I've been there!
- lansinoh ointment is your friend slap it on before a feed and after (it's only one you don't need to wipe off before baby feeds). Will heal you and massively ease soreness as LO feeds
- do you have a fast letdown? If so that can cause major wind issues so you can stimulate nipple before a feed, trigger letdown and count to 15 or 20 then stem flow by pushing firmly on nips. This will ease flow pressure for LO when you then feed them
- practise holding your baby with one arm to feed if you can't get on with a sling to do it then you can use other arm to help your eldest with jig saw, bricks, reading book and so on. In eve when eldest asleep and pressure off practise walking whilst holding LO one handed feeding (promise it is doable). You will then be in a better position to feel comfortable doing it with the pressure of LO during day and you will be able to function better by being able to get drinks, snacks, give cuddles and so on
- if you have a v shape pillow these are great for helping one handed feeding when you're sitting down
- use a sticker chart to reward your LO for good behaviour while you feed and make a big fuss about how great they are and reward when they gain a certain amount of stickers