Hi everyone.I really was not sure where to post this so if you have any suggestions as to where I might want to post it I will appreciate it.My husband and I have will have been married 4 years next month. I have a soon to be 8 year old son from a previous relationship. My husband and I have been talking babies recently, or it may be more me then him lol. My husband is a recovering alcoholic and has been sober two years now. He is having issues with being able to be intimate with me. It has a lot to do with adjusting to sobreity I'm sure. Being a man it's difficult for him to speak openly about it, and me being a woman I do the best I can to make him talk with me about it. He made a few doctor's appts and he has another next month.In the mean time I have been thinking about myself. I am overweight and have very irregular periods. I have been working out and trying to eat right. So far I have taken off about 30lbs since Jan. I am a slow loser because I am a big eater lol. Today I went to see my OB so that I could get a pap and speak with him about my irregular periods. He did an ultra sound and mentioned the lining of my uterus looked a bit thick. He said it meant that I wasn't ovulating and that was causing the bleeding. He gave me a prescription for provera (sp) He said it would stop the bleeing and to go back and see him in 1 month.I am just a little concerned. I am worried first can this issue be cancerous? and second will this mean I will not be able to concieve? I know these are all thoughts I should have spoke to him about but I wasn't thinking while I was there.I am so sorry this post is jumbled and long. Thanks for reading