Evening fussiness

Hope looks like our babies were born in the same day :) We are also going through the fussy evening stage, it's so exhausting! :hugs:

Our babies picked a great birthday imo! Have you paid close attention to the numbers yet? 23.10.2013 (2x0, 2x1, 2x2, 2x3) thats gotta have some special meaning! :blush::haha:

Is your babe still fussy? We've had a great evening on Friday! No fussing but lots of sleeping!
I figured she was done her 2 week growth spurt cause she also slept a lot that day but than last evening she was her little fussy self again :wacko:
Last night was pretty rough :( I am just so tired by night time so my hubby has been taking Devyn and just bringing him to me for feeding so I can get a few hours of sleep but he just won't settle for him and ends up crying the entire time! When I'm up with him he just falls asleep on my chest in between meals. I really hope he can sleep in his bassinette again soon because right now we are taking turns staying up half the night with him. My poor hubby is so frustrated that hr can't calm him down :(

Big :hugs: hun! It'll get better one day!
My lo doesn't sleep in her bassinet either. I'm not even trying to put her down anymore. I find its not worth the struggle and tears. My son was the same- only happy when laying near mommy! He eventually grew out of the need!
I'm co- sleeping with my girl now. This way we both get some sleep at night and nobody needs to cry.
Is co- sleeping something you could look in to? I'm sure it'll make your life much easier! Again big :hugs:
Well we had a better night last night :) hopefully whatever was the problem has passed. I would be fine with co sleeping but my hubby is against it. It is a big thing here with the hospitals and nurses all against it which I think is a but much. It is safe if done properly!
What I find difficult is that most of it is comfort sucking not eating. I understand that is part of nursing, but I cannot find any other way to console him or put him to sleep. I worry what will happen when I have to go back to work. Now he is starting an afternoon fussy period too, but if I take him outside it helps. How many hours are your babies awake and happy not looking to nurse?

Hey Jaymelynn,
How is it going? Does a baby carrier work for your lo at all?
I find that my girl gets fussy when she is tired in the evening. I have a Moby wrap and 8 times out of 10 i can get her to sleep wearing her in the wrap!

She also doesnt spend much time awake just yet. Usually a few minutes here and there. If she is fed, she can spend up to 20 minutes in her swing awake and not crying :thumbup:
For the most part she wants to be held my mommy though. Which I dont mind... :cloud9:

Things have gotten much worse! The evening fussiness became ALL day crying. Now he only naps outside in the stroller and sometimes the car. Otherwise he will only take 10 minute naps. Being on the boob is the only thing that stops the crying. A few weeks ago I tried my boba wrap and he did not like keeping his head inside. He was too nosey. I recently got a lillebaby carrier. I only tried 2-3 times and he cried after a few minutes. I really should keep trying though.
What I find difficult is that most of it is comfort sucking not eating. I understand that is part of nursing, but I cannot find any other way to console him or put him to sleep. I worry what will happen when I have to go back to work. Now he is starting an afternoon fussy period too, but if I take him outside it helps. How many hours are your babies awake and happy not looking to nurse?

Hey Jaymelynn,
How is it going? Does a baby carrier work for your lo at all?
I find that my girl gets fussy when she is tired in the evening. I have a Moby wrap and 8 times out of 10 i can get her to sleep wearing her in the wrap!

She also doesnt spend much time awake just yet. Usually a few minutes here and there. If she is fed, she can spend up to 20 minutes in her swing awake and not crying :thumbup:
For the most part she wants to be held my mommy though. Which I dont mind... :cloud9:

Things have gotten much worse! The evening fussiness became ALL day crying. Now he only naps outside in the stroller and sometimes the car. Otherwise he will only take 10 minute naps. Being on the boob is the only thing that stops the crying. A few weeks ago I tried my boba wrap and he did not like keeping his head inside. He was too nosey. I recently got a lillebaby carrier. I only tried 2-3 times and he cried after a few minutes. I really should keep trying though.

Oh hun I feel for you :hugs:
Isn't there a growth spurt and a wonder week around 4-6 weeks?
Maybe thats the reason for the extra fussiness and constant need for boob.
Are you able to just spend a few days on the couch with lo attached to you and have someone take care of you?
Just wanted to say hang in there ladies this was very difficult growth spurt for us too! I kno2 I feels like you will never have an evening to yourself ever again but it will pass ( until like me you reach week 11-12!) They need the comfort of mummy, dont stress too much about putting them down as they develo the become more independent and you get longer stretches of adult time! I found baby wearing really helped my lo. I would put her in in the afternoons straight after feed as it also winded her, and her night gripes eased off. I hear you on not knowing if you have enough milk and it does feel like it when they are permanently attached but you kind of have to go through the pain in order to boost supply :( im still getting sore on days when lo is snacky. Skin to skin works wonders for them too btw helps reset them or someting! Worth a try!
We are at 7 weeks and this last week she has really stopped eating all evening (if we ignore yesterday evening that is lol). She will eat around 6 or 7 for about 25 mins then dose off until we do bedtime at 9 where she will have a good 30-40 min feed. I ate my dinner twice this week like a normal human being and put my other daughter to bed.

Now I've said this she will munch all evening tonight.... But definite slow down.
After two days of things getting better he was fussy from 5pm-midnight last night! He was awake from 330pm-12am with only 10-15 min naps. I do not know what to do at this point. Last week I spoke to the doctor about the spitting up and she recommended Colic Calm. I gave him two doses last night. After the second dose he slept from 12am-530am. It is strange because he would be wide awake smiling one minute and screaming the next. I will try a few more days with the Colic Calm otherwise I think I need to call the doctor again- right? We also did not go outside yesterday because it was cold/snowy which might have been part of the problem. It is going to be a long winter. My husband is in the middle east until late Jan :(

I had him in the carrier for about 45 min and he slept the whole time so I was able to put my laundry away and make lunch! yay!
What I find difficult is that most of it is comfort sucking not eating. I understand that is part of nursing, but I cannot find any other way to console him or put him to sleep. I worry what will happen when I have to go back to work. Now he is starting an afternoon fussy period too, but if I take him outside it helps. How many hours are your babies awake and happy not looking to nurse?

Hey Jaymelynn,
How is it going? Does a baby carrier work for your lo at all?
I find that my girl gets fussy when she is tired in the evening. I have a Moby wrap and 8 times out of 10 i can get her to sleep wearing her in the wrap!

She also doesnt spend much time awake just yet. Usually a few minutes here and there. If she is fed, she can spend up to 20 minutes in her swing awake and not crying :thumbup:
For the most part she wants to be held my mommy though. Which I dont mind... :cloud9:

Things have gotten much worse! The evening fussiness became ALL day crying. Now he only naps outside in the stroller and sometimes the car. Otherwise he will only take 10 minute naps. Being on the boob is the only thing that stops the crying. A few weeks ago I tried my boba wrap and he did not like keeping his head inside. He was too nosey. I recently got a lillebaby carrier. I only tried 2-3 times and he cried after a few minutes. I really should keep trying though.

Oh hun I feel for you :hugs:
Isn't there a growth spurt and a wonder week around 4-6 weeks?
Maybe thats the reason for the extra fussiness and constant need for boob.
Are you able to just spend a few days on the couch with lo attached to you and have someone take care of you?

I hope it is a growth spurt, but I think it has been going on for too long. When it was not this bad the doctor mentioned the dreaded c-word- colic. How are things going with your LO?

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