
I haven't started weaning yet obviously but was just reading the thread with interest and... I always thought babies weren't meant to be given cows milk until they were at least 1 year old? Because it's hard for them to digest. Is that not advised anymore?
I haven't started weaning yet obviously but was just reading the thread with interest and... I always thought babies weren't meant to be given cows milk until they were at least 1 year old? Because it's hard for them to digest. Is that not advised anymore?

hi faerie :wave: its confusing ey!! :wacko: in cooking its ok from 6 months if its full fat but shouldnt be given as a drink until 1 year.
I started on Yeos Organic yoghurts for Jess at 6months and she would finish the whole pot- its her fav thing now, so she has one of those a day or 2 of the muller stars pots for brekkie.

I give Dairlyea sticks or the spreadable type on bread or bread and butter. You can try weetabix with warmed full fat cows milk.

I always offer yoghurt and cheese everyday. Jess is tiny for her age- 10months and hovering around the 9th percentile and has never been a great formula drinker.
Well the past couple of days have been interesting! I have so far tried Harry with the following:

  • avacado, banana and greek yoghurt mashed up together - not easily accepted into food trap yesterday, but today was accepted in!
  • yogurts (strawberry and apricot) - both accepted into food trap
  • cod and vegetables in cheese sauce - annoyingly not accepted into food trap. This took a long time to make - Harry spat the first mouthful out, smeared it over his eyebrows and kept food trap firmly shut - will try again tomorrow
  • small square of toast with unsalted butter - accepted into food trap, but once sucked dry, discarded onto carpet

I've also got some HIPS Organic Good Night Milk which Harry has had tonight and last night and it went down a treat :)
Yaay glad he liked the new foods! I'm really keen to seen what every one feeds their babies every day, like a meal planner kind of thing. I still feel like Im abit stuck in veg and rice mode, although we tried yogurt today which went down a treat :D
Yaay glad he liked the new foods! I'm really keen to seen what every one feeds their babies every day, like a meal planner kind of thing. I still feel like Im abit stuck in veg and rice mode, although we tried yogurt today which went down a treat :D

I haven't got a clue myself! I just try and get as much milk down him as possible as it's always a battle.


6am - 4oz formula
8am - square of toast with unsalted butter
10am - 3oz formula
12noon - half an avacado, half banana, 1tbsp greek yogurt mashed together and half an apricot yogurt with a mini rusk
2pm 3oz formula
5pm tried Harry with the fish and veg in cheese sauce which was rejected
7pm 6oz goodnight formula

As you can see - we struggle with Harry and his milk which is why I try him with as much other food as poss. He usually wakes up at about midnight and has a 5oz bottle then, but that's it until 6am again.
do you mix his milk with baby rice ever? maybe thats a good way of getting it down him. Layla is breastfed so I dont really know how much milk she takes in terms of oz's, but she does have a bottle of formula before bed (about 9oz... this is drunk over a couple of hours though) and also some baby rice mixed with banana and there's about 3oz of formula in that, so i guess all in all she's getting about 120z before bed. whats the minimum amount of milk should they be having at this age do you know? i know every baby is different, but are there guidelines?
I think at Harry's age he should be having something around 30oz a day! So today he had 18 and i'm expecting him to have a 5oz bottle at about midnight which will take it up to 23oz. Today has been a good day too :( He just hates formula. He was breastfed for the first few months, but I had to go back to work early and so put him on formula and he won't drink much. Have tried different types. He just loved boob!
do you mix his milk with baby rice ever? maybe thats a good way of getting it down him. Layla is breastfed so I dont really know how much milk she takes in terms of oz's, but she does have a bottle of formula before bed (about 9oz... this is drunk over a couple of hours though) and also some baby rice mixed with banana and there's about 3oz of formula in that, so i guess all in all she's getting about 120z before bed. whats the minimum amount of milk should they be having at this age do you know? i know every baby is different, but are there guidelines?

I'm afraid I have to mention that this is very dangerous and against all health professionals advise now. Babies are at risk of choking and rice doen't need to be added to their milk. Food is food and to be eaten from a spoon, this helps them to get used to eating from a spoon and exercises the jaw in a different way to drinking milk and helps muscles and tongue towards using their mouths for speaking later on.

It's just lazy in my opinion, it doesn't tke that much effort to just spoon baby rice into a baby's mouth and is beyond me why anyone would do such a thing.

I would highly recommend you do not add anything to baby's bottles

Here's one of the links I've seen

Hevz - I don't think Plumfairy is saying to mix the baby rice in with the formula in a bottle. I think she's suggesting mixing formula into stuff to eat so she's getting enough. I think... :blush: But - i DO agree with everything you have said about putting stuff in bottles, it's a definite no-no.:hugs:

As for the rest of the thread, this is a real eye-opener, and I'm really chuffed I read it. I've just put a post in the Formula section that Ben has suddenly started refusing his bottle, so I can take some tips from here!:hugs:
i make milky puddings with baby rice, milk and banana or apple sauce or something too. Makes a nice breakfast. 23oz doesn't seem too bad to me, but then I BF so I dont know how much Finn drinks.
i make milky puddings with baby rice, milk and banana or apple sauce or something too. Makes a nice breakfast. 23oz doesn't seem too bad to me, but then I BF so I dont know how much Finn drinks.

I do this too - I make my own fruit purees and because Harry hasn't ever been a fan of baby rice, I make it with his formula and add a spoonful of puree to it. Anything that suggests making it up with water (e.g. some of Harry's cereals etc), I now make up using his milk instead to increase his intake of formula and calories.

Update on the fish dish.... rejected again today. Unbelieveable!!
do you mix his milk with baby rice ever? maybe thats a good way of getting it down him. Layla is breastfed so I dont really know how much milk she takes in terms of oz's, but she does have a bottle of formula before bed (about 9oz... this is drunk over a couple of hours though) and also some baby rice mixed with banana and there's about 3oz of formula in that, so i guess all in all she's getting about 120z before bed. whats the minimum amount of milk should they be having at this age do you know? i know every baby is different, but are there guidelines?

I'm afraid I have to mention that this is very dangerous and against all health professionals advise now. Babies are at risk of choking and rice doen't need to be added to their milk. Food is food and to be eaten from a spoon, this helps them to get used to eating from a spoon and exercises the jaw in a different way to drinking milk and helps muscles and tongue towards using their mouths for speaking later on.

It's just lazy in my opinion, it doesn't tke that much effort to just spoon baby rice into a baby's mouth and is beyond me why anyone would do such a thing.

I would highly recommend you do not add anything to baby's bottles

Here's one of the links I've seen


Maybe my wording wasnt clear. I would NEVER mix baby rice into a bottle. What I meant was, does she give him baby rice with milk in ( I know some people make it with water you see) as a way of getting more milk into him.
i make milky puddings with baby rice, milk and banana or apple sauce or something too. Makes a nice breakfast. 23oz doesn't seem too bad to me, but then I BF so I dont know how much Finn drinks.

I do this too - I make my own fruit purees and because Harry hasn't ever been a fan of baby rice, I make it with his formula and add a spoonful of puree to it. Anything that suggests making it up with water (e.g. some of Harry's cereals etc), I now make up using his milk instead to increase his intake of formula and calories.

Update on the fish dish.... rejected again today. Unbelieveable!!

OH no!! Not keen on fish then!! :dohh:
do you mix his milk with baby rice ever? maybe thats a good way of getting it down him. Layla is breastfed so I dont really know how much milk she takes in terms of oz's, but she does have a bottle of formula before bed (about 9oz... this is drunk over a couple of hours though) and also some baby rice mixed with banana and there's about 3oz of formula in that, so i guess all in all she's getting about 120z before bed. whats the minimum amount of milk should they be having at this age do you know? i know every baby is different, but are there guidelines?

I'm afraid I have to mention that this is very dangerous and against all health professionals advise now. Babies are at risk of choking and rice doen't need to be added to their milk. Food is food and to be eaten from a spoon, this helps them to get used to eating from a spoon and exercises the jaw in a different way to drinking milk and helps muscles and tongue towards using their mouths for speaking later on.

It's just lazy in my opinion, it doesn't tke that much effort to just spoon baby rice into a baby's mouth and is beyond me why anyone would do such a thing.

I would highly recommend you do not add anything to baby's bottles

Here's one of the links I've seen


Maybe my wording wasnt clear. I would NEVER mix baby rice into a bottle. What I meant was, does she give him baby rice with milk in ( I know some people make it with water you see) as a way of getting more milk into him.

OMG...I'm soooooooooooooooooo sorry babe, I must have read it wrong:blush::wacko:

I'm so sorry, I've read that "recommendation" so many times on here and think it's scary that people advise new and 1st time mums to do this as it must be tempting when you're feeling desperate and baby won't sleep etc:dohh:

Again, Plumfairy...I'm sorry:dohh:, forgive me:hugs:
do you mix his milk with baby rice ever? maybe thats a good way of getting it down him. Layla is breastfed so I dont really know how much milk she takes in terms of oz's, but she does have a bottle of formula before bed (about 9oz... this is drunk over a couple of hours though) and also some baby rice mixed with banana and there's about 3oz of formula in that, so i guess all in all she's getting about 120z before bed. whats the minimum amount of milk should they be having at this age do you know? i know every baby is different, but are there guidelines?

I'm afraid I have to mention that this is very dangerous and against all health professionals advise now. Babies are at risk of choking and rice doen't need to be added to their milk. Food is food and to be eaten from a spoon, this helps them to get used to eating from a spoon and exercises the jaw in a different way to drinking milk and helps muscles and tongue towards using their mouths for speaking later on.

It's just lazy in my opinion, it doesn't tke that much effort to just spoon baby rice into a baby's mouth and is beyond me why anyone would do such a thing.

I would highly recommend you do not add anything to baby's bottles

Here's one of the links I've seen


Maybe my wording wasnt clear. I would NEVER mix baby rice into a bottle. What I meant was, does she give him baby rice with milk in ( I know some people make it with water you see) as a way of getting more milk into him.

OMG...I'm soooooooooooooooooo sorry babe, I must have read it wrong:blush::wacko:

I'm so sorry, I've read that "recommendation" so many times on here and think it's scary that people advise new and 1st time mums to do this as it must be tempting when you're feeling desperate and baby won't sleep etc:dohh:

Again, Plumfairy...I'm sorry:dohh:, forgive me:hugs:

All good me lovely, and as I said in the message, I see how it must of looked. My gran was telling me that back in her day she used to give my dad baby rice in with his milk, and I was quite shocked, but apparently they did it alot. Its a wonder anyones alive today really lol!! x
OH no!! Not keen on fish then!! :dohh:
I'm hoping that's the case and that it's not cheese! At the moment, I could do with him liking as many high calorie fatty things as possible, and cheese is one thing I can think of!

Little update - the dietitian that the Health Visitor suggested I speak to called me today. I told her the full story and she said that she may have some suggestions re getting Harry to drink more milk. I've got an appointment with her on Friday morning so will let you all know how it goes then. I'm not sure what she's going to suggest, but I think it's worth a try!:shrug:
Oh good! I hope she can give you some advice. Has harry always had small weight gains or only recently? Because maybe he's just a little man. We've had constant battles with Laylas weight (well, I say battles, thats probably a bit exaggerated) but she has always been on the bottom of all the charts bla bla bla and at one time she only put on an oz in a couple of weeks too, and the health visitors did the whole shaking of the heads and the whole "maybe you should give her a bottle" talk, but I just figured out that she's probably just a petite little thing. Plus, she doesn't stop moving from the time she wakes until bed time, she's always wriggling about, and Im thinking she maybe just burns off all the calories. Now she's on solids though she's definately putting on alot more. Looking forward to hearing what suggestions she gives you anyway :D
I went to see the dietician this morning. She was nice and gave me some things to work on:

Change Harry's formula
Harry is currently on Aptamil Hungrier Baby Formula - not because he's a "hungrier baby", but because I thought that because he wasn't drinking much milk, we should give him something to fill him up (if that makes sense?!) Anyway - the dietician explained that these hungrier baby formulas work by turning into a cottage cheese consistency in the stomach which is more difficult to digest, therefore causing baby to feel fuller for longer. She suggested I put Harry back on to a normal easy to digest formula as he might drink more. So today, he's started on Cow & Gate Stage 1 formula. She also suggested trying Harry with a cup, which we've done before.. he will drink from it but it's a long drawn-out process and i'm not sure he has any more than he does from a bottle... but it's still a suggestions.

She suggested I get some vitamin drops for Harry to increase his vitamin intake (as he's not getting enough through formula because he's not drinking enough). Harry's been unwell for about 9 weeks now - blocked nose and cough - and she thinks that the increase in vitamins may help to clear it. She's also going to suggest to Harry's GP that he be referred to a paedeatrician re his cough. I've bought some vitamin drops today from Boots and have started them today.

We've been doing the right thing in increasing Harry's fat intake and she just gave us some extra suggestions - one being to add Olive Oil to his vegetables etc... but mainly to continue as we have been doing.

I've got to also take Harry to be weighed again on Thursday next week (that will be 2 weeks since he was last weighed), but also ask that the HV's measure his length - this has not been done since he was born. She said to also see the GP about getting Harry referred to a paedeatrician and then call her on Friday.

So - I suppose we just carry on with things now - increasing fat, using stage 1 milk and vitamin drops... and wait until Thursday for the big weigh in!

Thanks for all your support/interest :)
My HV gave me a really good suggestion... fruit jelly cubes (not the instant stuff) dissolved in water as normal but then make up to 1 pint using full fat milk - goes down a treat here or blancmange ( I use half the sugar they recommend and it still works well)!

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