Maybe someone can understand my mum and all the people that moan to me about the way I do things.
My mum breast feed for 4 weeks with my brother and gave up, didnt do it with me or my sister. Everyone else some tried and gave up really quick and others didnt bother but I still get thigs said like why do I bother, or I have done it long enough. I feel strongly that I want to continue breast feeding but the way around it with them was I get a breast pump, I dont want the pump, I see it as hassel. Its handier to just pop him on a boob and let him do the work. The pump did hurt me, it near had my boob sucked down it and I am not ready for putting up with that pain for a stupid amuont of milk! I know i would end up reverting back to nipple just for handiness.
alot are saying they have no life with breast feeding, yes its hard work but I dont mind it. I only go our to shops and I make sure he has a feed before I leave and his dad looks after him. He is fine, I am never far. I try and explain this and apparently filling bottles is what I need and freezing it. No one listens. I feel like I am doing wrong.
Really annoyed with my parents, they say to ask them if I need helplp. Everything seems to be a problem when I ask. Mum said I was to dependant on them when all I asked for was a bag of coal as we dont have a car and I cant get it to the house, even though she shouted at me for not asking them for lifts places?? confuses me this. They have never took william out! I thought they would. All I hear is about the christening which I cant be bothered with! mum will be embarrassed if I dont and Darren is on my side, the only person who dosnt tell me off or what I should and should not be doing.
If its not breast feeding its dogs then! every dam time I see my mum she says have you got rid of t hat dog yet! there is nothing wrong with my dogs !!! they are happy where they are! then when she put something down one day she implied in a cheeky way that y dog was going to savagely rip it to pieces, she thinks its a lion ffs!
does anyone else get constant aggravation off their families about everything they do or am I just lucky?! Darren is shocked at their lack of interest in William and his parents are here near every day! they always make an effort to come in even if there on a flying visit. My mum dosnt bother getting out of the car if my dad pops in for their post.
pissed off!
also tried to explain to my mum you dont get periods when breast feeding and of course I dont know what I am talking about and thats not true! even though I havnt had a period yet! #
all this from a women who ignored me growing up.