You never specified what you wanted educating on though so nobody can really help until you do, unfortunately. If you had a chemical pregnancy it proves you are capable of getting pregnant which is a good thing. They say that sometimes, the older you get, the more kids you have had, the harder it is to get pregnant because your reproductive system has been somewhat taxed and things are 'looser' so to speak. Sometimes it takes a bit of time. 15 months with a few chemicals is not an awful lot of time when you consider that. Like I said, it proves you are capable of getting pregnant, at least. The egg is meeting with the sperm, so to speak. Might be a simple progesterone problem. Hormonal imbalance.
With five kids it is unlikely you have any major fertility problems to speak of. PCOS does not stop a person from becoming pregnant either, not unless it's a severe case and I'm not sure of the onset of PCOS but again, with five kids its very unlikely that you have a severe case of the syndrome. What makes you think you have that? Symptoms, and the like? It can be diagnosed using vaginal probe and ultrasound. Simply done, really, though I am not sure that there is a lot that can be done about PCOS.
Not sure how old you are. If you are over thirty five then fertility starts to decline rapidly from thereonin. You had your last child six or seven years ago, is that right? It is quite normal for you to perhaps take longer now than you did before simply because, well, we get older, don't we? Our eggs aren't the quality they once were. Your fertility might well have declined in the time between and that is something to take into consideration with regard to not conceiving.
You would need to be fully tested for conditions which would mean you are unable to sustain a pregnancy, obviously, but without more information it is very difficult to be of any assistance. Still not sure what you want educating on so cannot really be any further help.