I have a 5week old baby who is being fed cow and gate stage 1 with TT bottles and variflow teats fom birth. I have just spent the last hour and half feeding her 5oz. She will always fall asleep after an oz or 2, and is a nightmare to waken, i change her halfway through her feed, sometimes this helps, sometimes not. She would still prob take more if I sat feeding her as she was awake towards the end. If she takes any less she will be looking more in an hour though even as it is she will want feeding anywere from 2-4 hours but yet takes an hour or more to feed? At a stage when she was 3 1/2 weeks old she spent a day taking 7 and 8oz feeds, but that has settled, generally now it 5 and 6 ozs. She is also prone to bringing a fair bit of milk back up (not sure if its cos she is taking big quanities). At minute if she is awake she is not content, she feels there should be a bottle in her mouth. She wasnt a big baby when she was born and we had to stay in hospital an extra night cos she was only takking half oz feeds so totally changed around 2week mark. Debating on chnging teats though I thought she would have to work harder from other teats and leave her tired so sleeping and then i thought about moving her to hungrier baby milk although wont solve prob of falling asleep but maybe keep her satisfied longer? Or maybe should change both? Any thoughts, opinions and experiences very welcome!
Sorry such a long version, just wanted to cover all angles!
Sorry such a long version, just wanted to cover all angles!