Misspriss, my heart is breaking for you. I really hope it has stopped and you get a good HCG result today. If not, then you are right, you have your beautiful son and OH. We are already blessed, doesnt make it all that easier when going through this but that's what I keep telling myself.
TTC and babyfeva great that you have heard the heartbeats, that must be amazing.
I am so clinging to the fact I had a wacky cycle like I have before. Was the whole reason I was put on clomid as I never knew when I was ovulating even though I did every month. Clomid first round gave me a cyst though so I had to stop it for this cycle where I have conceived. I am praying now that maybe just maybe I actually did ovulate May 27th CD33 as I had pink spotting on June 6th and thought my period had started- maybe implantation? I got my first BFP June 8th. I had been doing tests 2 weeks before that and all were BFN. I possibly could only be 4 weeks 6 days -5 weeks. Clearblue digitial though has been saying 2-3 for the past week now though. :/