Last night was pretty rough I am just so tired by night time so my hubby has been taking Devyn and just bringing him to me for feeding so I can get a few hours of sleep but he just won't settle for him and ends up crying the entire time! When I'm up with him he just falls asleep on my chest in between meals. I really hope he can sleep in his bassinette again soon because right now we are taking turns staying up half the night with him. My poor hubby is so frustrated that hr can't calm him downHope looks like our babies were born in the same day We are also going through the fussy evening stage, it's so exhausting!
Our babies picked a great birthday imo! Have you paid close attention to the numbers yet? 23.10.2013 (2x0, 2x1, 2x2, 2x3) thats gotta have some special meaning!
Is your babe still fussy? We've had a great evening on Friday! No fussing but lots of sleeping!
I figured she was done her 2 week growth spurt cause she also slept a lot that day but than last evening she was her little fussy self again
Big hun! It'll get better one day!
My lo doesn't sleep in her bassinet either. I'm not even trying to put her down anymore. I find its not worth the struggle and tears. My son was the same- only happy when laying near mommy! He eventually grew out of the need!
I'm co- sleeping with my girl now. This way we both get some sleep at night and nobody needs to cry.
Is co- sleeping something you could look in to? I'm sure it'll make your life much easier! Again big