Savvy: Oh I understand completely! Seeing a progression is a blast! POAS is so dang addicting!
Marathongirl: From personal experience between myself and many of my close friends/relatives, the doctor's usage of LMP often differs from the actual O date (I've always O'd 4-5 days later than my doctor INSISTS I did, even when I have charts to prove it. Annoying!) So I would say there's a good chance you O'd later than they expected/you expected. I hope and pray that next week's ultrasound reveals far greater things for you!
You're not being a downer! It's hard at this stage -- the early ultrasounds can be so frustrating because you want so badly to be reassured, but so much development occurs in such a short period of time, it's misleading sometimes too. Hopefully next week they'll be able to see a fetal pole and you can rest a little easier.
Eme, I am so, so sorry love.
My heart aches for and with you right now.
I wish there was something more I could do or say but I know nothing erases that pain. I will be thinking of you and praying that they're able to help you find the answers you're seeking. xoxo
Birth Center tour went well, decided it's definitely where I will go for delivery.
I am relieved. However it was a strange mix of emotions being there - excitement over the planning process of delivering there and pleasure over finding a place that meets my needs AND wants, but also a huge, sickening fear in my stomach about losing this baby also. We've made so many plans so early this time, mostly due to the birth center filling up so quickly/having all the tests and such that I haven't had with previous pregnancies (or at least, didn't have until it was too late)... it feels like I should be a lot further than 4 weeks! But I'm not... and it both scares and worries me. I feel so positive about this pregnancy, but am afraid to get too attached too quickly even though I know that's impossible!
Between the pregnancy hormones and my history, my brain's just a hot mess... as I'm sure all of you understand. I'm just so grateful that BNB has offered me a haven in which I can bury myself, surrounded by others who get it since most of the people in my RL right now really have no clue.
ANYWAY. Sorry. Talk about being a downer!
I just had to get that off my chest.
I better get some sleep, but am hoping you all have a great night and a good day tomorrow! Confuzion, will be thinking about you and your test results, praying for good ones!