Faint line at 4 weeks - should I worry?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2014
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Hi all, I'm freaking out. I had a chemical pregnancy last month which ran like this, strong symptoms the week before taking a test, faint line on the First Response then it disappeared then I bled.

This month i got a strong positive on the First Response (that measures 6mu of HCG) 4 days before my missed period. I've been peeing on ovulation sticks that are coming out very very strong. Unfortunately I did a FirstVue pregnancy test today at 4 weeks, evening pee but concentrated, that is supposed to measure 20mu of HCG. A line came out, but it's faint as hell :shrug::shrug: I'm so, so very disappointed. I understand my levels should be at like 100mu on the day of the missed period. I feel like I'm waiting to bleed now. Why can't I just be properly, strongly, blazingly pregnant??

Anyone have any 'oh, i had a faint line and now I have a strapping baby' stories to share? Or am I just resigned?
I was so disappointed when I got a full our negative at 13dpo. I didn't get AF and a couple days later I started to get my BFP and she is now a year and a half.

It's all dependant on when implantation happens, sometimes it's later than others.

I would focus on is the line getting darker.
I was so disappointed when I got a full our negative at 13dpo. I didn't get AF and a couple days later I started to get my BFP and she is now a year and a half.

It's all dependant on when implantation happens, sometimes it's later than others.

I would focus on is the line getting darker.

That's exactly my problem. The line isn't getting darker. I got a positive at like 11DPO... it was pretty strong on the FRER. But now at 14DPO the line is there but just not convincing me that i have the levels I need...
Hi Hun, I'm not to sure about the ins and outs but I would stop testing with the ov sticks :thumbup:.
I tested at 14dpo and had v faint line. If it were me I would have red the first positive then left it at that. I did do one evening test and was fainter than my original BFP and it freaked me out. That's why I stopped testing. I figured I won't get anymore pregnant or won't change anything by peeing on a stick. It's so worrying in the early days and even now. Try to relax :hugs: easier said than done xx
Test tomorrow with FMU. I wouldn't stress yourself comparing a previous test with FMU to a test you took in the afternoon or evening. Even after a long hold, your urine isn't going to be as concentrated because the body just makes more hcg over night and into the morning, so it's like comparing apples and oranges, especially that early on. Do another in the morning and don't compare across tests. My FRER was good and positive and I barely got a line on a different brand (this was 3 days before my period was due).
Okay, I've got a success story for you. :) When I was pregnant with my third-born, I started testing at 7DPO just knowing I was pregnant! I tested BFN every single day until I was 5 weeks along! At that point, it was VERY faint. I thought the pregnancy was doomed, especially when I started spotting at 5w5d. Got an ultrasound at 5w6d, saw a perfect little flickering heart and a little teeny tiny baby blob. She's a perfectly healthy 2-year-old now. :) I hope everything is just as perfect with your pregnancy. :)
Okay, I've got a success story for you. :) When I was pregnant with my third-born, I started testing at 7DPO just knowing I was pregnant! I tested BFN every single day until I was 5 weeks along! At that point, it was VERY faint. I thought the pregnancy was doomed, especially when I started spotting at 5w5d. Got an ultrasound at 5w6d, saw a perfect little flickering heart and a little teeny tiny baby blob. She's a perfectly healthy 2-year-old now. :) I hope everything is just as perfect with your pregnancy. :)

EEK that's what i'm talking about :happy dance: I hope so too... xx
Test tomorrow with FMU. I wouldn't stress yourself comparing a previous test with FMU to a test you took in the afternoon or evening. Even after a long hold, your urine isn't going to be as concentrated because the body just makes more hcg over night and into the morning, so it's like comparing apples and oranges, especially that early on. Do another in the morning and don't compare across tests. My FRER was good and positive and I barely got a line on a different brand (this was 3 days before my period was due).

Good point. This was afternoon pee on a different stick... my previous pregnancy barely registered with afternoon pee a week after period was due. But i didn't know any different so didn't mind. Now i've encountered chemicals it's a whole different ball game... argh.
Hi all, I'm freaking out. I had a chemical pregnancy last month which ran like this, strong symptoms the week before taking a test, faint line on the First Response then it disappeared then I bled.

This month i got a strong positive on the First Response (that measures 6mu of HCG) 4 days before my missed period. I've been peeing on ovulation sticks that are coming out very very strong. Unfortunately I did a FirstVue pregnancy test today at 4 weeks, evening pee but concentrated, that is supposed to measure 20mu of HCG. A line came out, but it's faint as hell :shrug::shrug: I'm so, so very disappointed. I understand my levels should be at like 100mu on the day of the missed period. I feel like I'm waiting to bleed now. Why can't I just be properly, strongly, blazingly pregnant??

Anyone have any 'oh, i had a faint line and now I have a strapping baby' stories to share? Or am I just resigned?

Hey hun I wouldn't worry to much my hpt was faint on the less sensitive tests at 4 weeks. Try using the same test and fmu if you are checking for progression
I had a chemical last spring, and it was never a strong positive. It was 4 faint positives, followed by a negative, then bleeding. A strong positive with FMU is a great sign! Don't worry too much about the evening test.
I did a Clearblue Digital test with conception indicator, today is 14DPO, and I got Pregnant 1-2. I guess I won't know now if everything is good until i get Pregnant 2-3?

In parallel I took a cheap FirstVue from Dealz and it was a fairly faint but visible line....

I just dunno. I have symptoms like nausea and tiredness so was expecting something more conclusive i guess...
Pregnancy tests are not made to show you progression. there are so many factors that can affect the test: how concentrated your pee is, how long did it sit, how much dye is in the test, etc. Plus HCG doubles every 24-48 hours, which means even testing every day you may not see a difference.

If you want to see the tests get darker test every other day on the same brand and with FMU.

FX for you =)
I totally feel you - I have absolutely driven myself crazy over HPT lines darkening, and indeed in my experience a faint line on a First Response test at 14DPO is *generally* not a good sign. And when I say faint...I mean like, within 10 minutes of testing, it is not very clear. However I agree that darkening lines will tell you much more than one test, and I see you are trying to figure that out.

Basically I agree with StillPraying. I tried to follow these guidelines for myself:

1. Only test ONCE a day, no matter how badly you want to test multiple times. Testing every OTHER day would be WAY better (because the difference in darkness is much more obvious between 2 days, so you won't be agonizing over whether the line darkened or not), but I personally was never able to control myself enough to follow that guideline.

2. Only use the SAME brand of test

3. Only test at the SAME time of the day with approximately the same concentration of urine. I always use FMU just because it's easiest to keep track of.

4. Take a photo of each test with the same conditions (same lighting, same level of zoom) within the instructed control time (e.g. no more than 10 minutes after testing generally) and then THROW THE TEST AWAY and only compare the photos. If you keep old tests the lines will darken and either give you false hope or...you will end up comparing a very recent test with an old test which has already dried dark and unnecessarily worry.

You may know all that already but hopefully it helps. Chemicals suck and I am so sorry you are going through this. It is easy for me to say "time will tell" but of course when you are going through it, nothing helps!!!

And finally if you want to get second opinions on the darkening of lines, you can post photos on https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/ - people there love to give their opinions.

<3 Keep us updated <3
I know how stressful this time is. I am sure things will be great. It sounds like you have already received some great advice!
I had strong lines on frer then took a Tesco test and it was practically negative. Completely freaked me out but now I realize they are rubbish tests

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