Feeling so hopeless


Pregnant mom of 1
Jan 12, 2013
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I can't stand the way I'm feeling. I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant, and I can't help but feel like I have already ruined this pregnancy. It seems like I can't even go a day without doing something that is harmful to my baby. My son was conceived with help from a fertility clinic, so this pregnancy was unplanned. It's very wanted, but just unplanned. We didn't expect it to happen naturally and we weren't really trying. So although I am very excited and happy about this pregnancy, I'm just very unprepared.

I hadn't been taking prenatal vitamins before I got pregnant. I started them the day I got my BFP. When I got the BFP, I already had a doctors appointment that day for something unrelated. He took me off a medication that I was on because it wasn't safe for pregnancy. He put me on something different that he said was safe for pregnancy. I took it for a week before finding out that it is not safe during the first trimester. I called my high-risk ob/gyn and she reassured me that I would be fine. I started drinking lemon ginger tea to help with nausea and now I found out lemongrass is not safe during pregnancy. We just bought new bedroom furniture this week and all of a sudden I find out that new furniture should be avoided during pregnancy after I've been inhaling this "new furniture smell". I also read tap water isn't safe!? IS ANYTHING SAFE ANYMORE???

I can't stand it! I feel like I have already given this baby a horrible start because I'm doing absolutely everything wrong! This baby has no chance! I've been a wreck today, and I've just been crying nonstop because I feel like this baby is going to have so much wrong with him/her because of all the mistakes I've made. Am I crazy? It's getting to the point where they just need to lock pregnant women up in protective bubbles and feed them only vitamins and water (but not tap water!). It seems nothing is safe for pregnant women anymore and it just makes me so mad!!!
I know this is really bad to think about but when I have any worries I think about the show I didn't know I was pregnant. Most of the women on the show didn't find out they were pregnant till they were giving birth or till a week before they gave birth. Most of them gave birth to completely healthy babies, I think there were a few premies but for the most part everyone was healthy. Women have been giving birth long before modern medicine and they got through it ok. Obviously you shouldn't purposely do something you know is unhealthy but I think doing one little thing that isn't recommended should be fine, especially if you didn't know you weren't supposed to do it. There are women on the streets who don't miscarry and yes it's very sad but it kind of helps reassure me because I know I'm making a conscious effort to be healthy. It's like how they say one cookie won't ruin your diet and one salad won't make you healthy, if you overall are making an effort to make the healthiest decisions for your growing baby one little mistake shouldn't hurt.
I think all that is overly cautious. I'm sure your baby is just fine
My first pregnancy, I did all the "right" things and it ended in miscarriage.

My second, I had no symptoms for the first couple of weeks and it was right after my miscarriage. I drank alcohol, went on theme park rides, ate soft cheese, processed meats and my weight in soft serve icecream. I couldn't keep the vitamins down so I stopped taking them. I had a fall onto my stomach, a car crash and gallstones caused by my rapid weight loss because I couldn't keep food down. My daughter was the picture of health.

The third, I was extremely healthy and relaxed. That ended in miscarriage too.

You just do the best you can. It's extremely unlikely that any of the things you gag listed are going to harm your baby. You're just doing the best you can and that's ok.
Today I feel the same. Ive had a really tough past in terms of my two children, one born still and the second born with a birth defect. I cant help but feel like I am a total failure and shouldn't be pregnant again. No advice, just sympathy. Im having a hard day.
Thank you for your responses. I have my 8 week appointment tomorrow morning so I'm going to talk to my doctor about all these things. I'm really hoping she tells me that I'm overreacting and that I have nothing to worry about.
Ok I can completely relate to your concerns, but let me share this with you.
When I became pregnant with my first baby back in 2008, it was completely unplanned, my husband and I had literally JUST gotten married, and we had planned to take our honeymoon 2 months after we got married.
So we went on our honeymoon, to the Dominican Republic.just before we left I got super sick with a sinus infection, and started to take this over the counter sudafed medication to help with the symptoms, I was drinking, and one afternoon, while swimming in the ocean and HUGE wave barrelled over me and knocked me and tumbled me under the water and Slammed my whole body into the sand. I broke my rib! Sooooo painful.
So that night after I broke my rib, I had a dream (I had NO clue I was pregnant at this point), in the dream I pulled out this shrimp looking thing out of my belly. I held it between my fingers and held it up to me ear. And said ...'ohhhh you ARE ok' I could hear and feel the heartbeat between my fingers, so I put the baby back in my belly.
I told my husband and friends the next day. My best friend who was also on vacation there, said 'ARE you actually pregnant?!' Noooooooooo....
Sure enough a week later I found out I was expecting!
All of this to say that little baby, is now a VERY healthy, smart, loving 6 year old!! Regardless of all the drinking I did, and the broken rib, all turned out just fine!!
So hang in there..baby will be totally fine!!! Hugs

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