You don't need a pump but it might be nice If you plan on others feeding then it is nice to have. Depending on how often you plan on expressing. you can even hand express but I don't think it is something I would like to have to do to often!
So depending on your plans, if you have to go back to work, if you feelike others may be feeding LO to, etc youmay want a pump. And based on that you can decide on manual bs electric and single vs double. Most of us in US have to go back before 3 months so I think many of us get double electrics. If I didn't have to work, I might just keep a single manual around.
As for the bottles, find ones that are breast friendly. They have nipples that are closer to breast nipples. Our LO got formula supplements for a few days and has gotten EBM a couple times, and uses a paci since a few days old. No nipple confusion. But you will hear many different opinions. My opinion is that a baby is always going tomchoose mom & her goods straight from the tap! I think the nipple confusion is more an issue when there is a latch issue. Congrats!