End of the road?


Mom of three
May 27, 2008
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I saw my specialist today. He said that everything that they can do at his office, they have done. He said the next step would be IUI and IVF. But, since I also have recurrent miscarriage, he said financially, it probably is not worth it. He did prescribed me MORE Clomid, but told me to take a month off of it, but still TTC. He thinks my body is producing too much estrogen and that is why I am spotting. It is caused from being on Clomid. He said that there was another drug (I can't remember the name of it) and they use it in breast cancer patients, but has shown to make women ovulate. But, he said he wasn't sure if that was just another carrot to dangle. So, I am being referred to the Fertility Clinic in Victoria, basically for a second opinion. He sends all my stuff there, and he said I should have an appointment within six weeks. I am overwhelmingly sad right now. He said that if I was to get pregnant - I probably would have by now. My husband is being sent for a sperm analysis just to be sure though. That's that.
Awe Jasmak, sorry you received such difficult news. We're here if you need us... :hug:
Have you been diagnosed with anything? I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what it must be like to get told something so harsh. At least he isn't "dangling carrots" simply to make money off of you, you know? I would imagine your husband's sperm would be OK since you have gotten pregnant in the past?

My theory is "never say never". Don't give up hope yet... sometimes when you take a break pregnancy happens. I know you have probably heard that before.

I wish you the best of luck, and don't let that doctor get you down. A lot of people are successful with IVF, so it may be worth at least one shot. Also, perhaps finding a surrogate would be an option? While it won't let you experience pregnancy first hand, you will still get a biological child in the end. How long have you been TTC?

Good luck dear.
Have you been diagnosed with anything? I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what it must be like to get told something so harsh. At least he isn't "dangling carrots" simply to make money off of you, you know? I would imagine your husband's sperm would be OK since you have gotten pregnant in the past?

My theory is "never say never". Don't give up hope yet... sometimes when you take a break pregnancy happens. I know you have probably heard that before.

I wish you the best of luck, and don't let that doctor get you down. A lot of people are successful with IVF, so it may be worth at least one shot. Also, perhaps finding a surrogate would be an option? While it won't let you experience pregnancy first hand, you will still get a biological child in the end. How long have you been TTC?

Good luck dear.

I would love to have a surrogate. The Canadian government makes it pretty much impossible though as it is illegal to "pay" for surrogacy. I have to biological children - a six year old and a four year old. I am going to hug them lots and kiss them lots because I know there is so many out there who are struggling with the same but do not have any children.
Oh so you have had two already? Did you have trouble conceiving with them? Are they your husband's? Perhaps it is something to do with the sperm if you haven't had children with your husband yet. Strange. Keep us updated!
A friend of mine has a story similar to yours...she has a 7 yr old and a 4 yr old which she conceived with no problems...then she has 3 miscarriages...they put her on Clomid for one month and she fell pregnant and stayed pregnant. Best wishes!
I think the drug your FS mentioned was probably Tamoxifen. It is a breast cancer drug that I believe can be used for ovulationary problems as well. I think Steph63 is taking it at the moment.

Fingers crossed the second opinion will turn out to be more positive.

Did you have straight-forward births with your two children? Just my mum was in similar situation. Had my sister then two miscarriages, one at seven weeks and one at six months. Then difficulty becoming pregnant and was told to give up when she was 38. Turned out her womb had torn during my sister's birth and not been stitched. At 39, when not trying, she became pregnant with me.. Don't lose hope XX
I'm sorry he gave you bad news...but didn't he take into account that(if I remember correctly) you just had surgery a few months ago? Maybe your body is still healing from that...I know after my lap, the one ovary he removed the endo from didn't ovulate for about seven months. Maybe your body is more sensitive than some. I hope all goes well at your new specialist!
Tina, i am so sorry you didn't get any answers. I didn't either when I went. The good thing is that he isn't pushing for the ivf or iui as he isn't ready to get all he can. I don't know why he is sending your dh for an analysis of his sperm as he is the father of your other 2 and you have gotten pregnant 3 times since then. My doctor told me that since I have fallen pregnant 3 times with my hubby that his swimmers seem to be fine. He wasn't as negative sounding as your doctor, but still no answers. He told me that I should fall pregnant on my own and told me not to take Clomid as it can produce more estrogen in already ovulating women. So since I ovulate on my own, he doesn't want me to continue to take it. :hug: Good luck and I know we will get that much deserved :bfp: very soon!
I saw my specialist today. He said that everything that they can do at his office, they have done. He said the next step would be IUI and IVF. But, since I also have recurrent miscarriage, he said financially, it probably is not worth it. He did prescribed me MORE Clomid, but told me to take a month off of it, but still TTC. He thinks my body is producing too much estrogen and that is why I am spotting. It is caused from being on Clomid. He said that there was another drug (I can't remember the name of it) and they use it in breast cancer patients, but has shown to make women ovulate. But, he said he wasn't sure if that was just another carrot to dangle. So, I am being referred to the Fertility Clinic in Victoria, basically for a second opinion. He sends all my stuff there, and he said I should have an appointment within six weeks. I am overwhelmingly sad right now. He said that if I was to get pregnant - I probably would have by now. My husband is being sent for a sperm analysis just to be sure though. That's that.

hey hun, just wanted to send you massive :hug:, you must be so down after that.

I think the drug he was referring to is Tamoxifen, it is usually used for breast-cancer as your FS but i have been prescribed it as as alternative to Clomid. By way of background, I has three months on Clomid where I `over-stimulated' as I produced between 3-6 follies per month but the womb lining was basically non-existent so there was no chance of getting pregnant anyway. My hospital is doing a trial of the Tamoxifen for ovulation problems so FS prescribed it to see if it would make a difference and it has. I have just started my 7th month on it and for the last six months have ovulated "perfectly" according the the FS (still no :bfp: though!).

The side effects definitely aren't as bad as I had with Clomid, still get hot flushes & mood swings, but not as severe as Clomid and no sickness at all.

HTH, if you want to know anything else, ask away.
Oh so you have had two already? Did you have trouble conceiving with them? Are they your husband's? Perhaps it is something to do with the sperm if you haven't had children with your husband yet. Strange. Keep us updated!

Yes, they are my husbands, and yes I had difficulty conceiving. In fact, I have what I call a "miracle" story about my daughter. I had CD21 progesterone test done, and it came back as a 6 ( if I remember correctly). I was told that it was not high enough to ovulate, and I was prescribed Clomid. I was eagerly awaiting AF, and she did not arrive. I took a test and it was :bfp: . I was then told that I would miscarry as my progesterone was too low (my the DR told me he didn't believe in supplements). Well, I didn't, and I gave birth (prematurely) to my daughter. My son was conceived without drugs as well, but both took awhile. In fact, we started TTC as soon as my son was born since it took so long with him. But, they are only 20 months apart (she was premature) because we started right away.

They are doing a sperm analysis for two reasons:
1) Because there is certain conditions (and he didn't go into details) with males that can cause either infertility, or can cause miscarriages...something to do with the sperm. It can get worse with age, and with excess weight...which my husband now has (but didn't before).
2) Because the clinic in Victoria will want to know for any possible IUI or IVF.
I'm sorry he gave you bad news...but didn't he take into account that(if I remember correctly) you just had surgery a few months ago? Maybe your body is still healing from that...I know after my lap, the one ovary he removed the endo from didn't ovulate for about seven months. Maybe your body is more sensitive than some. I hope all goes well at your new specialist!

Yes, but when I saw him, he said that it was the OUTSIDE of my uterus!!! He said that my uterus was adhered to my abdomen! I keep looking for the notes that he gave my after surgery, because it had pics AND notes...and I SWEAR it said it was INSIDE! But, now he is saying the outside.
I saw my specialist today. He said that everything that they can do at his office, they have done. He said the next step would be IUI and IVF. But, since I also have recurrent miscarriage, he said financially, it probably is not worth it. He did prescribed me MORE Clomid, but told me to take a month off of it, but still TTC. He thinks my body is producing too much estrogen and that is why I am spotting. It is caused from being on Clomid. He said that there was another drug (I can't remember the name of it) and they use it in breast cancer patients, but has shown to make women ovulate. But, he said he wasn't sure if that was just another carrot to dangle. So, I am being referred to the Fertility Clinic in Victoria, basically for a second opinion. He sends all my stuff there, and he said I should have an appointment within six weeks. I am overwhelmingly sad right now. He said that if I was to get pregnant - I probably would have by now. My husband is being sent for a sperm analysis just to be sure though. That's that.

hey hun, just wanted to send you massive :hug:, you must be so down after that.

I think the drug he was referring to is Tamoxifen, it is usually used for breast-cancer as your FS but i have been prescribed it as as alternative to Clomid. By way of background, I has three months on Clomid where I `over-stimulated' as I produced between 3-6 follies per month but the womb lining was basically non-existent so there was no chance of getting pregnant anyway. My hospital is doing a trial of the Tamoxifen for ovulation problems so FS prescribed it to see if it would make a difference and it has. I have just started my 7th month on it and for the last six months have ovulated "perfectly" according the the FS (still no :bfp: though!).

The side effects definitely aren't as bad as I had with Clomid, still get hot flushes & mood swings, but not as severe as Clomid and no sickness at all.

HTH, if you want to know anything else, ask away.

Yes, that drugs rings a bell. He said that he just didn't know enough about it, and that since Clomid is making me ovulate (although he said that my progesterone is still showing low-average while on Clomid) that it probably won't make a difference. He did say that he would like to see the progesterone level higher, but kept my Clomid the same!:hissy:
A friend of mine has recurrent miscarriages. I think the total is up to 7 now. She said that with this pg, they gave her some progestrone cream to help keep the baby. They finally found (after 3 years of ttc and 4 IUI) that her progestrone levels were low in the second half of her cycle and that could be why she can't hold on to a baby. Anyway something to think about. She's 5 wks pg now so fingers crossed that she keeps this one!
A friend of mine has recurrent miscarriages. I think the total is up to 7 now. She said that with this pg, they gave her some progestrone cream to help keep the baby. They finally found (after 3 years of ttc and 4 IUI) that her progestrone levels were low in the second half of her cycle and that could be why she can't hold on to a baby. Anyway something to think about. She's 5 wks pg now so fingers crossed that she keeps this one!

Thanks...I take Prometrium...which is progesterone, and that is also why I take Clomid...because it increases progesterone. I was taking 4 progesterone pills orally a day last time I miscarried. :(
I saw my specialist today. He said that everything that they can do at his office, they have done. He said the next step would be IUI and IVF. But, since I also have recurrent miscarriage, he said financially, it probably is not worth it. He did prescribed me MORE Clomid, but told me to take a month off of it, but still TTC. He thinks my body is producing too much estrogen and that is why I am spotting. It is caused from being on Clomid. He said that there was another drug (I can't remember the name of it) and they use it in breast cancer patients, but has shown to make women ovulate. But, he said he wasn't sure if that was just another carrot to dangle. So, I am being referred to the Fertility Clinic in Victoria, basically for a second opinion. He sends all my stuff there, and he said I should have an appointment within six weeks. I am overwhelmingly sad right now. He said that if I was to get pregnant - I probably would have by now. My husband is being sent for a sperm analysis just to be sure though. That's that.

Then why isn't isn't he having you take progesterone supplementation. Ha! If I would have been more patient and read on, I would have realized YOU ARE. Aspirin is a huge preventer of miscarriages too!
Aww hun, so sorry to hear this news.
Doesn't it all seem a bit premature though? It only feels like 2 minutes since you had your op and then started on the clomid? As Missmarls said - might your body still be healing from that? It feels so soon for your dr to be saying this... Don't lose hope yet hun. I'd do what he says, take a month off, then go back on and try again. Dr's always think they know everything but they obviously don't - most of the women who have graduated from this section of the boards and gone on to have children have proved this and often got their BFPs against all the odds. You said yourself that your daughter was a miracle story. Sometimes these things just work out in the end. Don't let this dr take your hope away xx
Thanks Coffee. I am trying not to lose hope. I was when I did this first post, but now I am feeling like I can just keep trying and see what happens. I also really really wanto to see what the FS says. My specialist here is just an OB/GYN

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