February Lovebugs of 2016!! 16 pink, 15 blue, 7 yellow

Welcome Leah! Girls who had ultrasounds, will update the front page now.

I had a major freakout this morning because my daughter dumped an entire container of Resolve stain remover powder into her bedroom carpet and my 6 year old thought it would be appropriate to tear apart a snotty rag and toss that round his bedroom.

Someone told me the other day that her OB told her that higher levels of progesterone can do that, either make women depressed, or prone to be irritable, or not effect them at all. It's interesting, but it makes sense. I have no patience in pregnancy lol.

I had my last betas drawn yesterday and I guess the doctor's office is so sick of me calling after 24 hours that they said not to call til Wednesday. Once those are in, they're going to book me for an ultrasound for next week or the week after, and then set up my IPS Screening. I mostly do it for the early ultrasound, lol.

jess - My best friend and I went through our pregnancies together too. We were due just 4 days apart but she ended up having her daughter 5 weeks early. It was interesting and fun, to say the least. Standing in her front hallway having gag reflex parties and seeing how long it would take the other to vomit when the first one vomited, lol...watching our bellies grow. Her daughter just turned 1 this weekend, and my son will be 1 on July 22.

Speaking of her daughter...scary moment. She's not one to message me in the middle of the night and not one who likes hospitals, but she messaged me saying her daughter's temperature was 95.5. It was with an ear thermometer, but she had her wrapped up in blankets she her temperature kept falling. She called the provincial health line, who said to take it three times in a row, and at one point, the highest she could get was 95.9. She was coming off a few days of a high fever, diarrhea and vomiting after her older sister accidentally made her formula with tap water from an RV resort instead of the bottled water. She was diagnosed with a bacterial infection as a result earlier in the day. The health line said to try a different thermometer so I woke my kids up to drive to her house with mine, and mine temped her a 93.6!!!

I've never seen her panic like that before. Her doctor had told her low body temperature was a sign of sepsis. When they got to the hospital though, her body temperature had come back up to 98.1 and she was sent home, so hopefully it was just her fever trying to break and broke a little too far. Haven't heard yet this morning how she's doing.
Hi ladies! I've been absent from posting as I've been trying to catch up with the thread in between work(my manager stepped down so it's been really hectic), sleep, and the little time hubby asks for right now lol.
There's so many great posts and info but I feel I've read them so far past their post times that it'll be too late to comment now (sorry)...
I will be having my first ultrasound tomorrow and so nervous bc i like some of you mentioned also have very few symptoms right now and poas yesterday just for a visual that I'm pregnant.
Hopefully I can try to keep up here so I can be a little more supportive to everyone else!

I don't have a ton of symptoms either aside from being exhausted! I think it's alright, a lot of what I've read said that sometimes symptoms don't show up till the 7th or 8th week. My SIL had none with her second baby. So I think we are all okay :)

My BFF who is pregnant too, it's extra exciting for her because she miscarried in February :( and it was really sad. The bit that is extra sad is we have a third BFF, and all three of us have stuck together since we were 13/14 and we are 28 now, and our third BFF has been trying for four years :( but her husband has an issue where he just doesn't produce sperm. So I think I just hope it will happen for her soon too :( We really kind of always do everything together, even our wedding anniversaries are each only a week apart. Anyway, sorry for the sad vent :(

I finally read through all of the 20 pages I missed the last few days! Woo!

Congrats to all of the ladies still joining us and the ladies who have had ultrasounds!!

Brandi, I'm sorry your family is letting their judgement of your choices dictate how they treat you, it's not right :( and it's not loving. I agree with other people, that however poor their actions are, it seems to come from a place of caring about you and your kids, even though that seems counter-intuitive because if they cared about you they wouldn't be so mean. But I bet that's why they are worried and scared. And be scared always makes people react wrong. I think they will come around. You're obviously a great mom already, and who doesn't love a baby!!!! :) :) :) I wouldn't skip the celebration because later on if you all make up, it will be sad you missed it.

Sorry to the ladies who are getting the irritability symptom! Hang in there!! :) :)

Also, I also love the little graphic to our group, thank you for making it :)
My temp was lower than normal this morning and my sore boobs are 100% GONE. Really hoping this isn't a bad sign. :( I don't have any cramping or spotting, but still concerned.
Just got my scan date... 21 July!!! I'll be 11 weeks. So excited now. Also terrified as I was talking to some ladies at playgroup today that have suffered miscarriages. I shouldn't have listened really. I'm sure everything will be fine. I think it's normal to be worried in pregnancy, I thought second time round I'd be less anxious but I'm not at all. Feel like a first timer all over again!

I was just thinking the same thing we
suppposed be relaxed and know what we doing. I feel like a first timer with all the worry.
Welcome and congrats Leah!

Look at those cute little beans in those u/s. :)

Briandi- Sending some good thoughts and prayers to your friend. I am sure that was very scary, hope her little one gets better quickly.

Praying- Good luck on your u/s tomorrow! :)

Jess- That is awesome that you will have a bff bump buddy! :) I know the feeling with your other friend who is trying. I have a friend that has been trying for years and a lot of failed treatments. She is going for their last IVF in September and I am praying so hard it works out for her.

Writing- I know that symptoms coming and going is scary , but hang in there. I think there are a lot of good vibes coming from this thread. :)

AFM: My fertility specialist said they will handle things until 10 weeks, but I called my obgyn this morning. I am just really getting myself bent out of shape about the low number and wanted some reassurance from my doctor. I told her that the fertility center isn't doing repeat bloods until Friday and I am going to go crazy waiting that long. She is the best and ordered me a test for tomorrow morning to see if my levels increase in 48 hours. Fingers crossed ladies!!!

:happydance::happydance: Welcome!!! :happydance::happydance:

HIIII!!!!! :happydance:

Are you having any symptoms?? I'm nauseous, crampy, and having some major insomnia then wake up early. So not me.

Also, I tried to keep it from DH for Father's Day and just couldn't :haha: I was craving vegetables and teriyaki chicken last night and he looked at me and I just blurted it out.... :blush:

I am having tons of symptoms compared to last time, it's weird. I've been cramping, nauseous, tired and craving meat - like proper steaks. Plus i think I had a bit of restless legs last night which I am really hoping doesn't become a thing!!

There's no way I could keep this from DH. I am so rubbish!
Wow, took forever to catch up! Congratulations to all the ladies!

Hello from me as well! I'm 31, same as hubby, and after 3 years of TTC (and lots of misadventures and disappointments that I would now love to put behind me), I finally got my first :bfp:!!!!!! EDD based on LMP is February 24! Yay!

(yes, I'm still in the annoyingly over-excited phase...)

Funny thing is, we just finished moving across the country this month, and it was one of the few times we weren't actively TTC. We actually sneaked away from the family home we were staying in until our furniture arrived to have some unscheduled private fun in our new home (which had no bed or electricity :blush:) on the day (we think) we conceived, so if everything works out okay, this will be our little naught baby, lol.

So, fast forward to 5 days ago. Before I go any further, let me just say that I have an iron stomach. Like, I have done emergency transportations in mad speeds over mountain roads, where I'm locked in an enclosed and stuffy van cabin watching a monitor while the car pitches right and left like crazy, and I never felt like throwing up (which was an awesome thing to brag about over my guy work partners as they puked their guts out on the side of the road, lol). I have literally never thrown up. So imagine my surprise when last Friday, I suddenly spring up from the bed and half-asleep rush to the bathroom to throw up. It was like in a movie!!! I seriously thought they made these things up!

At this point, naturally, like everyone who has passed the POAS-addicted phase, I scavenge through our suitcases (still haven't fully unpacked :-=) and manage to dig out some left over internet cheapies. I go ahead and anxiously wait for 5 mins.... aaaaand there miiiiight be something there. Maybe... if you look at it at a certain angle... I go back and start bouncing on the bed, waking up my hubbie (who has had to console me as a crying mess in previous false hope occasions) and he's a bit more restrained, but supportive. Like "I don't see anything honey, but we can check again tomorrow". Completely rational, of course.

Which was why I tested again that afternoon. Again a maybe-there-if-you-look-at-it-at-a-certain-angle line. Nausea was almost gone. Meh, just something I ate, I thought. Don't get over-excited, I thought.

I tested again the next morning, and it was a faint :bfp:! It was there! But it was the weekend, so my freak out had to wait till Monday. I re-tested on Sunday with my last cheapie and the line was definitely getting stronger.

I got my blood test yesterday, at 3w+5 (15 DPO I'm guessing, I didn't chart this month) and it came back positive at 491! :happydance:

Naturally, the moment we got the big news, my hubby whipped out the phone and called everyone in our family. I had to confiscate his phone as I don't want to share the news yet. After 3 years of trying, I'm terrified that something might go wrong. Now our parents know, but I've made them swear not to tell anyone else. But they were all so happy, which made me even more excited. I'm almost scared that I'm too happy and something might happen.

Anyway, getting back on track, as far as symptoms go I'm actually feeling quite good. Nausea hasn't made a comeback, and apart from some occasional mild lower back muscle spasms I feel pretty normal. No fatigue, no weird smelling, nothing. Oh, except for the mega-boobs, lol. Forget PMS swelling. My girls don't even fit in any of my bras anymore, which hubby actually appreciates :winkwink:. Oh, and I had a very brief bout of dizziness at the super-market yesterday, but it was hot and I do have a long history of postural hypotension, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for me. But otherwise, I don't actually feel different? *anxious*

Doctor's appointment is next Thursday... I'm anxious to have my U/S and verify that everything's okay. *keeping finger's crossed* So, I guess I'll be hanging around with you girls, sharing my nervousness until then!

PS: I absolutely love the February Lovebugs sticker! Now, I just have to spam a bit more before I can add it to my sig, heh.

PPS: writing I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Everyone here says that it's normal to have symptoms coming and going at this early stage, so I'm repeating the same thing to myself as well to keep calm. So I feel ya. Hang in there!
Such cute little dots and tadpoles!!! Getting excited to see my own little yolk sac on Thurs.

Moodiness has kicked in big time for me today...couldn't tolerate my poor toddler (mind you, she was EXTRA ridiculous this afternoon due to being overly tired) and was short with hubby all day. I think he's forgotten what it's like to have a pregnant wife...

This is my husband's first time dealing with me being pregnant. In all fairness, I warned him that I'm not pleasant to be around during the first trimester. My biggest issue with him was he made me feel guilty yesterday because he has had to pick up some of the slack around the house over the past week because I've been so tired that I've been going to bed super early every night. Then he had the nerve to make me also feel guilty because we have only :sex: once per week for the past two weeks when we used to be those every day or at least every other day kind of couples. Then guilt turned into anger because... well, screw him. I'm tired and morning sickness finally settled in yesterday and I'm hormonal. I'd like to see him try to deal with it. So what if he has to do the dishes more than he used to or pick up around the house some. I'm the one who feels like crap at least 80% of the time. Plus I work full time. I told him, he only has to deal with this for 5 more weeks and then I'll be more normal (if it's anything like my first pregnancy) but until then he just needs to deal with it. I hate men sometimes. Such babies. Ugh, I wonder if I could get away with taking a nap at my desk today.
Just got my scan date... 21 July!!! I'll be 11 weeks. So excited now. Also terrified as I was talking to some ladies at playgroup today that have suffered miscarriages. I shouldn't have listened really. I'm sure everything will be fine. I think it's normal to be worried in pregnancy, I thought second time round I'd be less anxious but I'm not at all. Feel like a first timer all over again!

I thought I would be calmer my second time around. I think if anything, I am more nervous! I am a lot older this time so I know more about everything that can go wrong. I know the odds are in my favor but it's still terrifying, especially since I've been wanting this baby for almost two years now. We only started TTC in March though because it took me that long to convince DH that we should have a baby. I have had serious insane baby fever for over a year.
Congrats Dani and Jess :) Great pics!

Mitchnorm fluctuating symptoms is 100% normal! At one point they will eventually disappear too ;) (well hopefully ha)

Duster I'd say only reason to go early is if they're going to give you an u/s or a form for an early u/s. Otherwise the first appointment isn't much.

Welcome and Congrats Leahlou :)

Jess that's super exciting about your best friend! What a great pregnancy partner :)

writingislove you're supposed to stop temping after your BFP - or at least that is what I was always told. I'm no expert with temping though. So maybe someone with experience can advise!

Good Luck Jess! Hope you have a super high number ;)

Quantea Welcome! What a great story!! Congratulations :D

Awe Britt tell him to suck it up. I always just say sorry. Busy growing a human here. You know turning food into a baby? Kinda tiring :p And as for DTD we haven't since we found out!! So unusual. But when I'm in bed same time as the kids it's not easy to get done :p

AFM I went for a run/walk with my oldest today. good way to take it easy. He needs to run more lol But we're going to start running together 2-3 days a week on top of my normal running. Help me stay in shape :)
Hmmm, to be honest I'm scared to DTD until we see the doctor. I know it's supposed to be safe, but I'm worried I guess. I've been convincing hubby to have other sorts of fun though. Poor guy, he puts up with everything without complains.
You gotta do what's best for you :) We all need to be reassured how we can. So much easier when you can feel the baby. So excited for that!
Just got my scan date... 21 July!!! I'll be 11 weeks. So excited now. Also terrified as I was talking to some ladies at playgroup today that have suffered miscarriages. I shouldn't have listened really. I'm sure everything will be fine. I think it's normal to be worried in pregnancy, I thought second time round I'd be less anxious but I'm not at all. Feel like a first timer all over again!

I thought I would be calmer my second time around. I think if anything, I am more nervous! I am a lot older this time so I know more about everything that can go wrong. I know the odds are in my favor but it's still terrifying, especially since I've been wanting this baby for almost two years now. We only started TTC in March though because it took me that long to convince DH that we should have a baby. I have had serious insane baby fever for over a year.

I'm the same! We were originally going to have three children, but when I started initiating our trying again after DS turned one - almost 4 years ago - DH had changed his mind!! I was sooooo upset. Then for these four years DH has been sometimes slipping up with the pulling out, sometimes dropping hints about baby names etc. It was a whole long mindf&*k truth be told. He finally came around to the idea of NTNP in January and it has taken since then.
Hope you're all well :) feeling alot more positive this week have the sickness feeling all day but feeling better in my self and happier :) .. I totally get the constant worrying all the time, I guess just try and enjoy it too these times are so special.. anyone else thought about writing a pregnancy diary?
Hi guys! I've been lurking but haven't posted in a few days. So here's my introduction:

I'm 30 and DH is 31. It took us nearly 11 months of ttc to get our first ever BFP (I had issues with really long cycles). I work full time in marketing, and DH is waiting to get into nursing school and currently works at a grocery store. We have 1 cat who is getting pretty old and she only likes me because she came with me when I moved out of my parents house 7 years ago. DH and I have been married since 2008, together since 2002. So this baby has been a long wait!

I just got this big packet in the mail for my first appointment on July 6. But I saw it's with this nurse I saw last fall when my cycles were getting longer and longer and wanted help. She basically said there's nothing they can do and just be patient, and didn't run any tests and just blew me off. So now I'm waiting for a call back to see if they can shift some things around so I can see someone else. I don't want to delay my appointment though so unless they just say that they switched a couple of things so I'm at the same time but with a different nurse, then I'll just have to see her. Ugh. She just wasn't very helpful or took my concerns seriously. Thank goodness I found Vitex on my own and fixed my own problems!

Also we're telling both families on Fathers Day this Sunday! We bought gifts for our dads that say "Grandpa" on them :).
Blech, ate four bites of my lunch and that was all I could manage. Okay, I regret not enjoying the nausea free days.
Babyno1 I've always "thought" of it. But I'm not much of a writer :p I did enjoy looking back on this site at my thread from my youngest son though. That's neat!

Hopefully you can get a better nurse ksquared! Dr. not listening and being problematic is why I went with a midwife his time around lol
I'm a little late to the party but can I join too? I got my BFP today for baby #2. I'm due 27th Feb.

Congrats to you all x

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