now.
A week later I was getting some weird pains down my left hand side, and I was quite worried so I went to the doctor, who very kindly reassured me, didn't make me feel like a hysterical time waster, and sent me on my way.
As I had found out I was pregnant so early, nothing really happens now until my first scan, which was booked for the 28th April. So I kept myself occupied by reading every pregnancy book and website I could get my mitts on. This was a mistake. As it turns out, I am very lucky. I am having a good pregnancy, I do not want to gip whenever I walk past a cup of coffee, I do not feel like I have been sucking a 2p piece for the last month or so, and I have not had a burning desire to eat coal, or Daphnes biscuits, or raw jelly, or anything out of the ordinary really. But reading all these books and forums, I imbibed all these horror stories about things like blighted ovums, and missed miscarriages and god knows what else and managed to nearly worry myself into an early grave. I thought that because I was not having all these symptoms I could not be pregnant. Never mind the fact that I still get car sick if I am in the car for longer than 15 minutes, I have gone up 3 bra sizes, I can't remember ANYTHING, am now incapable of making mashed potato, turn into a lunatic if I don't eat every 2 hours, and have not been able to have a cup of coffe or any Chinese food since the beginning of March. After poor Mark having to listen to me carping and whining, and poor Louise having to read endless text messages, I decided to stop reading the books and the forums. And suddenly, I feel better!! Until, that is, Tuesday 21st April. Again, I was afflicted with weird pains down the left hand side, and had woken up in the night with a really horrendous stomach pain. The pains on the Tuesday didn't seem to let up, and I was gettting more and more worried. Not wanting to go to the docs and look a prat again, I decided to ring NHS direct. After ascertaining that I had had abdominal pains and lower back pain, they told me to get myself to A&E quick as. So I rang Mark, he came back from work, and off to Hull Royal we went. We got there at 6pm, and after explaing everything god knows how many times, being told it could either be an ectopic pregnancy or apendicitis, and having to wee in a jug (oh, did I regret having asparagus for tea the night before) at about half past ten someone decided to send us up to ward 34, the gynae ward at the Womens and Childrens hospital. More waiting, more questions, and at nearly one in the morning, informed me they were keeping me in overnight. Oh poor, poor Mark. He had had nothing to eat, and been stuck in Hull Royal with me all this time. They fixed me up to a drip as I wasn't allowed to eat or drink, and put me in a bed in rather a nice little room, as it goes. They sent Mark away, and told him to ring up at 9am to find out what was going to happen to me. I slept like a log. The following morning, at ten to nine, they came and told me that at 9am the porter was going to take me down for my scan. I was both horrified at the fact that Mark was going to miss the scan, and sort of mind blown at the fact that it was going to happen then. I couldn't get my head round it at all, but I had to find out if our baby was ok. So I went down for the scan, the sonographer put the gel on my tummy, and turned the lights down,turned the screen towards me, and there it was. Waving his arms and legs around like mad, and looking more like a little baby than I ever imagined it would, was our baby. I soooooo wished Mark was there. I couldn't understand why the sonographer was so matter of fact about everything either. My baby was on a screen in front of us. For Gods sake, where was the drum roll, the choir singing Hallelujah, the 1812 Overture???? Has this woman no sense of occasion??? Anyway, she gave me a couple of pics, and off I toddled back up to the ward to wait for Mark. I couldn't wait to show him the first picture of our baby. I also found out I was a week further on than I though, and that I was just over 11 weeks, not 10 weeks as I had thought. More good news.
So, home, went to Louises for a cuppa and had a celebatory tea at the Green Dragon with my Mum. Scan out of the way, it meant we could tell other members of the family, Mark could tell Joe, and I am now officially pregnant. It felt fantastic.
So since then, I have had my booking appointment with the midwife, and decided that I am going to have the baby at Hull Royal. As much as I would love to have him at the Jubilee Centre at Castle Hill, I can't help feeling that if something went wrong at the last minute I would rather be where a doctor can get to me straight away. I can still go to Castle Hill for my aftercare, and my night in the Womens and Childrens hospital helped me to get over the fear I have had of Hull Royal since flinging myself down the stairs and being rushed in there in a bit of a state a few years ago. They were lovely on ward 34, and it is a nice place.
Finally, although I keep refering to my baby as 'He', I have no idea if it is a girl or a boy really, and we don't mind either way, it is just a hunch I have that it is a boy. We aren't going to find out at the 20 week scan.
So, here I am in the second trimester. This is the bit where the exhaustion is supposed to wear off, I am bouncing with health and vitality with glowing skin and a shiny coat, like a Pedigree Chum puppy, and can survive on 3 hours sleep a night. Bring it on. Poor Mark, and the poor Bettys have had to put up with me moaning and groaning about how bloody knackered I am for the last 9 weeks. Has it really only been 9 weeks? My life has changed already, and it's only going to change more! I'm so excited and so happy it is consuming, but I can't help it. I'm looking forward to getting a big fat bump now.........
Today feels like a bit of a milestone, so I thought I'd write down my thoughts. Casting my mind back to the day I found out I was pregnant, Sunday 8th of March. I had had an inkling from the Friday evening, but wanted to wait a while before doing a test. I'd never been pregnant before, so why should this month be any different? On the Saturday, Mark, Joe and I had one of our legendary days out, Hartlepool Maritime experience on this particular day. Felt as sick as a parrot in the car on the way up to Hartlepool which is not like me, and had quite strong cramping pains, but didn't want to read too much into it. Slept like a log in the car on the way home as well, which is also not common. Kept thinking, 'it's just PMT, nothing out of the ordinary.'
I was at work on the Sunday, and by this time I was thinking there really might be something, I was never this late so I bought a test. Rushed home and took the test, and before I had even finished weeing on the stick (sorry) there it was, a little blue cross in a tiny window. Blimey. The only person there to tell was Daphne, and she just sat there blinking at me. I don't think she fully realised the enormity of what I was trying to tell her. I'm not sure I did, in all honesty. I was going to Marks that evening, so I rang him and asked if I could come a bit earlier. I also ignored his request to bring wine. The first wine free night of so, so many!!! That night was spent mainly trying to get my head around this new stage of my life. We went to bed quite early, and as Mark slept I saw midninght, one, two, three, and four am. Went home the next morning and made my doctors appointment. I was so excited!! The doc was pleased for me as he knew I was hoping to become pregnant so that was nice. He gave me a book to read, sent my referral letter to the midwife to get me in the system, and got me to do a test to confirm the pregnancy as I was officially only 4 weeks pregnant, so it was very, very early days. After the docs, I skipped to Boots to buy myself some Bio Oil (I know, how previous of me!!)
Then home to cook tea for my Mum and break the happy news to her. She was delighted, and stunned, and overwhelmed, and I imagine many many more things. I did have to apologise to her for my appalling timing as my due date is right in the middle of the Soul in the Sun holiday - oops!!! She also announced that she needed a drink!! I made her a Bloody Mary while I had a Virgin Mary. We had a nice chat about the future, slowly getting our heads round the idea that everything, everything is going to change, but how fantastic it is going to be. I think she has forgiven me about Soul in the Sun!!
The following day, time to go to my Dads for tea and break the news to him, Linda and my sisters. That didn't really go as planned, I was hoping to tell them after tea, but my refusal of a can of lager caused such enormous uproar, that some explanation was required. Victoria was particularly demanding. "But Clairey, WHY don't you want a beer? What on earth is wrong???" Ok, Dad, how do you feel about being a Grandad? Dad didn't think I was being serious at first. "Are you preggers???" Becca squealed. "yip". Dad still didn't believe me, I had to point out that I would not play any practical joke that involved depriving myself of a drink. Poor Dad had to leave the room for a while to get his head round the situation and his impending Grandfatherhood, while Becca and Vix asked such questions as "Can I just clarify, Mark is the father isn't he" (Becca of course) and "Are you going to breast feed? Do you want a boy or a girl? Are you going to have the baby at Hull Royal? Because if you go to Castle Hill and there are complications you might have to be air lifted to Hul Royal?" (the ever practical Vix) (by the way.... AIR LIFTED????) Dad came back, refilled his wine glass (do you see a pattern emerging here?) and started to look pleased!!!
So that was the close family informed, and time to tell a few friends, Louise who I knew would be delighted for me as we had been talking about nothing but our ovulation cylces and pregnancy for about the last 4 months. Honestly, between the two of us we could get a first class degree in obstetrics. Beth and Lynne also had to be told, and Phil. Really, I wanted to shout it from the top of Beverley Minster with a megaphone, but I know you have to keep your trap shut for the first 12 weeks. Nightmare.
The Bettys (or the girls at the salon) were the next to be told, as they needed to know as they worked with me all the time - and to be fair they would have guessed anyway. The Tesco staff also had to know for the same reason, and then that was it for sharing the news for now.
A week later I was getting some weird pains down my left hand side, and I was quite worried so I went to the doctor, who very kindly reassured me, didn't make me feel like a hysterical time waster, and sent me on my way.
As I had found out I was pregnant so early, nothing really happens now until my first scan, which was booked for the 28th April. So I kept myself occupied by reading every pregnancy book and website I could get my mitts on. This was a mistake. As it turns out, I am very lucky. I am having a good pregnancy, I do not want to gip whenever I walk past a cup of coffee, I do not feel like I have been sucking a 2p piece for the last month or so, and I have not had a burning desire to eat coal, or Daphnes biscuits, or raw jelly, or anything out of the ordinary really. But reading all these books and forums, I imbibed all these horror stories about things like blighted ovums, and missed miscarriages and god knows what else and managed to nearly worry myself into an early grave. I thought that because I was not having all these symptoms I could not be pregnant. Never mind the fact that I still get car sick if I am in the car for longer than 15 minutes, I have gone up 3 bra sizes, I can't remember ANYTHING, am now incapable of making mashed potato, turn into a lunatic if I don't eat every 2 hours, and have not been able to have a cup of coffe or any Chinese food since the beginning of March. After poor Mark having to listen to me carping and whining, and poor Louise having to read endless text messages, I decided to stop reading the books and the forums. And suddenly, I feel better!! Until, that is, Tuesday 21st April. Again, I was afflicted with weird pains down the left hand side, and had woken up in the night with a really horrendous stomach pain. The pains on the Tuesday didn't seem to let up, and I was gettting more and more worried. Not wanting to go to the docs and look a prat again, I decided to ring NHS direct. After ascertaining that I had had abdominal pains and lower back pain, they told me to get myself to A&E quick as. So I rang Mark, he came back from work, and off to Hull Royal we went. We got there at 6pm, and after explaing everything god knows how many times, being told it could either be an ectopic pregnancy or apendicitis, and having to wee in a jug (oh, did I regret having asparagus for tea the night before) at about half past ten someone decided to send us up to ward 34, the gynae ward at the Womens and Childrens hospital. More waiting, more questions, and at nearly one in the morning, informed me they were keeping me in overnight. Oh poor, poor Mark. He had had nothing to eat, and been stuck in Hull Royal with me all this time. They fixed me up to a drip as I wasn't allowed to eat or drink, and put me in a bed in rather a nice little room, as it goes. They sent Mark away, and told him to ring up at 9am to find out what was going to happen to me. I slept like a log. The following morning, at ten to nine, they came and told me that at 9am the porter was going to take me down for my scan. I was both horrified at the fact that Mark was going to miss the scan, and sort of mind blown at the fact that it was going to happen then. I couldn't get my head round it at all, but I had to find out if our baby was ok. So I went down for the scan, the sonographer put the gel on my tummy, and turned the lights down,turned the screen towards me, and there it was. Waving his arms and legs around like mad, and looking more like a little baby than I ever imagined it would, was our baby. I soooooo wished Mark was there. I couldn't understand why the sonographer was so matter of fact about everything either. My baby was on a screen in front of us. For Gods sake, where was the drum roll, the choir singing Hallelujah, the 1812 Overture???? Has this woman no sense of occasion??? Anyway, she gave me a couple of pics, and off I toddled back up to the ward to wait for Mark. I couldn't wait to show him the first picture of our baby. I also found out I was a week further on than I though, and that I was just over 11 weeks, not 10 weeks as I had thought. More good news.
So, home, went to Louises for a cuppa and had a celebatory tea at the Green Dragon with my Mum. Scan out of the way, it meant we could tell other members of the family, Mark could tell Joe, and I am now officially pregnant. It felt fantastic.
So since then, I have had my booking appointment with the midwife, and decided that I am going to have the baby at Hull Royal. As much as I would love to have him at the Jubilee Centre at Castle Hill, I can't help feeling that if something went wrong at the last minute I would rather be where a doctor can get to me straight away. I can still go to Castle Hill for my aftercare, and my night in the Womens and Childrens hospital helped me to get over the fear I have had of Hull Royal since flinging myself down the stairs and being rushed in there in a bit of a state a few years ago. They were lovely on ward 34, and it is a nice place.
Finally, although I keep refering to my baby as 'He', I have no idea if it is a girl or a boy really, and we don't mind either way, it is just a hunch I have that it is a boy. We aren't going to find out at the 20 week scan.
So, here I am in the second trimester. This is the bit where the exhaustion is supposed to wear off, I am bouncing with health and vitality with glowing skin and a shiny coat, like a Pedigree Chum puppy, and can survive on 3 hours sleep a night. Bring it on. Poor Mark, and the poor Bettys have had to put up with me moaning and groaning about how bloody knackered I am for the last 9 weeks. Has it really only been 9 weeks? My life has changed already, and it's only going to change more! I'm so excited and so happy it is consuming, but I can't help it. I'm looking forward to getting a big fat bump now.........