Oh, terces...hun I am so sorry. I have to be honest, I've read through a lot of people's problems/issues/hurt on this forum and while they all start to sound the same and everyone really has the same problem...can't get preggo...your post really got to me.
You are right, we have all been there, but what I will say is that you haven't hit rock bottom. When you do, you will know. And I don't mean rock bottom it will never happen for you. I mean rock bottom, you're ready to let God have His way.
I hit that all time low at the beginning of my last cycle. I mean I was low...to the point where I honestly scared myself...not to mention my husband. He wouldn't let me go to work and then didn't go himself cause he was so worried about me. I felt like a zombie for a few days, just walking through my everyday routine. Like I really missed a couple of days of my life. That was when I realized that I was trying to make this happen and it's just not possible. Creating a life isn't my job...it's not yours, or anyone else's. It's God's. He's been doing it since the beginning of time. Who am I to try to come along all this time later and tell Him to step aside and let me do it.
We think it's so easy because there are so many people in this world, but it's obviosly really not. In one of my first cycles my gyno said to me "you'd think it would just happen...the female body is set up technically to allow this happen, but there's a lot that goes into it and things have to happen just right at the right time. it's actually harder than you think". I never really paid much attention to that, but after everything I've learned about ttc, it's SOOO true.
It's ok that you are where you are. There is a process to all of this. I don't know what it is, but there is a reason that God is testing you. Sometimes you have to go through the fire. But know that it will work out. I know you're wondering where is He? I've felt that too. My brother has four kids by three different women (2 are twins...which we want) and that doesn't include the miscarriages these and other women have had. I told God one day that He gave my brother my kid by accident. Funny now, but I was serious then. But He hasn't left you hun. He's there watching and waiting. Sometimes I think God wants us to get to that point because we forget He is almighty and everything rests in His hands...including the power to create life.
I will leave you with this. Diamonds, once something ugly and weak, are made under pressure. This situation may look ugly right now, but the end result will be something beautiful and precious.