For visits, a drink is plenty unless you're having some biscuits yourself, then I'd offer to share. To be honest, the midwives I saw at home said they were so sick of even tea because they do like 8 visits a day and feel compelled to have tea with everyone! At your birth, they will bring their own meals and won't expect to be fed a meal, just like with any other job where you'd take your lunch to work if you didn't expect to have time to run out and get anything. But it's nice to have some snacks like biscuits or toast or whatever isn't too much trouble around so they can help themselves if they need to grab something else quick. If you have a longer labour, they may be there awhile or if it's quick, they might not have time to eat their lunch, so a few biscuits might be nice or anything else you can store away in the cupboard that doesn't need to be prepared. I had biscuits, dried fruit and energy bars. I think they probably did have a cup of tea and biscuits, but I'm not sure they ate anything else. I put in my birth plan that there were things in the kitchen for them and asked them to help themselves, largely to keep them in the kitchen so I could have some time to labour on my own, which was what I wanted.