Hi all i am a single mum again as from yesterday through my own choice i split from my bf who was abusive, controlling and aggressive towards me and my son. Yesteray i felt stong and empowered and today i feel lonely and upset. I really can't believe i got my self into this mess again. My first baby daddy left me at 8weeks pg and never wanted anything to do with us. I have now a 9 month old with my now ex bf i hate being a single mum! But putting up being scared is just as bad. i am now on my own with two kids at 22 my youngest is also mixed race. B4 i fell pg my ex wasn't abusive but so nice! I never want a man again i dont think i will ever find someone who will love and care for me and not want to hurt me so i better just stear clear all together. im very upset and worried about the future.