Eleanor Sarah, 1st July 2009 - looong birth story!


Mummy to Eleanor & Bean!
Jul 7, 2008
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Well, she's finally here! 7lb 15oz and 50cm of utter gorgeousness. Thank you to the girls on the home/water/hypno birth thread - your support was invaluable when things got tough and we had to change our plans.

Monday 29th June

Arrived at hospital for induction at 11.30am. Was told by a student midwife that the process would be to get me dilated to 3cm then up to delivery to break my waters because ‘that’s what induction is’. She looked a little taken aback when I told her I didn’t want my membranes breaking! Me and baby were monitored and then advised that as nothing was really happening, the 24 hour version of gel would be used which I had wanted anyway. Frustratingly, this fell out that evening, and we were told we’d have to wait until morning to be reassessed.

Tuesday 30th June

11.30am – reassessed by doctor, and I agreed to being given first dose of Prostin gel – about 1cm dilated and thinning. Very crampy all afternoon and feeling like something might be happening.

Tea time – back on the monitor, and getting quite uncomfortable. Wanted to get off the bed and walk about but obviously couldn’t! Second lot of Prostin went in about 6.30, and surges started shortly afterwards – again, due to being restricted to the bed, I was very uncomfy and found it hard to relax on my back. Asked if could have a bath but midwife suggested waiting an hour in case I relaxed too much!

When I could finally get up and walk about, went to the bathroom and realised was definitely happening. Got back to bed and was leant over it with Luke giving me light touch massage on my back when my membranes released – really odd sensation! Called midwife and asked if I could now get in the bath please (!) Surges were straight in at just over 2 mins apart, and I was struggling to relax in between them as they were more powerful than I had thought they would be. Spent the next hour or so in the bath, throwing up and trying to relax between surges. Shoulder anchor was a godsend as it really did help, as did having Luke do light touch massage on my arm throughout a surge. Got out the bath as wanted to be upright and go to the loo again, and went rather dizzy and faint as it was very hot. Luke called midwife back and we went back to the bed. I asked her to check where we were up to – 3 cm at 7.30.

Remembered we had a TENS machine I’d borrowed from a friend, so Luke hooked that up for me as well as my MP3 player with the Rainbow relaxation on, and I concentrated on getting through each surge one at once – now 2 mins apart. TENS was fabulous – the sensation from it really helped distract me, but I was still struggling to truly relax. Around 9.30ish I decided I needed something else to help with the surges as they were getting very, very powerful and rather uncomfortable. So, off we went to delivery suite. At that point I did feel our birth preferences were ‘out the window’ as I think I said to our midwife, Elaine, on delivery as I felt that I wasn’t going to manage without every drug going! But – she didn’t take my word for it thank goodness, and very quickly dimmed the lights, got me a fan (thank goodness – was roasting!), a CD player for the rainbow background CD and a birthing ball to keep me upright. I also got on the gas and air as well – lovely stuff! I spent until just before midnight on the ball leaning on Luke with gas and air in one hand and TENS boost button in the other – again, the light touch massage and shoulder anchor really helped me to relax as much as I was able to.

Midnight – felt a real change in the surges as they started to move baby downwards. I did feel this as a desire to push and bear downwards which surprised me because I expected it to be much gentler and to take a lot longer to get there rather than the overwhelming need to bear down! Got Luke to call Elaine in as I was worried it was too soon and I didn’t want to then end up with a swollen cervix from bearing down too early. Elaine stood back and watched for a couple of surges until I asked her to examine me and see where we were up to – was odd, as I expected her to wade straight in there, but also really good as she clearly was going to follow our preferences. At that point, I really felt I could trust her completely. Verdict was that I was now about 9cm – ‘like an Alice band around her head’, a phrase which has stuck in my mind!

For the next 2 and a half hours, I went with what my body wanted, which was to start bearing down and breathing her outwards. It didn’t seem that long at all. However, about 2am, my surges started to ease off – I was tired, having had about 4 hours sleep since Monday morning, and baby was getting tired as well. Elaine reminded me about nipple stimulation and I tried to get things going again. At some point, she buzzed for a doctor to come through, who again, stayed in the background (and was thankfully female – had no idea I was bothered about that until it came to the point when Elaine said she was getting a doctor in). In a strangely comic moment, Elaine popped out for something just as baby started to crown which had the doctor in a panic frantically pulling on gloves and calling down the corridor for her ‘Crowning! Crowning!’ However, I was struggling to get her through (which turned out to be because her hand was by her head – I do think if this hadn’t been the case, she’d have been out sooner with no problems but there you go…) so Elaine suggested a local anaesthetic to numb the perineum first, but this didn’t help much, so I agreed to an episiotomy. At this stage, I was starting to think that she wasn’t going to come out by herself, and that an instrumental delivery would be necessary – and I really didn’t want this for her.

Shortly after, Eleanor Sarah made her way into the world – her head was delivered straight into Luke’s hands and then she was immediately up onto my stomach and chest as I’d wanted. The feeling of her warmth on me was indescribable. She needed a bit of help to get going though, and needed a bit of oxygen after about a minute so the cord did have to be cut early. She was soon back with me though, and we tried getting her to breastfeed immediately to help establish this and also help with the delivery of the placenta. She wasn’t very interested though, so more nipple tweaking was needed to help with this, which took around 20 minutes or so.

Luke then held her whilst I was checked over – unfortunately, her hand by her face had done a bit more damage on the way out, and I had a third degree tear which meant it was off to theatre to have it repaired under a spinal block. I went to sleep during this, and Luke made the most of an hour with his daughter who was very alert and into everything! Finally I got a proper cuddle around 5am and we spent some time together on delivery before going down to the ward.

Although we had planned initially for a home water birth, which had to be changed due to my blood pressure problems at term, and although it certainly wasn’t a ‘classic’ hypnobirth, we both feel really happy with the experience of Eleanor’s birth. It was as natural and gentle as I could give her, given how quickly everything started and how powerful my surges were straight away. Elaine was fantastic and had the right balance of letting us get on with it whilst giving support when we needed it. And Eleanor is such a laid back, relaxed and alert baby (when awake!) that convinces me she had a good experience coming into the world.


Rachel and Eleanor
Congratulations hun! She is a little cutey and looks so relaxed in the photo lol not a care in the world x
Congratulations hun, it really sounds like the hypnobirthing helped you deal with the birth you had very well. (I found that too, it kept me calm when things drifted off preference)

What a beautiful little girl!
Beautiful birth story, so happy for you! She's gorgeous!
well done hun...sounds like you used hypnobirthing really well even with the change of plan. huge congratulations on ur gorgeous baby!
awww thats a good write up. Glad all went well although not to initial plan. I have an open mind about these things too. :hugs:
Congratulations she is beautiful xxx
Lovely, interesting to hear how hypnobirthing worked for you! Must get practising on the relaxations. I think you're right about her hand being by her head too :)
I'm so glad you had a good experience even though you had to change your plans :hugs: Your little girl is adorable!

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