Eve and Megan's story xxx

Hi Girls ...:flower:

I completely understand what you mentioned above Collie ~ Strange how life just breezes by and we are left just standing here, stunned... trying to figure out life, how to live... This completely flips you upside down and changes every aspect in your very being.... Just the normal daily life and thoughts are forever changed ....

Thank you for sharing your story of your beautiful angels. What beautiful names too. I'm sooo sooo sorry for your loss.
So very sorry for your losses hun *huge hugs* You are a very strong woman *hugs*
Aww hun that was a very tearful read for me because the same thing happend to me on Christmas Day last year. Its coming up to a year since that dreaded day and im not looking forward to it one bit.

I was carrying identical boys and went to the hospital a week before with horrific pains (which i now know where contractions) and slight bleeding, i was sent home 3 times and told the bleeding was thrush and the pains were pressure pains from carrying twins. But at 23 weeks i looked full term. We had our routine scan on Christmas Eve and all was fine, i was still loosing bits of blood but told no reason for concern. We went to bed and at 4am Christmas morning i woke up to the toilet, the minute i stood up my waters went followed by lots of blood. We drove to the hospital so fast, but by the time i got there i was fully dilated.

Both twins were born naturally alive but died an hour later. i will never forgot the pain as long as i live. They were absolutely gorgeous and they were mine, but had been taken away from me. I had to have a blood tranfusion later that day and was monitored ntil 12.30am boxing day when i was sent home. I will never forgot walking back in that house with no bump and no babies, it was the worst moment of my life.

Sorry to waffle on hun, i just wanted you to know that i really feel for you. Im 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow and its not been easy, i miscarried in June and again in July they told me my body wasnt ready for another pregnancy after the twins, but all is going well so far.

If you ever need to chat, message me. Take care hun xxx
so sorry for your tragic loss and congratulations on your "rainbow" baby!
I'm so sorry about your baby girls. It's so unfair that this has to happen. Thank you for being there for me since we lost our little girl. I wish you peace and happiness this holiday and in the upcoming year. Take care of yourself.

Lots of love,
Your story has me in tears. I don't know what to say. I think it's so brave of you to share your story. I hope a lot of happiness comes your way soon. You seem like such a lovely kind person. You replied to one of my threads and you seem so compassionate and caring. The names you chose are beautiful.
Your story has me in tears. I don't know what to say. I think it's so brave of you to share your story. I hope a lot of happiness comes your way soon. You seem like such a lovely kind person. You replied to one of my threads and you seem so compassionate and caring. The names you chose are beautiful.

thank you so much, this means a lot to me x
I'm so sorry, honey -- I hope that you were able to smile a little today and know that you are not alone in your grief....

thinking of you and the girls with a prayer....

best wishes
When I read this first time it broke my heart. I read it again today. DH and I found out this morning at our 12 wk scan that our baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks. I feel devastated and rereading this story is even more heartbreaking because I understand it in the context of my own experience. I wanted to read this again because first time I read it I remember thinking how brave you were. I guess I'm just looking for a little of your bravery too. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to see your babies, to hold them. Today, as the technician swung the wand over my belly and stayed quiet for a long time I felt my heart sinking and when she said, it's not good news my world just crashed.

I'm sorry but I just felt like I wanted to tell you, because you were so kind to me before. I'm back at work tomorrow, I don't know how I'm going to hold it together.
When I read this first time it broke my heart. I read it again today. DH and I found out this morning at our 12 wk scan that our baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks. I feel devastated and rereading this story is even more heartbreaking because I understand it in the context of my own experience. I wanted to read this again because first time I read it I remember thinking how brave you were. I guess I'm just looking for a little of your bravery too. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to see your babies, to hold them. Today, as the technician swung the wand over my belly and stayed quiet for a long time I felt my heart sinking and when she said, it's not good news my world just crashed.

I'm sorry but I just felt like I wanted to tell you, because you were so kind to me before. I'm back at work tomorrow, I don't know how I'm going to hold it together.

I just read your update a while ago in the original thread where we first spoke, and sent you a PM. I was so so sorry to hear what has happened, my heart is breaking for you. I'm so sad you have had to re-read this from another perspective. please get in touch I am here for you if you need support.
Lastly...if you can stay away from work tomorrow I would advise it...your emotional wellbeing is far more important than any job...take some time to come to terms with what has happened. x
:hugs: i just happened across this post and couldn't possibly read and run as it such a touching, sad story. you are so strong and i wish you all the future happiness in the world. rest in peace to your beautiful angels xxxx
:hugs: i just happened across this post and couldn't possibly read and run as it such a touching, sad story. you are so strong and i wish you all the future happiness in the world. rest in peace to your beautiful angels xxxx

Thank you for leaving such a sweet message, it means a lot to me x
Sending :hugs: to you and your little angels

x x x x

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