gdef - definitely constipated over here! I'm usually so nice and regular too , I don't like it!
I'm also watery down there. I am in every pregnancy .
Congrats and welcome Rome and Feronia!
Have any of you ladies taken a CB Digi? I went to go and get one but panicked because I'm scared I'll see not pregnant. I've got 3 beautiful BFP's but just scared taking that test will end it all if it didn't show pregnant /:
I am also scared to take a CB digi. I have one waiting for when my test line is pretty much the same as control... I'm waiting til next week to take my last FRER's... I just want to see the line get darker and then I'll be happy. I'm finding it so hard to believe that there's a baby in there when we can't feel or see it yet. It's so surreal.
Hi ladies just wanted to stop in and check on you all. Glad to see you've got a lot more February hearts!!! I noticed I'm still listed as due 2/10 but sadly mine ended as a chemical pregnancy last week. Wishing you all healthy pregnancies. I'm in the process of trying to decide whether or not to wait a cycle or TTC again right away....
True, lol. No denying the crying poop machine at that point lol I'm so mad that I can't even hear the heartbeat til my 10-12 week scan. I don't understand. I am searching for a place to go to hear the heartbeat sooner but can't find anything. All the elective u/s places are only for late in pregnancy when people want the 3D/4D scans. I also live near NYC so you'd think someone would offer it....
Ok please calm me down..... I just saw the first bit of light brown mixed with cm when I wiped. I've had nothing up to this point and I'm 6w5d today. I'm trying not to panic. I had a chemical in February and it started with brown spotting too. So scared. My first u/s and appointment is in 5 days. I hope I make it til then. I have almost no symptoms and I'm scared this means it's not going to go well. What do I do?