I am in a similar place Jasmak. I turned 35 in July. I was pregnant at the time and hoping I had finally made it. I had to have a D&C one week ago after a missed m/c. The fetus stopped growing at 6 weeks, I found out at 9. Horrible. It was my third m/c too, but my first m/mc.
I finally found out in December after 3 years of ttc that I was not ovulating due to a micro prolactinoma. I begged the local doc to test me and he did some useless random estro and prog. testing but at no particular time of the month! It took 3 years to get a diagnosis. I fell pregnant the month after I started taking dostinex but m/c at 5 weeks. I had faint positives for the next 2 cycles also, but got my period almost on time (chemical pregs I guess). Now I have found out just recently that I have a low amh, which explains the recurrent miscarriage but has broken my heart.
I am angry it took the medical profession so long to take me seriously.
As I am suffering secondary infertilty they are very casual
about helping you. I have learned to be more proactive.
I am getting proactive with accupuncture, chinese herbs and a list of supplements.
Google "the pregnancy miracle", it is a pretty affordable guide to boosting your fertilty, the author gives you personal support and help. She provides a very extensive list of suppliments and lifestyle changes to boost your Ovaries and egg quality.
There are cases of women with neglible AMH concieving and having healthy babies.
I found these in a medical article and have seen it referred too on other sites. How is it that woman accidently have healthy children after they have "gone"through menopause? There must be a few good eggs till the end. This is what I am praying for.
I may never have had a brilliant AMH level, given I was only 34 when I got the bad news! But I have managed to have 2 healthy children, one in my later 20's, naturally, and never dreamed I'd face this hurdle. Unfortunately, I am obviously one of those people who face reduced fertility at an earlier age and I have to work hard at it now.
You may have excellent AMH, and if you do, no way should you even be thinking of giving up till your 50! If you don't, it is new and the goal posts seem to be changing already.
Best of luck and chin up. It aint over yet.