Well, I tested yesterday morning and got a very very faint line on ic and a very very faint line on FR. So I started to get really excited thinking that I would get a darker line this morning and its even fainter. My heart sank. Could this mean a chemical? or has this happened to anyone else who got a darker line a few days later?
I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated but i am guessing i'm anywhere from 11 to 14 dpo. AF is suppose to arrive on Monday.
I've attached a photo (hope it works) The left test is yesterdays which is darker and the right one is this morning which is hardly visible. The tests are first response early but I broke them open to check they wasn't evap lines or anything (went a bit crazy).
I'm freaking out a little. Would love some advice girls Thank you x
up-date.... I actually think these could be evaps.. ive been researching other threads. I held the test stick in the pee for longer than 5 seconds too... whoops half asleep... do you think that would have given my these evap lines
I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated but i am guessing i'm anywhere from 11 to 14 dpo. AF is suppose to arrive on Monday.
I've attached a photo (hope it works) The left test is yesterdays which is darker and the right one is this morning which is hardly visible. The tests are first response early but I broke them open to check they wasn't evap lines or anything (went a bit crazy).
I'm freaking out a little. Would love some advice girls Thank you x
up-date.... I actually think these could be evaps.. ive been researching other threads. I held the test stick in the pee for longer than 5 seconds too... whoops half asleep... do you think that would have given my these evap lines